
The family

he has found found his queen

Dhaka_Walker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


the due date

it is raining outside, and Viktor got the following week off, so he can help out his wife with the fit studio, but after yesterday at the hospital, Kari was in the kitchen, Viktor walked up to her, " yesterday I was out of line, I shouldn't push you at the wall, I should pull you up the steps causing you to fall, babe, the love between us hasn't died, and I promise you, my queen your king will always be madly in love with you, he never stops loving you and he will always be here for you, you believe me babe? she strokes his face, " I know my king, I not mad, I get you was concern abut Hunter, I was to Reno, I always will forgive you. they kissed each other, he picks her up and takes her upstairs to their room, and the morning they make out, they try to make their marriage last, meanwhile, in the office Scarface is asking for a heavyweight title match against Viktor, and Ivory told him tonight that she wants him to walk her out, " you need to get your steaks up Scarface right now your steaks is at 78%, he has this whole week out, and no, he is a married man like others the only reason you are after him Ivory because he winning his matches and he, not the underdog anymore, leave Viktor alone the both of you, go near him I will terminate your contract and you never wrestle again on the face of thisearth, and what you did to Hunter you and Blade are despendided without hazard all three off you pack your locker and go home, don't show up, don't call I will let you know when I have you down for matches, he told all three, they pack up their lockers and left, back at the Nevada castle, she is in the bed while Viktor is fixing them breakfast before he heads out to the studio, he put everything on the tray andwalked up the step into their room, he got back in bed and cut their tv on, as they watch the news they start to eat breakfast, this only lid the fire under Ivory she is more determine to get Viktor for herself, after they finished up their breakfast and the news went off the tv, they both washed up and got dressed, he helped her down stairs, " easy mom, easy. they made itdown the steps, it is getting close for her to deliver their sons, they could come now or tonight, " we going to need to tray in ourcars fora van, said. Kari, " nope we make it work, I take three in mine, and you take three in yours, said. Viktor, they got in the truck and drive out their gates, he rubs her stomach, she looks at him, as they pulled up at the studio, he got out of the truck and open her door and carefully helps her out of the truck, " I want revenge so bad babe, what I am going to do? asked, Viktor, they kissed each other, he rubs his chest. " the good thing Reno he is okay, let your boss deal with them, said, Kari, they kissed each other again, " they are a perfect couple, said. Adam, " yes, they are Adam, soon we going have little ones running around here getting into everything. said, Stacie, he rubs his wife's stomach, and they walked inside the studio, " hey our fit queen and king, said. Stacie, " he guys, how is everything? asked, Kari, " great, we are Rockin here, the broadcasting got us more customers K, said. Adam, " it is still on and that is good, go train your trainee Reno, I being in the office doing some interviews, and do some counting and paywall, said. Kari, he kissed her on the forehead, he sooo in love with her, Kari is his everything, " okay, if it's time call me, let me help her in in the office then we will begin to run the floor, " okay, she takes his hand andthey walked through the gate and down the hallway, they walked into the office he sat her in the chair, " after we leave here, we go see how Hunter doing and go pick the car seats, you do realize mom and dad can't make the trip up, so we going have to make the trip down, due is near I think after they are here, said. Viktor, they kissed each other. " that will be good, they still are newborns, we need strollers for six babies, they kissed again, He walked out of the office he begin to show Adam how to walk the floor, with new customers call-ins and walk ins every day. it is 8:00 am they are still busy but slowing down. Kari just finished ding some interviews, and the paywall, but it was time her water just broke, " (huh, Reno it's time they are coming, ) _("I on my way, babe,) ran up the floor he jump over the gate and into the office, he picks her up and carrying her out off the office and out the studio. he put her in the truck, headed down to the clinic, he pulls up and got a wheelchair and help her out of the car put her in the chair, and take her in, they register her in the hospital, took her to the room, Dr. Lung walked inside their room, and check on her, everything is on time, they on their way, Viktor is pasting the floor he is so nervous, she looked at him. " you are going to be a wonderful father just like you were a wonderful boyfriend and now a wonderful husband, he walked up to her they kissed each other, " you are going to be a wonderful mother just like you are wonderful girlfriend and now an amazing wife, she strokes his face, they roll her into the delivery room, everyone-from the studio show to meet the new babies, a few minutes later all six of their sons were here and healthy,