
Year 20

I guess fighting with gods really wasn't a good idea I've been fighting with all these gods for twenty year and the great god hasn't even entered the battle I've already lost 32% of my clones and its been 20 years

But theres one positive these gods are all tiring, as i was about to kill one and get even more strength to kill the rest in a week tops

The boss interrupts "Enough Leave them be!" He demanded

I was impressed at his pride when he spoke

"Look at me Virus… Do you know what god i am, i am the oldest of all the deities to exist since before existence i am the Origin and the Demise."

I look at him "So what, I don't care I'm just here for these fools and then those overlords."

The Great God responded "you misunderstand one thing i am the origin of everything and its demise, i split myself to create everything and when its demise comes my true form shall be reborn. That is the reason everything exists. You and i are not so different you born from the hatred of the gods me born from the hatred of the last great god of origin and demise before this existence existed.

And i wish for one thing from you bring me the heads of the five overlords that dare betray the Gods.

Do this and i promise you will become the next God of origin and Demise."

I thought about it for a while but i will go with the phrase I've always said

"Kill, Consume, Multiply, Conquer!"

The gods even the ones on the floor smiled a devilish smile

And Simultaneously said in a unisoned voice of harmony no heaven had

"We accept your wish to Kill Life, We accept your wish to Consume Life, We accept your wish to Multiply Life, We accept your wish to Conquer Life, but you will not do it alone there is another chosen by the other gods. Your complete opposite he is disgusting, but he will free you once he arrives and figure the secret of the Five Primordial Towers, he will fight with life unlike us, but Nonetheless it matters not You will work with him and Defeat the Overlord. Then each other, Who will be the one who wins? The new Great gods or me The oldest of them the God of Demise and Origin."

I widened my eyes i had been the one behind the illusion, the trick i used against all my previous prey i should have recognized it.

I screamed the voices of trillions upon trillions to these five Gods that was only one god who went by different names

As the universe went silent and dark for me