
The Exchange Student // Marcus Gunnarsen

Alexa Clark has been chosen to go to Trofors, Norway as an Exchange student. While there she meets some unexpected people.

koalacosplays · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

The flight

I wake up to the sound of my alarm.


"OH SHUT UP I'M AWAKE!" I yell at the alarm, hitting the snooze button.

 "It's 7 am, we've got 2 hours to get you to the Airport so we'll have to leave in an hour Alexa, start to get ready" mum shouts up the stairs but I can barely hear her through the door.

At that moment I hear a ding, it's coming from my phone. When I look it's an email from school saying the address that I will be staying at. It says the girls name is Maja and I will meet her when I get there because it would be a Saturday by the time I get there (I think im just guessing I've never been to Norway) and school finishes at 3 pm, just like my school. 

I get out of bed and do my morning routine (Breakfast, Shower, Get dressed, Brush my hair, Clean my teeth, and finally do my makeup) I then pack the extra stuff that I used this morning and will need in Norway.

I walk downstairs and check the time, I have 10 minutes. I meet my mum in the car with all my stuff and she drives me to the Airport and we get there with just enough time for me to put my luggage on the plane say goodbye and get to my seat.

I'm on my phone for a few hours, checking my Instagram and other social media sites looking at my feed, famous singers, youtubers, celebs, no one that I actually know, and before I know it my eyes begin to get heavier and heavier until I have fallen into a deep sleep.

~Authors/Editors notes~

I might post another part after this today, I haven't got anything to do. I hope you guys like the book, if you do please comment and vote. Thanks guys for reading and see ya in the next part

-5th of May

Wow this was short damn. Anywayyyy Ill put the next one up too like I did when I wrote this. Sticking to my word from back then I promise. I edited this at about 10pm ish because I was bored but hey new year in 2 hours :D

-Last day of 2020