
17. Life inside the Mansion

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Ethan was woken up by the masked people early in the morning. These masked people always kept an eye on him and he was never left alone.

He couldn't even bath, eat or shit peacefully as there would be always someone to watch over him.

Ethan sighed and went to take a bath under the observation of the masked people.

After he was done bathing, he was led to an another room to eat.

Looking at the plate of food on the table, Ethan reviewed the plan he had made yesterday before he succumbed to sleep.

In order to let Victor to heal him continuously for at least five seconds, Ethan had to make sure that he was seriously injured. However due to the masked men keeping eye on him, he couldn't try it at all.

So the only chance for him to get injured was under the torture of Eliza.

Eliza had a feitsh where she would increase the intensity of torture until Ethan would scream out like a little kid.

However she was so skilled in the torture that even Ethan who had developed some resistance to the torture over few days was helpless against it.

'No that's my only hope in gaining Victor's ability and then escape from here. Without that I would just be a sitting duck who would get constantly f*cked by Eliza.'

Moroeover Ethan still had his doubts on why Eliza had saved him from death against the fight with that giant. He was not a fool to believe that she had done this on whim. At least Ethan must have something that she desires or is valuable to her.

'Could being immortal make my blood special or more tasty?' Ethan wondered but still he shook his head as that reasoning wasn't probable, because Eliza hadn't even touched his blood let alone drinking it.

'Does she really prefers handsome humans?' Ethan thought.

But then he quickly dismissed that thought, knowing that Eliza had never shown any interest in him that way. It was a mystery that bothered him, but he knew better than to confront her about it.

'Maybe she's just a sadistic b*tch,' Ethan decided to not think anymore and focus on the current situation.

After he was done eating, the masked people once again led him back to Eliza's room.

While walking towards her room Ethan's hands trembled a bit. But the next second he tightly grasped his fist.

Ethan tried to calm down as he tried to reassure himself, 'Afraid of just a little bit of pain? No, fear of pain won't solve anything. This is an important step towards my freedom.'

Ethan's heart raced as the masked figures pushed him into Eliza's room. The cold, dimly lit space sent a shiver down his spine, but he forced himself to stay composed. He knew what was coming, and he had to steel himself for the inevitable pain.

Eliza sat on a plush velvet chair, her dark eyes glinting behind the mask that covered the upper half of her face. Her lips curled into a cruel smile as she watched Ethan enter the room. Without a word, the masked figures began to tie him to a wooden pole, securing his arms and legs so tightly that he could hardly move.

Ethan gritted his teeth as the ropes bit into his skin, but he refused to show any sign of weakness. He knew that Eliza thrived on his suffering, and he would not give her the satisfaction of seeing him break so easily.

As the last knot was tightened, Ethan took a deep breath and braced himself for what was to come. Eliza rose from her seat and strolled over to him, a glint of anticipation in her eyes. She reached out and ran a finger along the length of the whip that hung from her belt, savoring the moment before she would unleash her sadistic desires upon him.

Ethan's muscles tensed as he tried to prepare himself for the pain, but nothing could truly dull the torment that he knew was coming. The first lash of the whip tore through the air with a sickening crack, and Ethan felt the searing agony of it cutting into his flesh.

He fought against the overwhelming urge to scream, the agony threatening to consume him. He bit down on his lip until he tasted the metallic tang of blood, desperate to stifle the sound that threatened to escape his throat for as long as possible.

But with each merciless strike and the increasing intensity of the torture, the pain became unbearable, and finally, he let out a guttural cry that echoed through the room.

Eliza's laughter filled the air, a mocking symphony that only tried to deepen Ethan's despair. He had hoped to endure the torment in silence, to deny her the satisfaction of his suffering. But in the end, he was only human, and even the strongest will could falter under such excruciating agony.

The lashes continued to rain down upon him, each one sending shockwaves of torment through his body. Every fiber of his being screamed for release, for the mercy of unconsciousness to free him from the unrelenting torture. But still, he clung to consciousness, unwilling to let Eliza break him so easily.

Ethan lost all track of time as the relentless torment continued. Each strike of the whip carved new lines of suffering into his flesh.

When Eliza finally called a halt to the torture, Ethan hung limply from the pole, his body battered and broken but his spirit not yet extinguished. He gasped for breath, his entire being consumed by the agony that throbbed through every inch of his being.

'At least I lasted longer than before,' Ethan thought while his body stung with pain, hoping that the time of healing would increase as compared to before.

Soon Victor came into the room and started healing Ethan.

'Infinitely close to reach four seconds,' Ethan concluded as the process of healing was stopped.

'I need to hold on for more,' Ethan's resolve strengthened as his heart desparately craved for freedom.

After Victor finished, he commented, "You even broke a few bones this time."

"Well, the slave was very keen on entertaining me and kept holding his screams for a significant amount of time," Eliza spoke, pleased with Ethan's behavior and thinking that he was doing it for her.

She then looked at Ethan, who looked a bit lost, and spoke, "I am very pleased with your behavior, slave. Tell me, what do you want as a reward?"

Ethan looked at Eliza and knew that she was testing him. If he asked for things like freedom, he knew that his situation would become even worse. Fortunately, he already had something in mind that he wanted to ask her for as a reward.

"I don't want people to stare at me while bathing," Ethan spoke in a low voice, glancing at the masked men.

Eliza looked at Ethan and then smiled gracefully, "Very well, my slave. From today, you can bathe alone in peace. No one will keep a watch on you while you are bathing."

She appeared to be pleased by Ethan's request since it was something that could be easily fulfilled.

'Good, good, you seem to know your place,' she thought as she looked at Ethan, who was led outside the room by the masked men.

Ethan's request may have seemed simple on the surface, but only he knew that it would play an important role in his escape.


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