
The Check-Up

- Medbay, Sol Calendar 2687-03-16 , 1330 Hours-

"Alright sir, we'll continue with our check-up then."

The cheery nurse has regained her poise and resumed with the check-up.

"Sure thing Karina. Sorry for that delay just now. I'll give that idiot a punch later after this."

Zuman said apologetically to her.

"No worries sir. It's not like we have a deadline to follow right now anyway. Have you had your lunch yet sir?"

"Nope, no time and I don't feel hungry yet. I'll have it after this."

Though honestly it's just that he has no appetite at all. For the past few days, his nutrient intake has only been on a need-to basis. It's as if he has no desire for food anymore. He's aware that it's not good for the body in the long run, but as long as the body has the minimum fuel required, he can't be bothered beyond that.

".... If you say so sir. I'll start with the routine questions first then."

Both are aware that the short pause was her way of letting him know that she's already seen through his facade, but she'll just ignore it to give him face.


"What is your name?"

"Zuman Raph."

"Where's your birthplace?"

"In an ambulance that was on the way to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital. Apparently I was too impatient to get out into the world."

"When's your birthdate?"

"January 2388"

"What's your age today?"

"299 years and 2 months."

Yes. He is 299 years old, thanks to advanced Nano medicine tech. Breakthrough came in the year 2343, but this tech wasn't spread to the public. The world government kept it as a special privilege for the leaders that have contributed greatly to the world and for leading researchers. The leading researchers was especially prominent because the example of the 2 mad scientists who could only reliably replicate their glorious accident after 10 painstaking years of trial and error highlighted how, for humans, time is the biggest obstacle in the path towards advancement. It is not a matter of 'If' but a matter of 'When'.

After numerous trial errors, they have managed to artificially engineer what was known in ancient times as 'Immortals'. As per trial records show, these 'Immortals' can still die from accidents or suicide but not old age. They are literally undying.

The technology involves injecting Nano machines into the body of the recipient. Rejections are rare, but have been documented. Even then, rejections can usually be rectified by re-adjusting the Nano machines.


There are 4 layers involved in the Nano therapy.

1) Microbivore. Essentially, artificial white blood cells that are a lot more aggressive in action, but have been programmed to only avoid cells that is recognized as healthy. 3 microns in diameter at its major axis and 2 microns in diameter ensure that it is able to smoothly flow along the narrowest of human capillaries. Equipped with feelers that would latch on to pathogens, break them down to small pieces and feed them into its 'mouth', grinding them into basic composition of amino acids, fatty acids and sugars. These artificial white blood cells essentially eliminate any possibility of cancer as any uncontrolled mutation that deviates from the genome parameter is eliminated.

2) Respirocyte. Red Blood cells on steroids and then some. Roughly at least a hundred times more effective than the normal blood cells in transporting oxygen. Basically, 5 ccs of this diluted into the blood helps boost the oxygen flow in the body.

As a side effect, this allows the Immortals to have a short burst of explosive movement and awareness from the oxygen boost to cells. Think bullet time, but on a short scale.

3) Chromallocyte. Our gene and chromosome inevitably goes through wear and tear. Meaning that even if we can attempt to rejuvenate the body by giving it all the nutrients it requires, there is still an expiration date on it. Say the average human lives up to 75 years, but with intensive care, he/she can stretch that to 100+ years, but not exceeding 150 years as of now, at least not without resorting to artificial parts such as prosthetic limbs or organs.

As of the year 2100, every human on the planet has been required to submit their genome sequence every 5 years as part of an ongoing research to determine whether the genome sequence evolves or devolves. While this research didn't really do much, the side effect is that everyone on Earth already treats submitting their genome sequence as normal.

What this Nano machine does is to reset the expiration date of our gene and chromosome. Using genome sequence taken from a person when he/she is aged 20 years old, this machine will go around the human body to repair and rejuvenate any degraded gene or chromosome strand.

It's basically similar to going around a 200 year old house, doing restoration with the original blueprint in hand so that there's no change, and as such, the person would be kept at his/her prime of youth.

4) Asclecyte. Cell technicians. These machines will go around searching for enlarged or disabled mitochondria and reverse/repair the damage.

Best thing in employing Nano machines is the lack of need for external power sources. The Nano machines catalyze the electrolytes in our blood for power, so basically as long as an 'Immortal' is energized and fed properly, the Nano machines will perform at their peak.

All these combined will allow the person involved to be functionally undying. Also, with technology always growing, any advancements or discovery in medical technology, especially cellular enhancements, will be reflected in the genome sequence template. Meaning that the government will always review the genome sequence from time to time and if there is any significant medical advancement, to update and correct the genome sequence records, with the full knowledge and permission of the 'Immortal' involved of course. After all, self-determination is a strong factor in a person's psyche. An 'Immortal' that has lost the will to live will basically just rot inside as a living corpse and suicide cases from this have been recorded.

A mitigating attempt by the government against suicide due to despondency is that any recipient of the 'Immortal' therapy is allowed to choose 1 person to receive the therapy with them, provided that the person is a relative, either by direct blood relation or marriage. Meaning parents, siblings, children or spouse.

That was the case with Dalbir and Kavita. He used it for that lovely wife of his (The lucky bastard, [cursed Zuman]).

This however carries its own pitfall. In the case of married Immortals, any children they might have are vetted carefully to prevent the Nano machines from being passed down. This means that the parents involved are doomed to watch their offspring grow up, grow old and pass away. And this will go on until generations later. Dalbir and Kavita have watched their sons and daughters pass away due to old age and also their great granddaughter pass away due to a sudden flare of one of those plagues which will suddenly come and go in the human history.

To keep this fact a secret from the public, the family of the involved 'Immortals' have been forced to sign a NDA <1> disallowing them from going public. Also, for convenience sake, the Immortals would usually get adopted by one of their descendants or relatives as a smokescreen. After all, it's easier to pass as relatives when you look similar and know the details of the family intimately. As they're supposed to age, the passage of time will be assisted with makeups or prosthetics. It has always tickled the Immortals to greet each other at different stages of life.

As for Zuman, his current cover is as an adopted son by a descendant of his long gone sister. In the public eye, he is just a lab assistant who is currently posted on one of the planet undergoing terraformation to help explain his long absence from Earth. Basically, to the public eye, he's just a low level worker. He had planned to break the news of his real status to his ex-fiancé after marriage and after getting approval for her transformation into an Immortal like him. It has been 2 years since his last visit back home and they have been keeping touch via holovid messages. In fact, just the week prior to his surprise visit, they were exchanging news of each other with all the mushy romantic messages involved. But apparently, she didn't think he was even worth telling the truth.

And we're back to the check-up


"Any recent headaches or pain?"

"Not physically, no."

"Alright, we'll get a scan of your body and the Nano machines to ensure that they're at the peak as per usual, will that be alright?"

Karina asked gently.

"Sure Karina. As usual right?"

He gave her a small grin before relaxing his body on the exam bed so that the scan will go more smoothly.

She takes a step back, blinks twice as she summons the holo interface before proceeding to inputting her commands into the system. As for the previous QnA? The audio has already been automatically recorded the moment they acknowledged the start of the session. As she enters her commands with practiced ease, a transparent ring comes into being at the foot of the bed before it slowly moves up the bed, recording everything in its way. As she looks on, her face doesn't show any change in expression, which he takes as a good sign.

"Alright sir, preliminary check doesn't show any anomalous readings aside from insufficient nutrients."

The last part was said with a reproachful look at him, as if she's silently saying (You should know better than to let this happen don't you?).

"The report has been passed to Doctor Dalbir and if there's anything we'll call you up for further checks, okay sir?"

"Sure Karina, you're a lifesaver. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find your doctor and give him a good punch."

"Try not to leave a bruise. He's insufferably noisy when he has a trophy like that."

"Thanks for the reminder."

Last Edit


1 NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement = A contract that creates a legal obligation to privacy and compels those involved to keep any specified information secret.

Merry Christmas.

I apologize for being a bit late.

I got invited to so many Christmas lunches and they're so delicious. I ate like a glutton and got so damned full. Almost fell asleep all the way then remembered I still have this chap to upload.

P/S: I'm not a Christian, but my Christian friends gave the invite.

Vrad_Zechscreators' thoughts
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