
[Origin of Water]

On land, Noah travelled directly to Albert's office and soon arrived at it.

He pushed the doors open and his eyes immediately set on the table.

A sword lay on two wooden stands. Its body was slightly curved as it dipped in a bit between them. Noah recognized its shape as a katana from earth.

He walked closer and noticed its intricate design. The scabbard was a mixture of blue and white. Designed on were two serpents starting from opposite ends going through clouds as they wrapped around it, one white the together blue. Their heads ended on opposite sides of the scabbard, each showed one side of their head so only one eye could be seen. One had a blue eye which Noah knew was the Ancient Water Crystal. The white serpent had a white crystal, the primordial ice crystal, as an eye.

All of this was the magic circle engraved onto the scabbard of the weapon.

The design was drawn traditionally and made with a few stokes yet looked detailed. The guard was silver and the hilt at the end had been wrapped with an ocean blue and white cloth to give a comfortable grip.

Noah noticed a white paper wrapping around the hilt and sheath holding the sword in. On it was some type of ancient characters in blue.

He picked up the sword and finally felt strange, no energy was coming off from the sword, he didn't even see the system show its information.

Albert at his side watched earnestly, he noticed Noah's confusion but didn't answer instead said, "I sensed you were coming so I put it up. What do you think?"

"It's a bit eye-catching in design don't you think?" Noah said jokingly as he held it. The sword would stand out greatly if he wore it he then looked back at Albert, "This paper on the guard is it some type of sealing talisman?"

"It is. If it wasn't there this room wouldn't already be covered in ice. I've outdone myself this time..." Albert sighed as he scratched his chin. "Remove the seal and gain recognition from the sword to use it."

Noah nodded. He grabbed the end of the pulled it odd unwrapping it. BOOM! Wet and Cold energy covered him as ice started to form on his hands. He had woken up a hibernating beast.

Pulling the hilt, Click! It opened. He got a glimpse of the blade before energy torrented at him from the blade. It was as if a tsunami coming at him, he was able to push through it. The blade settled for a moment then what seemed similar to arctic winds came out freezing the room. Noah tried holding out but lost consciousness.


Next thing Noah knew he was in the middle of a snowy world.

White was all around. He looked up and saw an avalanche of snow coming in his direction. He could tell this was a test from the sword. To use it he needed to prove himself worthy.

This was a world in his mind, similar to a dream. He didn't have a limitation to his mana just willpower.

Noah took a step forward as ice layered his hand and went up his forearm. Giving up off an unprecedented chill and sharpness. He raised it up.

Frost Slayer!

Cold energy burst out as Noah slashed down with his hand.

The avalanche approaching stopped. All the snow falling in his direction had been encased in blue ice. Noah watched the whole frozen mountain and was stunned by the power of the skill. He had done that with a simple wave of his hand.

"I've only begun to understand it but it's already this strong... S Class skills really deserve their reputation." Noah thought.


He was back in the real world. The sword had now been unsheathed, Siing! It vibrated as if to tell him he had been recognised. The energy coming off had stopped channelling out into the world but into him.

The blade was as thin as a wing of a butterfly, it was as wide as two fingers while also being quite long. From the hilt he noticed small scales coming out from the guard covering the blade. They then seamlessly merged forming the single-edged blade.

The guard could be seen better now without the talisman covering it. It was circular connected to the sword strongly. It was designed to have two small serpents eating each other's tail to form the circle. Both serpents had jewels for both eyes. One with Ancient Water Crystals, the other with Primordial Ice Crystals.

[Origin of Water] (C Class)

Strength +349, Agility +499, Physique +99, Intelligence +299, Wisdom +149, Sense +99, Mana +199

Sealed Form: [Limpid State] The sword is currently in its dormant form. It is extremely sharp and fast. Its body is gentle like a still pool. It has increased the power of all water and ice skills used.

1st Transformation, Water Release: [Formless] The blade of the sword loses all shape turning into a flowing stream that may be shaped to your will.

2nd Transformation: Full Release: [Water Sword Palace] Release the energy completely transforming the sword to its true form.

Secret Transformation, Ice Release: [Sever] Bring out the hidden energy within the sword turning the blade of the sword into ice. It reaches unprecedented sharpness and speed being able to cut through all matter.

Secret Transformation, Full Release: [Frozen Rose Garden] Release all the hidden energy showing the swords true secret form.

This weapon was a C Class. Noah turned to look at Albert, he had already expected as much after the whole process of unsheathing it. But now it was confirmed.

Albert laughed seeing Noah's shock, "I told you to trust me. My talent let it break through the limit put by the system reaching the C Class." He then moved to explain, "The Origin of Water actually quite different than normal weapons. It doesn't have any active or passive skills. It's something you see quite often in C Class and above weapons. They normally have so many skills that they are put together in some way."

"Here we have transformations. Its effect of using scales on the blade. I used the spine of the serpent with the S Class energy in it as a core and the scales have been layered on, both have been condensed into their purest energy forms, ended up making the blade being able to change form."

Noah looked at the blade and noticed the scales. He waved it, "Formless." The thin blade curved turning into a stream of water. He whipped around and turned it off seeing that he didn't have much space here.

"The Full releases will be difficult for you now but you should be fine with the first release and secret release. They both are already strong enough. You'll have to experience it yourself to understand my brilliance."

Noah sheathed the sword and hung it to his left side with the Cursed Requiem. He had replaced the Ancient Magic Wood Flintlock from the two weapons he had equipped. He still needed the Helleborus to give the synergy effect with the Cursed Requiem.

His attributes increased greatly all around now.

Noah picked up the sealing talisman he had kept down, "Can I keep this?"

"Sure, it isn't much." Albert nodded.

Noah put it away, he didn't need it anymore but he felt like he could one day find a use for it.

"Show me your token, I have something else for you," Albert said.

Noah took out the bronze token he had. Albert took it from Noah and his hand lit on fire. The token changed colour to Silver.

"You're now a VIP member. Now quite a few more options have opened for you. You should check it out."

The system opened the shop for him. He went through the items and noticed another section- vehicles.

There were three options. The first and most expensive was the Dwarven Jeep Vr.1 for 10,000 gold. Then there was the option for two motorcycles: Dwarven Motorcycle Vr.2 and Dwarven Motorcycle Vr.3, 4,000 and 5,000 gold respectfully.

Noah picked the more expensive of the two bikes.

A black bracelet appeared through the system.

[Dwarven Motorcycle Vr.3]

A Motorcycle that was designed by the Dwarfs. It uses mana for fuel and can last ten years without stopping.

He wore the bracelet on his right wrist as he left. He then stopped at the door, "That coffin you used to store the corpse of the Ancient Water Serpent, can I buy it?"

Albert thought and answered, "It's not for sale... but I can let you borrow a spare I keep."

"I'll be boring it then," Noah said with a smile. He got the black coffin from Albert then left.

Outside he looked at his Black Demon Card, it was now 7,000 lesser than before he entered. He still had quite a bit of gold left but he wanted to save up for when he left the Protected Zone. He shook his head as he waved his right hand.

The bracelet came off and transformed into a black motorcycle on the ground in front of him. It was like a beast as it stood. It was wide in structure, with its tires being almost as wide as he was. It looked quite similar to the motorcycles on earth.

It was made for travelling through all terrains at high speeds. Noah sat on his feet slid back as his head went forward and a thin glass screen rose.


People who were passing by stopped and looked at the motorcycle revving up. They were all shocked by its appearance.

Someone ran to Noah, "Bro, can you tell me where you bought it?"

Noah looked at him and pointed his thumb at the Dwarven Blacksmith Assossicaiton next to him.

He then accelerated. The motorcycle blasted off, going through the crowd and reaching the Teleportation Hall. It then teleported with him to a town almost immediately coming out of it after he appeared.

Its speed was incredible. It was why he had immediately bought it. He revved it up further speeding up as he went through the forest.

The motorcycle could reach supersonic speeds at its fastest. This made it perfect for travelling around in.


Noah didn't hear it but the monsters around did, but he travelled too fast for them to even see him. He had broken through the speed of sound and was now reaching Mach 1.1. This was the fastest he could handle for now.

Even now he could barely control it as he bulldozed a few trees. Luckily all of the pieces passed over him so he was uninjured. The bike was extremely durable so he didn't need to worry.

The Motorcycle made it out from the forest onto a beach riding into the water, disappearing into the ocean.