
The Elven Cariñosa

“I hope you’d marry someone rich and kind. Just… make sure you’re alert around humans too, Hiraya.” Stated the sibling as he carried the sack and walked away to their truck. Hiraya Flores, a charming elven kid who loves to help her family in the crops and any agricultural work. She was still studying when she had to take note of her brother’s advice, which affected her being around humans. Until one day, Hiraya was forced to move somewhere far from her family since she didn’t like the idea of wielding powers like her other siblings. She was sent to an academy to train as nobles, once trained as one, they have the freedom to climb up the ranks and to have the power in the government. As she strolled around the academy, she bumped into someone with a strong manly scent, as she looked up, it was a human being. “Are you okay? Pardon me if I must’ve been blocking your pathway, I’m Manuel Javier. The 2nd son of the current President of our country. I suppose you chose this way rather than having to be violent about gaining supernatural powers, correct?” Hiraya was confused, how was he able to read her at such a short amount of time? As Manuel reached his hand out towards Hiraya, she remembered what her sibling told her- and wanted to change his mind.

_kxzumie_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


I woke up… On a bed..?

I felt a sting on my head, I held my head and slowly sat up. Where am I?

I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted with a dim light. I looked around, the place wasn't familiar. The room's scent was familiar, however the room was still a mystery.

"Are you awake?" A familiar voice echoed through the other side of the door.

I tried not to reply until the door violently swung open.

"About time you got up." Her emerald hair shone under the dim light as her long elven ears peaked through the side of her hair. It was Solace. She was wearing a silky nightgown and was holding a tray with a pitcher of juice and a sandwich on it.

"W-Where am I? What's going on?" I asked her. She replied with an awkward smile with a worried look as her brows furrowed.

"It may seem kind of awkward to tell this to you, but I wanted to be as private as possible. You know how much I care for you." She placed the tray down on the bed. I then glanced on my left, it was very bright, was it the next day already? How long have I been knocked out?

"We were worried for you Solace? Where were you hiding this whole time?" I squinted my eyes from the sunlight that peeked through the window.

Solace sat down beside me. "It doesn't matter." She says.

"But what matters is this." She fixed herself and looked me straight in the eye.

"I've heard from a small group that Manuel is dating this girl named Leighanne. A human."

My head tilted from the side, confused and slowly letting her words sink in my mind.

"I'm sorry?" I said, still not convinced.

"I have seen it myself too. Last night, I went to buy some flowers for my newly bought flower pots when I saw Manuel kissing this blonde woman. I even have pictures for you to see." She said,

I was speechless, a hint of betrayal and hatred filled my mind that I can almost feel smoke escaping my ears. What is happening? Why is it happening? I couldn't seem to understand what was happening.

"Why are you telling me this now? Why didn't you tell me the moment you saw it happen?" I ask, still confused, but there was bitterness in my tone.

She looked down.

"It's because I know Leighanne. She saw me that night. If she knew I peeped on them, I'd be dead. Literally. Her parents are close friends with the President, and she'll do anything just to get rid of people who stand in her way."

She was shivering, Leighanne must've done something traumatizing towards Solace or even towards other people, but that doesn't matter to me since she's human. Humans might have the upper hand since the President here is human as well, but that won't change the fact that I can just stand down and stay silent. I bit my lip in which I could taste a hint of blood. How long are they going to keep this thing between her and Manuel up in secret? I just can't get the thought out of my mind, how was it easy for him to do this towards me? Where did this Leighanne come from anyway? Why now? Or does she not know that Manuel is already dating someone?

"I get it now. This must be the reason why I don't receive updates from Manuel for the past few weeks. I guess he thought he found someone better than me." My voice was shaking but not from sadness. I was still unsure but the thought of it alone makes me tremble in fear and pain. If I don't confront him, how long 'til he finally admits it to me?

But is everything true? I don't want to think bad about Solace because she's my dearest best friend. She was with me during my lowest times and I can't just accept the fact that it may be just a bluff for her to make a move towards Manuel because she, too, likes him very much. But if that's the case, she could've done something weird in the past.

I was too stunned to speak nor move, everything just doesn't feel right after hearing this from Solace. I still have doubts, but I do want to see everything myself.

"How were you able to get in my dorm and carry me all the way here to your, I-don't-even-recognize-room-of-yours in the first place?" I then looked at her, then grabbed the tray and gently placed it above my thigh, grabbing the sandwich.

"Nieva was with me. She helped me carry your heavy butt here. Couldn't have done it without the body builder." She chuckled.

Right, Nieva. The gym rat. She was so obsessed with muscular body figures, she even had to renovate her whole bedroom into a gym. Ever since she was a kid, her father has influenced her to become a bodybuilder. Though her physique doesn't show much muscles and almost deceived everyone that she looked wimpy. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Well then. That's kind of… Uh. Thanks." My mind was still processing

"I'm curious to see how you're going to walk up to Manuel for the next couple of days." Solace chuckled.

I have no idea. All I can feel is being scared, terrified and angry all at once. It's repeating in my head, the sensation of betrayal. What did I do for him to do this to me? It just doesn't make any sense, or it won't because it's not my fault in the first place. There goes my insecurity attacking my mentality bit by bit.