
the elects

The story the elect unfolds the truth about humanity in real life which the world is hiding.

Gift_Femi · Outros
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47 Chs

welcome back

After the meeting with the anunnakies, almanaak returned back to earth.

A portal opened and Almanakk worked out of the portal, and as he steps he's legs out of the portal, he gradually transformed back to he's human form.

The energy that was now present in him made made all the things in his healing chamber to move around.

He walks majestically as he gradually returns back to his human form, the staff (ohnyalei) which he's was still holding fades and vanishes away from his hands as gradually retains he's the human form.

The whole healing chamber was disturbed by his presence as different object in the healing chamber moved around him in a circle.

Almanakk then made his eyes glow blue and made them seize activity, immediately the whole object seized from moving and dropped on the floor.

As soon as all the activitiesies that was on going in the healing chamber seized, two pure element elects [ the most powerful element elects for they are two type ordinary element elects and pure element elects. ] were dressed on black suits and were putting on masks, they stood as guards watching over the healing chamber, they came inside to see what was going on in the healing chamber for they heared noise from it.

As they came in, they saw almanakk standing in the healing chamber. The presence of Almanakk was so overwhelming that the elects lost control over their own body.

Their bodies on their own began to take fighting stance against almanakk. Even the elects wondered within themselves what was going.

{ its just almanakk why are our bodies reacting out of our own will, } the elects thought in their heart.

Almanakk saw that the force of energy and power in him was radiating out and has become visible and will cause and create suspicions, so he seized his energy from radiating out.

As soon as he did, the pure element elects regained full control of their bodies and they settled down pulled their masks and gave him salutation and spoke

" we are sorry sir but we have been looking for you for over a month now and we were surprised seeing you here".

Almanakk recalled that a day in the dark dimension of the anunnakies is equivalent to a year in the physical world.

Almanakl ignored them and asked them about meriline instead.

" where is meriline?.

They replied him saying.

" she's in her chamber.

Almanakk moved away from them, walking out of the healing chamber.

Meriline was sitting on a desk in her chamber when almanakk walked inside.

Immediately he saw Almanakk she stood up as she was shocked to see him.

She quickly hugged him, she hugged him tightly as she asked.

"Where have you been?.

Almanakk felt guilt in he's heart knowing fully well that he is a (demon)spy in disguise, and with the loving and respect he's getting from them he felt bad as tears dropped from he's eyes.

He wantted to reveal he's identity and mission to meriline but the rune in the staff which was given to him prevented him from going against he's assignment.

almanakk was unaware that there was a rune preventing him from doing he's own will.

As meriline and almanakk seized from hugging almanakk, almanakk quickly made the tears that dropped from his eyes to dry up.

meriline looked and said

"Are you okay? You don't look fine.

Almanakk replied and said.

" I am fine mam, something came up that I had to attend to urgently.

" something that required sudden disappearance for over a month? What could it be"

" you have worked with me for countless number of years, and I know you better than you can imagine". So tell me why you left me in such situation.

" meriline I won't lie to you I speak expressly it was indeed an urgent matter it was not in my powers to refrain from it".

Meriline had no choice than to believe him.

" you were right about the disappearance of Hanson, Hanson hanzou is no longer in existence".

Meriline walked around her desk and collected a glass of wine that was on her desk and took a sip and sat down on the desk.

Almanakk stared intensely at her and lost focus that he began to crush on his boss, (this got almanakk thinking, a demon like himself is not suppose to develop feelings or erotic emotions)

"{What the hell is wrong with me}

He echoed in he's heart.

but without doubt almanakk was a person of dignity and has control over he's emotions even as a demon.

"Are you sure you are okay? Almanakk!

"Am fine mam, I just need a big rest; its been a long journey for me.

"We have a lot to talk about concerning the children especially divine."

All the incedent that took place before almanakk was adopted skipped hes mind as he was only concerned with meriline.

"Ohhh divine, I told before leaving that there wasn't a sign of he electic powers anymore and his probably no longer an elect.

"Yes almanakk you did but that's not the case, I have registered them in "elects high"

But I excluded divine from it for elects hight is for elects alone, I registered him in a normal human school but he refused to yield my word. Especially after knowing he's no longer an elect. It wasn't easy for me."

"Divine is no longer an elect and I can't risk him being in the midst of highly powered elects. Drexel on the other hand is still an elect and in order to keep her safe without sending element elects to keep watch over her, I have her put into combat training so she can defend herself with her electic powers, in the training, I have also employed an experienced elect trainer who will teach her on how to grow, control and use her powers. It has just been too much for me since your sudden disappearance".

Almanakk reciprocated and said.

"It's fine am back now, I will speak with divine".

" what about Christine did she return? Almanakk asked.

Meriline took a deep breath and exhaled and said.

" Christine is missing almanakk, couple of minutes after I left the healing chamber before your disappearance, I sent two pure element elects and one elite to hunt her down because they are the only ones that can match her combat skill.

"But they returned to me two days after your disappearance to report that she's no where to be found, they couldn't even sense her energy.

Meriline felt dizzy after ending the conversation about Christine.

" I fear that She might be dead" ( she pants as she holds her tears from dropping.)

She bent her head downward, she stood and held the desk as she faced the desk, turning her back against almanakk.

"I have been through a lot since you left that's for sure. Even my cosmic deity of protection is no where to be found and also I lost connection with my contracted extral power."

My protection deity and the other are nowhere to be found it's like they all disappeared and took their powers with them.

"I count myself lucky that the fame and wealth they gave me is still active if not ,I don't know"

she cries as she talks.

Almanakk hearing this about the cosmic deity knew that they all has gone out for meetings concerning how to go about their new treat (the eklektos) just like as the anunnakies summoned him for a meeting on the same matter.

Even with knowing this almanakk couldn't tell her that there a Great War at hand, that even the deities are no longer in good terms with humanity, and everyone is a suspect to them till they eradicate and wipe out the so called (eklektos) of the source.

Almanakk pretends he was confused as well and said.

"That is strange the disappearance of the deities from their temples is a serious matter indeed.

" that's all in past my good man, we will discuss about the deities later after you've got a good long rest. But for now, help me talk to the children especially divine okay?.

Almanakk stared at meriline as she stares back at him with a seductive eyes movement, almanakk felt the awkward connection between them both and quickly cut off the moment by saying .

"That won't be a problem mam".

Almanakk then quickly walked out of the room.

And on he's way to he's resting room, he met divine sitting on the floor waiting for him.

As he got closer to him, divine said to him.

" welcome back.

He gave him a half way smile like he's father Hanson.