
Floor 5 - Part Two

"What the hell did you just say?" I asked.

Technically all monsters are born from the womb of Teroshimi, but then that would mean...

"YOU'RE MY SON?!" I yelled.

"Hey, I ain't happy that I got such an ugly human for a mother either," the monster growled.

"You wanna go, bitch?!"

"What are you, a child abuser now?!"

"Yeah, I could watch this forever, but we should really get to the boss room," Peony said.

"The boss room?" I asked.

"Yeah, the boss room. You and me are going to take on the boss of Floor 5. The Master of Animals, Animarumatsu."

I tried everything in my power to convince Peony against going to the boss room.

I begged, I guilt-tripped, even bribed (to which Peony told me that $2 and a button was not a suitable bribe). But she was dead set.

So here I am now. Terobu, the Level 3 Swordswoman, taking on a Level 16 boss. Well, less taking on, and more letting Peony do all the work while I run around the room trying not to get eaten by a T-rex.

Apparently, the Master of Animals also has control over dinosaurs. Just my freaking luck.

"ICE SPIKES!" Peony yelled. The ice shot towards Animarumatsu and lodged in his shoulder. The 50-foot tall boss grasped the ice shard and pulled out of his shoulder. He bellowed in anger and punched forward.

A bear ran along his arm and jumped onto Peony. It started clawing at her, tearing her robe and shirt.

I knew I had to do something.

I ran towards Animarumatsu and slashed my sword in his direction. A wave of lightning arced from my blade straight into the giant.

He screamed in pain and kneeled to the ground.

Peony rolled out of the bear's grasp.

"PEONY!" I yelled as I ran towards the giant.

"ON IT!" she yelled.


Stairs made of ice wound its way up to the giant's shoulder. I ran up the staircase, readying my blade. When I reached the top, I jumped and brought down my sword.

Into the giant's shoulder.

Animarumatsu fell to the floor which threw me back and sent me flying to the floor.

I cried out in pain as my shoulder hit the floor. "FINISH HIM!"

Peony screamed as she incanted, "FIREBOLT!"

A bolt of fire conjured from the air and landed into Animarumatsu's head.

Holographic words scrolled in front of me that read: