
'Activate Lustful Influence'

Looking at the information, Drake felt speechless. He sighed, rose from the bed he had been sitting on, and held his jaw in thought. "So why is my LP not full? It's showing 20," he asked, feeling suspicious.

[About that, I deducted from it as your punishment too. The lightning punishment wasn't enough, so I did that.]

"Fuck, man, are you helping me or trying to kill me?" he asked in frustration.

[Host, rest assured, I am helping you. But when it comes to punishing the host, we don't take it lightly.]

Drake fell silent, finding it hard to form words. He was speechless.



[Charm Lv 1 (Requires 10 LP) skill used by the host to attract the opposite sex, provoking them to have sex with you. The higher the level of this skill, the more the opposite sex will desire to have sex with you.]

[Soul Conversion Lv 1 (Requires 20 LP) skill used by the host for healing and converting LP to HP. 20 LP to 100 HP, the amount of healing increases with leveling up.]

[Hellfire Ardor Lv 1 (Requires 5 LP) skill used by the host having your demonic dick erect without foreplay. This will give your women greater pleasure. It will increase cock length and the amount of semen will increase at each level.]

[Omniscient Gaze Lv 0 (Requires 4 LP) skill enables the host to see everything, including x-ray vision through clothing and body. It works faster and clearer when increased at each level. (Locked) Level up to unlock.]

"Awesome, but why's the Omniscient Gaze locked, tell me!!?" Drake exclaimed, clearly not happy. "Who would want Omniscient Gaze to be locked?"

The system remained silent for a moment before responding, [Certain aspects of your abilities need time to develop. Unlocking Omniscient Gaze will require further advancement.]

Drake sighed in frustration. "Fine, I guess I'll have to level up then."

He excitedly said next.


[Arousing Aura Lv 1: Deactivated; host emits a powerful aura of sensuality and desire, drawing others towards them with overwhelming attraction. This influences the emotions and desires of those around the host, making them highly influential.]

[Seductive Manipulation Lv 1: Deactivated; This talent allows a host to subtly guide and manipulate individuals to bend to their will, leveraging desire as a powerful tool for manipulation and persuasion.]

[Lustful Influence Lv 1: Deactivated; the host can project their desires and fantasies onto others, influencing their thoughts and actions to align with their desires. This talent could be subtle yet powerful, subtly guiding others toward fulfilling their desires while maintaining control. Concentration is needed for this to work.]

[Fertile Shield Lv 1: Deactivated; This talent grants the host the power to enjoy intimacy without the fear of unintended pregnancy.]

[Shop — status: Locked]

"Seriously, shop locked? Are you kidding me?" he asked, his face furrowing in frustration.

[I am not. The shop will unlock when you level up. For now, it remains locked.]

Upon hearing this from the system, he felt a mix of emotions, unable to decide whether to laugh or cry. This wasn't what he expected. He sighed in disappointment.

[Lust partner: 0]

"Men I know don't rub it on my face," Xavier grumbled.


Suddenly a sound pops up with a message stared by a Golden X.

[Mission unlock:

1. Get your aunt, to give you a blowjob (2 days)]

Xavier's jawline dropped, stunned by the revelation from the system. "You're kidding, right? She can't be here. And the timeline, it's only two days. Have you been infected by some kind of virus?"

[No, host. If you can't accept it, your punishment will only multiply. So feel free not to complete your mission after 2 days.]

Xavier sighed deeply. He couldn't fathom why his system seemed to harbor such animosity towards him. If it were you, what would you do to handle the system? It's beyond annoying, he thought.

[Host, I can hear everything you're saying.]

As they continued to argue, his aunt entered the room, her smile triumphant as if she had just won a trophy.

"Ah, I see my little XaXa is feeling better now. It's time to meet Grandpa. You had him quite worried," she said, her voice gentle yet teasing.

Xavier scratched his head, bemused by her cheerful demeanor. "Speaking of the devil, she's here," he muttered under his breath, his mind still grappling with the impossible reality before him.

A blush appeared on her face as she looked at him. He was standing half-naked, and the memories of her cleaning his body clouded her thoughts, she couldn't stop the blush on her face, why would she when she saw everything? This young lad here became utterly handsome after that incident.

[Lust dictated: 5%]

'What? For real? It can't be. What could she be lusting for?' He looked at her, giving her a warm-hearted smile. Just then, it dawned on him; he was half-naked, and he sensed her arousal.

"I guess this is a good chance to try my luck. She's seen the whole of me but hasn't tasted the whole of me. Heheheheheh, now it's time for me to play my Fate."

'Activate Lustful Influence.'

[Lustful influence activated. Host, it will stay effective for 30 minutes, and you should stay close to her. If not, this won't work again.]

'Understood. It's almost like Bluetooth,' he mused, a flicker of understanding illuminating his thoughts. 'Like the invisible connection between two devices, our connection relies on proximity and resonance.'

A surge of excitement coursed through Xavier's abdomen, intertwining with nerves as he strode purposefully toward her, gently clasping her hand in his own. "Let's go there together, Aunt. I'm still in pain," he whispered his voice a blend of urgency and reassurance.

As his aunt's fingers intertwined with his, she couldn't help but notice the warmth emanating from his palm, a stark contrast to the chill lingering in the air.

Nodding silently, her demeanor faltering, she found herself lost in a whirlwind of emotions. Images flooded.

"Mmm .... Yeah that's it, harder please Xavier." She begged and moaned. Xavier looked at her with a smirk on his face.

"Common, beg me harder" he commanded.

"Please Xavier give it to me. Please, I want you so badly." She cried out.

"Common, there must be something else, say it, dear aunt." He held her hair, and his finger made it to her Clint and rubbed it a little bit.

"Please Daddy, give it to me, I'm your slut, your whore."

"That's much better." He dragged her closer and kissed her.

"Aunt Kathy, are you alright?" Xavier asked, concern evident in his voice. His aunt Kathy, still lost in her fantasy, looked at him with surprise and quickly jumped away from him.

"No, it was all in my head. What was I thinking?" Kathy exclaimed, holding her head and rubbing her eyes. "Xavier, did we do anything?"

"What do you mean, Aunt?" Xavier asked, giving her a questioning look, his brow furrowing with concern.

She looked at him, her confusion evident. 'What's happening to me?' she asked herself silently, her thoughts racing as she struggled to make sense of the situation.

'Good working well, time for me to meet my so-called grandpa before I bang this lady.' He smiled to himself, enjoying every bit of everything.

Kathy immediately leads Xavier toward Grandpa's room. The passage where all golden and white runes could be seen flying,

[Lust Mana dictated.]

'What the hell, lust mana what do you mean.'

[Lust Mana detected, host.]

Xavier glanced at his aunt as they passed a room, then halted abruptly as a sweet scent wafted towards him. Intrigued, he instinctively retraced his steps and reached for the door handle.

"Xavier, what are you doing? You can't enter that room. Have you forgotten what your grandpa told you?" his aunt exclaimed, her voice tinged with concern.

Xavier froze, unable to recall his grandfather's warning. 'Hey system, what's she talking about?'

[I suppose these memories must be hidden; I can't access them. It's up to you.]

'Seriously? You should've mentioned that earlier. What kind of system are you anyway? I wish I had other systems.' Xavier turned to his aunt. "Sorry, I didn't remember."

"Can we go to Grandpa now? But before we do, can you tell me what's in this room? I... kind of..." His words trailed off as the room's atmosphere shifted suddenly. Xavier sensed its freezing aura, a vibrant warning emanating from within.

'System, can I see her stats?'

The room seemed to hold its breath as Xavier awaited her answer.

[Name: Kathy Amora

Race: Elf


Gender: Female

Occupation: ??

Other information is locked, level up to attain more information.]

Breathing in, he swallowed hard, sweat bubbling up. Kathy glanced at him briefly, then closed her eyes. The freezing temperature descended.

"Forgive me, dear. This happens unexpectedly. Now, let's hurry up to Grandpa," Kathy said.

Xavier nodded, a bit fearful. 'I must level up and get stronger. I'm coming back to check this room,' he thought to himself as they walked for a long time before reaching their destination.

The metal door dissolved into thin air and a magical illusion was revealed. Xavier couldn't contain his astonishment, his eyes wide with wonder. It was his first encounter with such enchantment. With a nod from his aunt, he stepped forward.

As he entered, the door closed on its own, seemingly operated by magic. Inside, he saw a man in his twenties with his back facing him, lost in his thoughts.

"Father, he's here," Kathy said, breaking her father's reverie.

"Hmm," the man grunted, a flick of his fingers casting a stillness over the surroundings, freezing time itself.

"What are your thoughts, Father?" Kathy asked, approaching him. Xavier found himself unable to move, talk, or hear anything they said. It was a protective barrier, allowing only the strongest to break through and hear.

"Hmm, that kidnapping wasn't a mere coincidence. Someone must have known he is still alive," the man remarked, devoid of emotion in his voice and expression.

"Yes, that's true. What if that jerk used her memory to find out, Father? Right now, we don't know if she's still alive. She sacrificed a lot for her son. The poor boy doesn't know if she's alive or not," Kathy said, tears threatening to fall. She had never cried in her life until her sister left with the man she loved, only to discover he had been using her sister for his selfish interests.

The tale of her sister's forbidden love and the birth of Xavier, the so-called forbidden child, stirred the hearts of all who heard it. The demon's child caused a riot. He was the forbidden child but later proved to be useless, lacking talents, and emotionally weak.

Her sister tried to escape with her child but didn't make it. The child did, and that child was Xavier. These memories haunted the elf clan, but they haunted Kathy more. She could still remember the way the monster's sword slid into her sister's stomach.

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