
the dragon knight

FG_Frost · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Mastering shadows and confronting giants

Elric woke early to the sound of steel clashing and the rustle of leaves in the wind. The dragon slayer, already up and practicing, noticed his squire stir and called him over. "Today," he began, sheathing his sword, "I want to teach you a technique that saved my life more times than I can count. It's called the Shadow Step."

Intrigued, Elric listened intently as the dragon slayer explained. "The Shadow Step is a movement technique that allows you to dodge attacks with lightning speed. It's not just about moving quickly but anticipating your enemy's strikes and blending into the shadows, making it seem as though you vanish for a split second. This technique can turn the tide of battle."

Elric nodded, eager to learn. They began training immediately. The dragon slayer demonstrated the Shadow Step, his movements fluid and almost ghostly as he shifted from one position to another in the blink of an eye. Elric watched, mesmerized, then tried to replicate the steps. His first attempts were clumsy; he either moved too slowly or lost his balance. But with each failure, he listened to the dragon slayer's advice and corrected his form.

Hours passed as they trained relentlessly. Elric was drenched in sweat, his muscles screaming in protest, but he was determined. He improved gradually, his movements becoming faster and more precise. At one point, he almost succeeded, his body flickering to the side just as the dragon slayer's wooden practice sword sliced through the air. "Better," the dragon slayer acknowledged with a rare hint of approval, "but not quite there yet. Keep practicing."

Night fell, and they made camp in a small clearing within the forest. Exhausted, Elric lay down and soon drifted into a restless sleep. In the middle of the night, a blood-curdling scream tore through the darkness, jolting Elric and the dragon slayer awake. Without a moment's hesitation, they grabbed their weapons and sprinted towards the source of the scream.

They burst onto a dirt road where a small group of travelers was being attacked by two monstrous orcs. The larger of the two orcs had muscles that bulged grotesquely, while the smaller, though still towering compared to any human, wielded an axe with deadly precision. Elric's eyes widened in horror as he saw the smaller orc raising its axe to strike down a woman who lay defenseless on the ground.

Without thinking, Elric nocked an arrow and let it fly. The arrow struck the orc's arm, causing it to roar in pain and drop the axe. It turned, its beady eyes locking onto Elric. "You the one who hurt Mog," it growled, voice thick and guttural.

Elric emerged from the bushes, holding his sword. "Yes, I did," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. The orc, Mog, charged at him with fury. Elric dodged the first swing of the axe but was caught off guard by a powerful punch that sent him sprawling to the ground. He staggered to his feet, pain shooting through his body, but his determination was unshaken. He gripped his sword tighter and charged again.

This time, Elric anticipated the orc's movements. As the axe came down, he executed the Shadow Step, his body flickering to the side, and in a swift, fluid motion, he plunged his sword into Mog's chest. The orc let out a choked roar before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

"NOOO!" The larger orc bellowed, its voice shaking the trees. "You killed Mog, my child!" It charged at Elric, swinging its massive axe with terrifying force. Elric barely managed to dodge, using the Shadow Step again, but his attack barely scratched the beast's thick hide.

The orc swung its axe again, and Elric was forced to block with his sword. The impact was tremendous, sending Elric flying and shattering his sword. He landed hard, coughing and clutching the broken hilt. "Not good," he thought, panic rising.

The orc lumbered towards him, raising its axe. "Humans are weak," it sneered. But before it could strike, a clear, powerful voice rang out, "Bēam léohtus!" A brilliant beam of light shot from the forest, striking the orc and knocking it to the ground. The impact kicked up a cloud of dust, momentarily obscuring everything.

Elric looked around, spotting a figure in the shadows. As the dust settled, he saw an elf, her hands still glowing with residual light. Her golden hair and delicate features were barely visible in the moonlight. Without wasting a moment, Elric dashed to the fallen orc and, using the Shadow Step, delivered a fatal blow.

Breathing heavily, Elric stood over the body of the orc, pride and exhaustion mingling in his chest. His vision blurred, and he collapsed, consciousness slipping away.

Elric woke by the campfire, his head throbbing. He groaned and slowly sat up, holding his head. "Take it easy, kid," the dragon slayer's stern voice said. "The elf healed most of your wounds, but she's young and inexperienced."

"Elf?" Elric asked, confused.

The dragon slayer pointed with his thumb. Elric turned to see a figure kneeling outside the camp, her form faintly outlined by the firelight. He rose slowly, ignoring the dragon slayer's protests. "I have to thank her," he insisted.

The dragon slayer nodded, watching as Elric made his way over to the elf. He knelt beside her. "Thank you for healing me," he said softly.

"You're welcome," she replied, her voice melodic yet filled with sorrow.

As Elric looked at her face, dimly lit by the fire, he blushed. She was beautiful, with golden hair cascading down her back and striking, elegant features. His gaze shifted to the staff she held, a piece of hair tied to the top—a mourning ritual for elves. "I'm sorry," he said gently.

"It's not your fault," she replied, her voice breaking. "You saved my life. My father...he fought them off, but they were too strong. He was not much of a fighter," she chuckled painfully.

Elric, understanding her grief, reached out and hugged her. "I know what it's like to lose family," he said softly. "It never gets easier, but you have to keep moving forward. Your father would want you to live, to be strong."

They sat in silence for a moment, the elf's tears glistening in the firelight. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude.

"You're welcome," Elric replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "What's your name?"

"Elara," she said.

"I'm Elric. We'll make sure you're safe, Elara."

They walked back to the camp together, where they settled down to sleep. The dragon slayer watched them with a rare smile. He thought about Elara's potential in magic, her offensive and healing spells already impressive for someone her age. He also felt immense pride for Elric, who had used the Shadow Step technique perfectly and had shown incredible bravery against the orcs. The journey ahead would be challenging, but the dragon slayer was confident that Elric was on the path to becoming a great knight