

It's a beautiful summer day and Christopher is walking home from the park in the middle of the road as the sun is beginning to set. He's a high school student in his senior, he's semi tall with black hair and brown eyes. He walks for a while till he comes to the start of a downward sloping hill. He stretches at the top and looks down into his childhood neighborhood, the sun setting straight in his eyes. He covers his face with his hands to block the sun but it still strains through the cracks between his fingers. Sighing he gives up and lowers his hand. His eyes widen as he sees two giant purple eyes directly in front of him and hears an arcane voice speak.

"That one will do."

Christopher shakes his head and the eyes are replaced with headlights. He hears a horn, screeching wheels then silence.

The driver exits the vehicle frantically looking for the person who had been standing in the middle of the road but found no body.

Christopher groans as he sits up rubbing his head with a pounding headache.

"What the hell... what kinda twisted nightmare was that?"

He looks around his surroundings and is surprised to find himself in a dense forest area.

"Huh, didn't realize we still had forests this large."

He stands up and stretches once again both arms above his head. He winches at a sudden pain in his ribs.

"Feel like I've been hit by a car."

He looks around again and tries to figure out where he is.

"Did I get kidnapped and dropped off in a forest? Like seriously where am I?"

Panic is starting to set in as he becomes more and more confused. He grows frantic and begins running in a straight line deeper into the woods. A blind panic born of his desperation to see anything at all familiar. And in five steps he runs face first into a tree that has been on the other side of where he awoke full force, knocking him down to the ground. Cracking the wood beneath and bruising his forehead, intensifying his headache.

"Ahhhh, my head, what the heck happened!? I could've sworn that was farther away."

Christopher looks up at the tree he hit and is shocked to see where he hit it there is an enormous crater at least four inches deep. He stands up to observe the hole and finds his forehead perfectly fits into it. He looks around and see's the down trodden grass where he woke up. It took him a while to find it because it was at least... uhhh... hold on. Christopher walks over to the grass counting his steps as he went. He counted at least 50 back to back steps from the spot where he awoke to the spot he had hit the tree. He paused as he considered that he had traveled that distance in five steps. He stood confounded by his sudden increase in speed and apparently strength.

"The hell is going on."

He thought to himself as he double checked the distance between the tree and grass again. He stopped at the spot where he awoke once again and lined up to try a run again. He had mostly forgotten the stress of not knowing where he was when he encountered this strange new phenomena. He had a good understanding of his physical limits back before whatever the heck happened to him earlier and he definitely hadn't been fast, or strong, enough to crack wood. And he hated it when he didn't know something about himself.

He prepares himself and launches forward as hard as he can trying to gauge how fast he is. This time however, with his goal of moving quickly, he covers the distance in three lunges and tried desperately to stop, only to run into the tree once again. He managed to save his head though and by some miracle he didn't fall over again.

He decided he was going to walk for a while until he found a more open area. He wanted out of the woods and fast as the sun was still setting. But not to fast. He went back to the grass patch his whole body aching and tried a light jog to the tree. Bracing himself for the worst he was pleased to find a jog was more manageable and would have been compared to his run back before the accident. So he jogged for a while and contemplated what was happening aloud because it helped him calm down when he was stressed.

"Ok last thing I remember were headlights and that weird voice. Then I awake in a forest and find I'm somehow superhuman now."

He stops jogging and snickers to himself.

"Jeez what is this an anime?"

He snickers to himself again and starts jogging again.

"Whatever the heck's happening I'm not learning anything in this forest. If I can find people maybe I can call to get home."

His jogging slows slightly at that thought.

"I bet everyone's freaking out. I won't be able to take Clara to tennis tomorrow that's for sure, at the rate everything's going..."

He pauses for a moment and his eyes start watering a little. The thought of never seeing his family has been a deep rooted terror in him since he was very little. It was so bad he couldn't go to school at first when he was really little he was so afraid. He shakes his head after a moment and continues jogging.

"What am I talking about. I'm most likely by the dam, that area has really dense forest after all and plus it's a park. So if that is where those kidnappers dropped me off then all I have to do is find a path. Then my home isn't far from here."

He smiles a little at his new found plan and begins jogging a little faster. He almost then hits a tree and he decides to slow down. Suddenly he can hear a strange thumping noises up ahead. He slows down and stops in another small clearing and looks around for the source of the sound. In the forest he sees to large and round shadowy figures moving towards him with red gleaming eyes. Sweat trickles down his back at the size of the two behemoths approaching him.

"Those can't be bears... there's absolutely none that live in this area let alone this state!"

As the bears enter into what little remains of the sun light doubt creeps into Chris's mind and fear suffices every inch of his body.

"What the hell are those..."

Hey everybody! This is my first Webnovel and I hope you enjoy it. I’m going to try to post as often as possible and I’d appreciate any constructive criticism you might have. Go easy on me though cuz this is my first one! I hope you enjoy it and I hope I get to enjoy making it too because before you read it I imagine it! Thanks for reading have a good day!

Leonidas5476creators' thoughts
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