
The Dishonored One

Autor: Aergia0
Anime & Comics
Contínuo · 21.7K Modos de exibição
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What is The Dishonored One

Leia o romance The Dishonored One escrito pelo autor Aergia0 publicado no WebNovel. A Guy Died Usual Gets Reincarnated In JJK world as 4 Grade Sorcerer Of Zenin Family. Get Himself Thrown Out And Unlocking The Card Collecting System. Rest Is you know beat up some Curses , some rouge ...


A Guy Died Usual Gets Reincarnated In JJK world as 4 Grade Sorcerer Of Zenin Family. Get Himself Thrown Out And Unlocking The Card Collecting System. Rest Is you know beat up some Curses , some rouge Sorcerer and Become One of strongest Nothing. p.s I am not Writing the Story , I just like to create characters. Bye

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Reginleif54 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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General Audiencesmature rating