
The Devil Mourns

*New chapters coming soon* Callus, a hybrid of Human and devil meets his missing half, Felarina a demonic wolf who has been searching for him for years. At first they disliked each other but learnt to like one another and maybe more! But something is amidst under their time on earth. A power that cannot be rivaled in Hell….though, Hell doesn’t look like what they say? Even so, they don’t know it yet, but they will have to fight this being. Will they find it? Or will they mind there own business?

12_MatVladSil_34 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 2


We got to the Dome and Feelia won the race, should have expected that. Now she's gonna be bragging about it for 3 days. Even though that is a downside to losing to Feelia at least we got to the Dome in about, what? 4 minutes in a distance of 20 miles. To anyone else, that is impressive. But to us, we can do better.

"Alright, Feelia. We're here at the Dome where everyone is staying until this whole apocalypse blows over."

"You say that like I don't know what it is," she said.

"Well, just making sure that you don't forget."

"Speaking about forgetting things, Did you remember where you placed it? You know, the supplies."

"Don't worry, I remember where I placed it."

I manifest the supplies that have everything the dome needs to survive. I brought multiple containers that were filled with food and water, large enough to feed all the people that are in this dome. I picked up some of them as Feelia picked the rest of them up and carried them inside. Once we got inside, everyone noticed me carrying their rations and were all relieved.

All of them were thanking God for our arrival cause they thought we had died, I scuffed. Of course we didn't die. Why would we, we are hunters after all, well, rookies to be exact. We became hunters due to someone named Iren, saying that he needed some help because he was the only one doing this sort of gig.

The guy running and managing everything going on in the dome came up to us. "So, you must be the suppliers that we were all expecting to come, what happened? You're 3 days late." He questioned us.

I came up with an excuse and said, "There were more devils than expected, which delayed it."

"Well, I'm glad that you two are okay."

Out of nowhere a person screamed out that there was a devil in the dome, I looked around for it and I saw nothing.

"Shit." Feelia said, being pointed out by the guy who saw her.

I sighed and said, "Of course."

After that, there was panic. The manager of the Dome tried to calm everyone down but none of them listened.

I took a stand and grabbed the microphone the manager was using and screamed out, "Would everyone just shut up and listen to what we have to say!!!"

Everyone froze. Feelia took the microphone and spoke to everyone. "Okay, yeah sure, I am a devil and I get that you all had bad experiences with them and how they ruined your lives. I understand but instead of me ranting about how I'm good, to which none of you want to believe, I'll let him speak for me." she passed me the microphone, "I've been with her for about a year and saw her never killed any human and if she even thinks about killing another human, I'll personally stop her from doing so. But right now, just relax and shut the fuck up before some devils will be finding you all." Surprisingly everyone listened and calmed down. I thought that last sentence would bring more fear but it straightened them up.

Feelia walked up to us and said, "Yeah that's not what happened, we were delayed because Cal wanted to sight-see everything in the city."

"How the fu—" I was surprised she heard my lie. "Can you really blame me for that?"

They both said, "Yes, yes we can."


We got to work on dividing up the food for everyone in the Dome, it seemed like everything was going smoothly. The whole Dome was talking about Feelia and expressing their worries about the dome but it's a good thing that this Dome is the finished product rather than the rest, it has soundproof walls and also a barrier that prevents devil's from sensing humans. Some people were helping me give out food to others but Feelia is just having fun with the children that are in the Dome. I don't know why but whenever she's with kids, I feel this motherly aura around her that is so heart-warming. It feels like she is taking care of her own kids.

One of the children's mothers came up to me and said, "She is very good with kids, by any chance you have a child at home?" I blushed. Does she think that we have kids?! Or is she saying that I have a cousin or nephew living with us. Either way, I said, "No, we don't. She is just like this with kids wherever we go, don't know where she got it from but it's enjoyable to see it."

"Oh, well she's pretty good at it."

"Trust me, she can be a mother bear on occasions if they get hurt at all." The mother chuckled at that, I knew that she understands that feeling a lot more than I could. I looked over to Feelia and it was just adorable, all of the kids surrounded her while there was a little kid resting on her arms. Some of the kids were either sleeping on her or just having fun around her. One of the boys was roughhousing and Feelia told him, "Hey, quit doing that to him, Richard. You could hurt him and even yourself."

"Sorry, Feli." The boy apologized to her.

"Just be more careful when playing, alright."

"Okay!" he said as he went on playing while Feelia was keeping a close eye on him. I walked up to her and said, "Well, Feli. How's it going?"

"First off, You can call me Feelia, but never Feli. Second, it's going great." Feelia does not like nicknames at all, she likes to be called by her full name which is Felarina but when we first met, I thought it was too long so I called her Feelia. Of course, she did not like it one bit. I kept continuing this until sooner or later, she accepted it. To which I was glad she did.

"I have to say, where did you learn to be such a 'mother'?" I questioned.

"Well…that's a secret, alright." She said,

"Come on! You have to tell me. Did you get it from your mother?"

"...Yeah, yeah that's it." I felt bad for pushing her because it feels like she had a terrible past… just like I did.

While we were just hanging out, the manager of the Dome came to us. "Hey, are you two available right now?" He seemed like he was worried about something so I said that I'm available, and he brought me to the side.

"Alright, what do you want?" I asked.

"Well, there's a problem that we have here," He said concerningly.

"What's the big deal?"

"There is this tree that seems to attract the demons to it and everyone is worried that if this continues, the immense amount of demons coming from that tree might find us and I thought that if you and Fee—" I cut him off.

"First, I'm the only one to call Feelia, Feelia. This isn't a threat, it's a warning because if anyone else calls her that, she gets pissed off. Second, I'm sure I can deal with that Qliphoth tree."

"Well, that's fantastic. You should tell your friend about this."

"Yeah, I should." We ended our conversation and I explained the plan to Feelia, she accepted it and carefully got up not to wake up the kids sleeping on her. One of the kids, Richard, questioned where she was going.

"I'm going to stop some bad guys from hurting you and your mom. Don't worry, I'll be alright." She said in a happy tone.

Richard agreed and he hugged Feelia. At this point, I am dying from the sheer amount of cuteness that is radiating off of them right now. They parted ways and Feelia looked at me, "So we just have to get rid of this tree and everyone is going to calm down and feel safe, right?"

"That is correct, yes." I said

"Okay, so we need a plan then." Feelia said.

"I have an idea!" I said. "I'll go to cut the roots of the tree while you focus on defending this Dome from any threats that may arise."

"Aaaawwww, why do you get all the fun and I don't?" she said, disappointedly.

"I know you want to be here instead of going with me, right?" I said, knowing her true intentions.

She says guilty, "You…may be right."

"Alright, it's settled. Feelia will be defending the Dome and I'll be making my way to Qliphoth."

I was making my way out until Feelia said "Just be safe alright! I don't want to see a scratch on you!!!"

"Don't worry. I won't." I exited the dome and went on ahead to cut down the tree.