
The Devil's Lily:A forbidden love

They were never meant to fall in love,let alone bind their souls with each other! — Human beings were never meant to be in any sort of relationships, with celestial beings and that had been the rules, until Uriel fell for Ophelia. The first human to cause a second war in heaven,as the unbalance between the earth  and the immortal world comes crashing down, with the prophecy of her carrying a baby that would end the world. In a bid to protect her baby from being killed by Micheal, Ophelia ends up having the baby with the help of  Lucifer's son,Damon,who saves the child asper his father's wishes. Unfortunately,Damon ends up not spared from the attack and in  an attempt to save the child,he binds his soul with that of Ophelia's child. Now years have  passed with Damon serving his punishment,locked away in a cave  for a hundred years with little to no hope of anyone's saving him out of his peril. Ophelia's child is not saved from serving her own punishment,with the ring of death on her head. She  always ends  up dying a painful death, in every lifetime she reincarnates just to stop the prophecy from fulfilling. But unfortunately,the soul bonds between both human,and creature leads Lily  to find Damon,her soulmate,and she releases  him. With the will to save his human mate,from another repetition of dying in this present world,Damon must do everything possible to keep Lily alive by his side. But can destiny be easily changed? Even while given a choice to kill Lily to get his reputation back as the ruler of hell, Would he be willing to give that up just to save her? The prophecy ends up being invalid, after it's confirmed that Lily is nothing but a mere human, who poses no threat to the world.But is that entirely true? Moreover,what would happen when Lily and Damon find out that they were never meant to be lovers,rather  sworn enemies who would end up killing themselves? So what is going to be? Would their love be able to overcome all these tribulations,or would they be consumed by the prophecy that that was only  misinterpreted all these while? Let's read to find out,family! —- "Took you this long to find me,I have …been waiting for  years, my love"He explained,trying to keep himself from grabbing her and consuming a little  bit of his soul energy in her. My Love? "Excuse me,do i …know you?''Lily asked,in confusion.Not only does she find this place creepy,but the man in front of her too was anything but normal. She shouldn't be here,she knew that. Just a glance at him told her that she had messed up, by listening to the voice in her head that brought her here. The voice. It sounded so similar to… Him. The man in her dreams with the red  eyes! She was speechless when she looked back up to him,there it seemed he knew what was going through her mind. "You…" "Remember me now sweetheart? I have being waiting for years,and now i have found you.I can't let you go..again" — A/N:Hi guys,this is my official story for the Romance festival contest,and i do plead for your utmost support in this amazing story. Other books by the author: *365 Days To Love. *A Mommy For Hire:The Heiress Must Get Married. Discord ID: Jayden222#1882. Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy. TikTok ID: IrreplaceableSassy1

Jayden222 · Fantasia
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17 Chs

Chapter Fourteen:The Fear That He Was Still Alive.

[Immortal Realm]

Lucifer's Palace.


The ceremony to congratulate Abbadon as the new ruler of hell was in progress,every demon both the high ranked and the lower ranked were gladdened about the recent occasion.

The glee in the heart of everyone was not underrated, Lucifer has been ruling for a while and for Abbadon, who had taken over was not such an easy task as everyone had thought.

The series of tests he had undergone,by the council and that of the Crystal Palace didn't leave him disappointed at the end.

But there was apparently no one who would have been a potential challenger,to his fight to the throne.

Camiel and Melchom weren't much interested in the throne,and neither was Azriel either who would rather be living his life as it is now, than to be tired  with the responsibilities that comes with ascending the throne.

He should be happy..no he ought to be happy,as he was  dressed in the best and well designed tailored suit with crystals and all sorts of diamonds, gracing his features as being royalty.

He didn't intend on being in his natural form, Abbadon wanted to make a difference and fix an ultimatum,to  prove to the people that he will be more of a better leader than his father.

Well, Lucifer had no problem with that, if anything it  had always been the earnest desire of any parents to see their children doing well,more than they had done.

So,he had a clean heart when it came to his first son,but Abbadon's heart was anything but pure towards his father,his brother and towards the subjects he was to lead.

They were all nothing but a ticking time bomb, waiting for any slightest reason to prove that his dead brother would have been the rightful one to the throne than him.

He could see it,no..he had felt it since all the years of his life,the feeling of  being nothing but a mistake that had come earlier than the initial messiah,called Damon because of a stupid prophecy.

But the time is his  now,there is no Damon to threaten his throne and neither will there ever be a chance that he's still alive,after tonight.

He will make sure of that.

"My Lord,my lady is outside your door"The eunuch came in to announce the arrival of his wife,to which he found himself smiling.

"Let her in ''He approved,before the young demon parted, taking one last glance at himself in the mirror and towards the red sky that indicated the release of his brother would soon be decreed.

He found his nose flaring,and anger coursing through his entire system at the thought of  him still being alive.

His father had strongly believed that he was alive,but it was nothing but mere stupidity on his part.

No one at all,not even any immortal has been recorded to have survived the ice cave, especially when it has to do with a demon from hell.

So where exactly is sponsoring his hope that Damon is alive?


Absolutely nothing.

"I see you are also bothered about that?"Nina asked out of the blue,making her presence known as her husband turned abruptly to face his lovely wife.

Nina,the princess of the northern Demon clan.

The woman who would give him his salvation,to outride every stumbling block in his part.

She would give him a son.

"I guess i shouldn't pay much thought to it?"He asked, covering the space between them,and placing his hands on top of her stomach.

"How's he doing?"He asked, rubbing his hand on her stomach in a loving manner,while his eyes sparkled with admiration for the woman in front of him.

"Doing much better seeing his father right now,"She said, covering his hand on her stomach with her own,only to feel their child kicking against her uterus.

"He has missed you,and i have missed you too, my Lord"She complained,to which he  cleared his throat,and taking her hand into his own.

"Let's go for a walk"He demanded, taking her out  of his room towards the balcony,the very angry  view of the red sky becoming more clear than it had been  inside his room.

He found his fist tightening more in anger,for the inability of him to change the condition of the weather.

Camiel should have done liberty to this,and at least let him have a nice day today being the night of his coronation ceremony.

But they were not on good terms,and neither would he have agreed in doing anything about it,when it comes to the red sky because it belongs to Damon.

A symbol representing  the contract between the crystal palace,and his brother Damon.

What made it more angry to him, was the fact that his coronation had to be on the same  day he will be released.

The only thing keeping him sane was the fact that he was two steps ahead of his brother, firstly was the pregnant wife who was carrying the next bloodline,and also the fact that no one had survived the ice cave.

The warm hands of the she-devil standing beside him, enclosed his tight ones which had his attention back on her.

"You don't have to be scared"She adviced,and he found her choice of words downgrading for a higher ranked demon like him.

"I'm not afraid,I just don't like the fact that the ceremony,and the release of that stupid brother of mine had to be on the same day"He snapped.

"It's interesting and not a bad idea though"Nina laughed,adding more spice to his anger with her choice of words.

There's absolutely nothing interesting about this!

"You know for a fact that you are my wife, and  carrying my baby doesn't give you the right to mock me"He spat.

"It's the other way around my love"She withdrew her hand from his own, walking to the very end of the balcony while looking at the sky.

"Tonight will prove the rebirth of a new king,and i assure you my Lord,that our opposition will be put to shame when they find out that  he's no more"She smiled wickedly, approaching him one more tine before taking his hands.

"Tonight is all about you,and i want you to know that our son and you are the only thing that matters,I love you Abbadon,'' she said, covering the space and hugging him like her life depended on it.

Her words have always done the magic  any time he was having difficulties, but tonight it didn't help anything at all.

The fear was there.

The fear that he was still alive.

The fear that he's coming back,and that would be the true rebirth of a new king, because he will become a true legend if he makes it out alive.

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