
The Devil's Flora

The princess of a Kingdom with legendary heroes as parents she grew up beloved by all. However, the one to love her most is the Devil himself, the most powerful sorcerer in the universe. Their love both forbidden and dangerous in ways they themselves do not understand. Join me in exploring the world of fairies, sorcerers, dragons, and demons.

RavenQueen922 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

The Night Zone (1)

Azrael's eyes shot open as he looked up at the ice, he moved his hands noticing the dull pain on his shoulders, back, and legs. He sat up glancing around the cave not seeing Flora anywhere.

His heartbeat quickened as he looked around again and his eyes fell upon the small huddle of animals near the wall of plants. He got up, his body stiff as he walked over to them.

The creatures seemed to understand as they moved away from her and he sighed letting out a breath of relief noticing she was still alive. Azrael took a small breath as he gently picked her up and placed her on the bed of ice. He covered her with the fur coat before he placed the hares and pups next to her to provide more warmth.

He sighed walking outside and noticing Andras returning with a Glacial bear in his mouth as he placed it near the others. Azrael walked towards him checking for any wounds before saying, "She's alright, just very tired."

He turned towards the pile asking, "What are those for?" Andras nudged him towards the pile of creatures, before looking at the cave and Azrael understood him as he smiled saying, "I see, you did great, go rest we have to clear that area soon." Andras slithered away into a rift as Azrael walked towards the pile of different creatures Andras had caught for Flora.

He sighed tossing the small creatures to the side before using his magic to skin the larger ones. The hours passed, and as the meat piled, he noticed the Glacial wolf waiting by the cave.

He sighed tossing the smaller animals at her and she started eating instantly as the larger ones went to Andras who returned from his nap. Azrael looked down noticing the blood on himself, he frowned. He needed to clean himself before going back inside the cave so he took the new skins and quickly flew to the lake.


Flora woke up to the soft paws on her eyes and she reached for her face moving the pup as she got up her memories returning to her as she looked around frantically. She got up not seeing him there but as she walked outside, she noticed Andras near the cave.

He came towards the entrance, and she smiled reaching forwards to pet him while looking around. She noticed the Glacial wolf in the corner eating and smiled as she added a bit of healing magic to the meat as the pups ran towards their mother.

Flora glanced at the hares by her feet before she took out some veggies for them, placing them on the ground as they ate slowly.

She took in a small breath before using her powers to check on Andras once more, asking, "Andras, where is Azrael?" He looked towards a familiar rift, and she sighed asking, "He's at the lake?" He slithered around her, and she giggled asking him, "Were you worried?" He hissed and Flora smiled gently stroking his skin as she said, "I am alright, see I just needed a little rest."


"Flora, how are you feeling?" Azrael asked as he flew down towards her, she smiled as Andras loosened himself and she flew up towards him. "I am fine, more importantly, are you alright?" she asked immediately using her powers to check, and he nodded saying, "I'm good, and even better after your help."

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Flora asked as the two landed in front of the cave's entrance. He sighed before saying, "I should, but first why don't we eat, you probably haven't yet."