
The demon God's daughter

Abigail being born from the lineage of the witches and demons raised up by humans not knowing her real parents grows up to meet two people in her life one destined to be her soulmate and the other her husband and her past life is linked to theirs who do you think will win over the golden cup(Abigail) let's read on THE DEMON GOD'S DAUGHTER

Augusta_obi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

chapter 11


"hmm , thanks for not forgetting"said Zeke as he left

Abigail was fighting back her tears as she ran home

"baby I was about to...."said Mrs wen confusingly

Abigail was still sobbing on her bed

"why why can't I just forget about him, I hate royalties they always take advantage of the week because they have power, I will never marry from royalty"said crying Abigail

Abigail slept off in her crying state without even eating dinner


"abi aren't you going to school today"said Mrs wen

"no I don't want to"said Abigail in her sleepy state

"no baby you will have to go"said Mrs wen

Abigail got up angrily

"I said I'm not going, why don't you just let me be"said Abigail

"hey I'm your mother so you'll have to listen to me and go to school"said Mrs wen angrily

"ok then, you want me to go to school, then I'll intentionally not go"said Abigail angrily as she got up from her bed and went to dress in uniforms. as she was about to leave

"make sure you go to school ok"said Mrs wen

"I'll make sure not to"said Abigail as she left the house