
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantasia
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70 Chs

Leaving the island and heading to main land

"Then how are you going to bring your body with us."

Red was quiet for a bit then realized a mistake in both his plans "How am I going to bring my main body with me? It's rooted to the ground and the roots spread for about 20 miles."

Red was stumped on this question and came up with several solutions "I could always cut off the roots, but won't that hurt? Wait does it even hurt when I cut them? Even if it doesn't hurt what will I do when my body needs water to sustain itself."

Red was stuck trying to figure out solutions to this, "You do know that you can store your creature in the crest you have" said a hooded man.

Red stopped thinking and looked at Elizabeth expecting her to say something. Upon seeing the gaze she shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.

"Elizabeth please store my main body in the crest of yours that is on your hand," said Red as he guessed the crest was the yellow mark that was flowing with magic on her hand.

"I don't know how," said Elizabeth as she became panicked.

"It's easy just say "come back to me my servant" or something along the lines of that and this creature should go into your crest," said the same hooded man that spoke before.

Elizabeth looked at Red waiting for something and red was confused at first "Oh you want me to give you permission to store my main body right."

"Yes since you are a sentient being and sealing you away in something doesn't sound right" Hearing what Elizabeth said Red had to change how he looked at her. "I thought she was the type of person who doesn't care about others, but I guess I'm wrong," thought red.

"Come back to me my servant" when Elizabeth said those words the crest on her hands began to glow a bright yellow.

Red felt something wrong with his main body and went back to it. Without his consciousness in the root body, nothing was making it stand up, and so it fell onto the ground. Which scared some of the people since they thought that Red died in front of them all.

As Red entered his main body he saw his body being covered by a yellow-colored mana. And not just the stem and petals but also his roots that went for miles.

He then felt his body being lifted up and at first he was happy that his plan was going along well until he noticed that his roots were also being lifted into the air as well.

"Uh this isn't going to be good, is it."

Back to where Elizabeth and the others were they were still freaking out about Reds Root body having fallen to the ground out of nowhere.

"Is he dead!"

"He couldn't be dead!"

"How do you know it's he!"

"It sounded like a man so it must be one!"

"Many women sound like men!"

The conversation that they had about if Red was alive or not soon changed into a debate/argument if red was a male or female.

The argument soon escalated to physical fighting. Several people were throwing hands at one another while many were pulling one another's hair.

"How did this happen," said the High priest as he saw two of his members punching one another in the face.


A noise in the forest stopped the fighting and commotion that was happening back at the beach.


Everyone looked at the forest tensed up that a creature was about to attack them. Many grabbed out their weapons while many, of the students, hid behind either their seniors or members of the church.


The booming sound that they heard sounded as if it was close by. Many began to sweat while others began to feel fear in their hearts.

After a couple of minutes, the booming sound was gone. Everyone was confused at first and thought that it was just a fight between beasts.

"EVERYONE LOOK UP" Hearing this many looked up and saw something terrifying. Soon more and more began to look up and their faces began to turn pale.

Several seeing the sight either fell on their knees in despair, disbelief and put off fear. While some wet their pants or shorts.

"W-what is that?"

"Is this the end of us?"

More and more people began to fall into disbelief. Confused Elizabeth looked up and saw what everyone saw.

There was a giant black web above them, not not them but above the entire island. There were chunks of earth that had trees on the web-shaped thing. Many creatures were on those chucks of earth and were roaring or screeching out in fear.

As Elizabeth looked at it she saw that there were parts of the web connected to the ground. She then thought she was seeing the parts of the web moving in their direction. As she looked more at the thing she realized that it was moving in their direction.

"Everyone don't get close to the forest" yelled Elizabeth as she began to run closely to the water.

Everyone was confused at first until they saw several trees being flung at them. In which they felt like they should run away.

At this point, Red returned his consciousness to the root body and saw people running away.

"Huh, why is everyone running," Red said as he looked in the direction that they were running away from.

He then saw several trees in the air heading in their direction "Oh that's why" said Red as he began to use a skill.

[Flower Field]

Red put both his hands in front of him several Red orbs began to form. The orbs began to absorb the nearby magic from the surroundings. As the orbs finished absorbing the magic the orbs began to more creating 12 seeds in each rob.

Red then launched the seeds into the ground around him and in seconds flowers began to bloom. "I always wanted to use this skill but never got a chance to [Petal Storm]."

When Red activated the skill the flowers that he created began to lose their petals one by one. Until there were no petals left on them.

The flowers that lost their petals began to grow new ones and the new ones began to fall off the flower. This cycle continued to happen for a while.

While this was happening the petals that fell began to slowly float in the air and move towards Reds Root's body. As they reached him they began to float in a circle around him.

The petals that circled him slowly began to pick up speed until the circle was basically like a mini tornado. The sight of this astonished everyone nearby, especially Elizabeth.

Red then slowly moved his right arm up until it was pointing at the trees heading in their direction. He then flicked his index finger as it was pointing at the trees.

The movement of his finger disturbed the flow of petals and as if to follow the direction of where it was flicked the petals followed it.

The petals heading to the flung trees began to expand slowly until they made a circular floating wall of petals. The petal wall looked like it was staying in place but in reality, the petals that made up the wall were still moving at a much quicker rate.

The petals that were coming off the flowers were soon floating in the direction of the wall causing it to grow more. "Even if it's a wall it's still made out of petals so it can't do a thing," said a student.

"Ray please create a barrier made out of sand so it could protect us from the impact of the trees," said another student.

Ray hearing the plea of the students began to chant. As she was chanting she heard a voice in her head "You don't need to worry the wall will hold up."

She looked at the one person that she knew would talk to the people around them with Telepathy. "How are you sure Red," said Ray not believing what he was saying.

"You face my vessels or whatever you call them right? So you should know how strong I am correct? And this ability of mine isn't weak."

Hearing what red said made her remember that when he was not tamed by Elizabeth that her sand magic couldn't kill a single one of his clones. Upon remembering this she then looked at the circular wall of petals that were continuously moving. "If he wasn't tamed and he used that ability on us what would it have done."

Everyone then saw a tree about to hit the wall of petals. They braced themselves to see a tree going through the wall of petals and them having to dodge it.

As the tree hit the wall instead of going through as they thought it was going to do, it was just chopped up leaving nothing behind. The sight made them all think that they were dreaming, after all a couple of petals chopping up a tree and not even leaving behind a branch didn't sound right to them.

Soon more trees hit the wall and the same thing happened to them.

"W-what is that ability," said a hooded man as he couldn't believe the logic behind that.

[Petal storm (1): The user is able to shoot out petals that is able to cut trees down and is able to make a tornado around the user and is able to be pushed outwards increasing its range. Range of the skill is a mile and a half]

"This ability of mine always made me wonder if it could cut down trees, but I guess it can," thought red as he saw more and more trees getting cut to nothing.

"Hey "master" finish sealing me in that crest of yours or else my main body will cause more damage" everyone looked at Red confused at what they heard.

It took them a couple of seconds before they realized that the dark spider web above the island was Red's main body. "Red is that your main body," said Elizabeth dumbfounded at the size of it.

"Yeah it is, you see I'm a flower that can expand its roots. At the center is my stem and Flower bud, while the rest of it is my roots."

Upon hearing the reds answer Elizabeth and the others that heard that were dumbfounded at the sheer amount of roots that expanded from Reds' main body. If the given time it could have spread to all the corners of the island.

"Hey, Elizabeth finish sealing my main body or else there are going to be alot more trees heading in our direction" Hearing Reds more Elizabeth began to flow more mana into her crest in her hand.

As she does the crest glows more brighter and as if to follow suit the giant web in the sky also began to glow more and more brighter until the whole thing was covered in a bright light.

The roots began to disintegrate into balls of light and fly into the crest. The disintegration began to pick up speed making more of the flower and roots turn into balls of light more quickly.




When the last ball of light finally entered Elizabeth's crest she sighed a breath of relief. "Are you okay "master.""

"Yes I'm okay thank you for your-" as Elizabeth looked up at the person she saw a giant flower looking at her.



"Why aren't you in the crest!" yelled Elizabeth in surprise.

"I don't know its probably because my main body was under the taming contract. Hold on a bit ok."

"System how many Root creatures are out here."

[All available Root creatures have been sealed away by Elizabeth Barnes]

"System why was my Root creatures and my main body sealed away but not this body?"

[The reason being that the Root body did not get shocked by the taming lighting resulting in it not being sealed]

"So is this body not tamed by her."

[It is tamed by Elizabeth due to the main body being tamed by Elizabeth. But the root body wasn't shocked by the lightning resulting in it not being sealed]

Receiving the answer to his question Red looks at Elizabeth and says "I have not the slightest clue why I wasn't sealed away. I guess something happened."

"In the end my main body is sealed and no more destruction was caused by it. So I can now cancel this ability of mine." Red then stops the skill [Petal storm].

The petals slowly began to fall onto the ground and when it stopped blocking their view they could see the destruction that occurred.

There were many trees on the ground either broken or bent. There were also several chunks of dirt on the ground missing as well as several creatures buried underneath chunks of dirt. One of the three mountains on the island was also missing a huge chunk of its side.

Everyone was looking at the destruction that was in front of them dumbfounded at the sight of it. They all turned their heads to red as he was scratching the back of his head.

"I guess I should fix this huh" said Red as he began to use a skill.

[Flower Field]

Several balls of red light appeared around red and began to absorb the nearby magic. As the balls finished 12 seeds formed out of every single red ball. They were then launched at the broken and destroyed areas.

In a couple of seconds the area that was destroyed was soon covered in red flowers. "Uh do you guys have anything for me to eat" said Red as he noticed that he was running out of mana.

"Uh I have a couple of jerky left" Red turned his head and saw byro who looked alot line Elizabeth "is he a relative or sibling of Elizabeth" thought red but threw the thought to the back of his mind.

"Thank you very much" said Red as he grabbed the pieces of jerky that byro had in his hand. Red then held onto the jerky for a bit.

"Wait how does he eat" thought everyone who had the same thought.

As they looked they noticed Reds arm becoming bloated until a hole could be seen in the palm of his hand. Red then put then pieces of jerky into the hole one by one, until they were all gone.

The bloated hand began to shrink back to regular size "man that was filling" said Red. Red then looked at the others and saw a terrified look on their face. "What's wrong" said Red.

"Your arm why did it do that and how did it do that" said Byro freaked out. "Oh that it's because this body is made completely out of roots and I can bend it and regrow it to my will watch."

Red then grabs his left arm with his right hand and rips it off. The sight terrified everyone watching. The missing arm then begins to regrow creating and exact replica of the missing arm.

"Cool right" said Red as he looked at the others. Red not receiving an answer asks again "cool right?"

Everyone looked at one another and nod their heads.

A high pitch noise could be heard and everyone looked at the direction of the sound. The sound was coming from one of the boats "Oh shoot the emergency puck up" said a hooded man that began to run towards the boat.

The man enters the boat and after one to two minutes comes back out. "The boats are here. Clear the beach quickly!"

Hearing the man's words at first the students were confused until they saw the members of the church running away from beach, the students seeing this also began to run away from the beach.

A crack appeared above the ocean water, the crack began to spread more in the air until it a hole appeared in the middle of the air. The something came out of the hole and hit the ocean water.

The impact of whatever hit the ocean water caused several big waves to form. The some of the waves that hit the beach that Red and the others were reached all the way to the entrance of the forest. Causing some of the students and Church members to get wet.

Red who did not move from his spot got hit by the full strength of several waves. After it settled down Red could be seen covered in seaweed and looking at the others.

When he turned around he saw several people having crabs and fish on them and others just completely wet.

The sight of them made Red giggle a bit until he saw Elizabeth glaring at him, he then turned his gaze to whatever fell from the sky.

As he looked into the ocean he saw a ship three times bigger then the ones that were on the beach.

It had three sails on it, golden lines on the side of it, and it had a praying women statue on the front of it.

"Is this the church's warship" said byro as he looked at what he would call divine like. Replying back to Byros questions was Ray "it isn't the warships that you kids heard about, but it us one of the church's regular warships."

Ray then begins to chant.

After she finished her chant a stair case made of sand appeared and it lead to the ship that fell from the sky.

"Everyone grab the valuable gear off the ships then burn the ships down" said the High priest as he began to walk on the stair case.

The members and students followed him and so did Red.

As he got onto the ship he saw the scenery that he never saw when he was stuck in the middle of the island. The outline of waves crashing into one another seemed beautiful to him.

As the last student jumped onto the ship "Okay Everyone its time for us to head back to main land."

Everyone cheered and were happy. Out of all of them the person most happy wasn't Red but Elizabeth "I can now enter the tamed creature tournament."

[Yo this is the author and before I write the next chapter I'm going to tell you all that I'm planning on making a 10,000 word chapter either next chapter or the following. If you want the regular 2000-3000 word chapters then I'll just write the 10,000 word chapter after the next one. If I do that then it will be easier for the 10,000 word chapter to be made easier.

So either please comment here if you do want a 10,000, word chapter next chapter or the following chapter]