
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantasia
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70 Chs

Introduction of the other warriors

"Ok I understand that they are your comrades, but why did they appear in the carriage" Elizabeth said.

"Well it was we were supposed to teleport to Red main body and it sort of brought us here" white said.

"Wait didn't the world master say you were going to be teleported to the area where my consciousness is at" I say to White using Telepathy.

"No, the world master said we will be transported to the area where your main body is at" white said through my Telepathy.

"Oh, he did say that" I say as I finally remembered what the world master said just before we left.

"Thankfully you two didn't teleport to any of the gaurds guarding the caravan" I say to them.

"So why did they teleport here" Elizabeth said.

"I teleported them to my main body thinking that it was outside, but forgot that it wasn't and that it was sealed. So the teleportation instead sent them to a area near the seal, which was this carriage" I say to Elizabeth.

"That makes sense I guess" Elizabeth said as she looks at the white and purple. "By the way, why isn't that one talking" she says as she points at purple, who through out this entire conversation didn't say a word.

"I don't know" I say to Elizabeth. I turn my head towards purple and look at them. "Why haven't you talked" I say to purple through Telepathy

"Cause I can't" Purple said using my Telepathy.

"How come" I say confused.

"I'm made out of stone and metal. I'm not organic, which means I don't have vocal cords" Purple said as they look back at me.

"Do you have a skill that allows you to speak" I say to purple.

"Uh how do I check" purple said.

"Just say stat window in your head or outloud to be able to look at it."

After hearing what I said purple said the words and pulled their head back as if something just appeared in their face. Purple stayed silent for a couple of seconds before producing a sound.

"Can you hear me now" Purple said. As he said these words it felt as if there was a wave of relief coming over my body, it was as if I could trust every word Purple would say.

[Host is being attacked by a mental ability]

[The host has negated the mental ability due to the host having a stronger will/mind than the user]

Suddenly the feeling disappeared and notifications popped infront of me.

"Purple, what did you use" I say to purple.

"I used a skill called [Calming voice], it allowed me to speak outloud" Purple said while still using the skill [Calming voice].

"What skill allows you to cause a mental attack" I say to myself. "System show me Purples stat window. Oh and while your at it show me white stat window as well."

Name: Purple

Race: Golem Puppet

Title: None

Level: 1 ( 0/100 exp)

Strength: 25

Speed: 10

Magic: 15

Defense: 20

Skill: Shaping (1), Golem Creation (1), Reaping (1), Calming Voice (1), Specter Body


Shaping (1): The user is able to change the shape, weight, and length of non living items or objects depending on how much mana is used.

Golem Creation (1): The user is able to create Golems by using large amount of items and magic in the nearby surroundings. The Golems made will have the intelligence of a little kid and will only obey simple commands.

Reaping (1): the user is able to send a spiritual attack by using a body part or an item. If used by an item the attack is doubled. When Reaping hits a for the first time the target will be slowed down upon the second the targets Soul will be absorbed into the users main body.

Calming Voice (1): The user is able to produce a soundwave using mana and the magic of the nearby air. When targets listen to the soundwave they will let their gaurd down and obey the commands of the user to a certain degree. This can be nullified or temporarily stopped if the target or targets have a strong mind.

Spector Body: the user is able to turn their Soul into a Specter and travel up to five miles while using it. Only beings with eyes that can see souls can see this.


Name: White

Race: Lesser Mirror Demon

Title: None

Level: 1 (0/100 exp)

Strength: 15

Speed: 20

Magic: 10

Defense: 10

Skills: Mirror Travel (1), Nightmare (1), Nightmare Eating (1) , Soul eyes (1), Mirror Creation (1)


Mirror Travel (1): The user is able to travel onto the Mirror Realm by walking into any nearby Mirror. The user is also able to drag people into the mirror realm for a maximum of one day.

Nightmare (1): The user is able to give their targets Nightmare for a maximum of one day.

Nightmare Eating (1): The user is able to devour the fear out of Nightmares and use them as a way to replenish their hunger, thirst, and Mana.

Soul eyes (1): The user is able to see the outlines of both living and non living beings up to half a mile.

Mirror Creation (1): The user is able to use one of the two abilities. The user is able to create mirrors using bits of their souls. In doing so the user is able to see through said mirrors and interact with the mirror even if the user is miles away. The user able to use the surface of the mirror to create glass like creations that have a strong durability.


"Well these are some nice abilities" I say as I finish looking at white and purple stats and skills.

"Anyway, is it okay for the two of them to stay outside and explore the land" I say to Elizabeth.

"Huh, oh uh, it is okay for them to be out. But to make sure the church doesn't bother them, they should become a tamed beast like you Red" Elizabeth said.

I look at Elizabeth for a bit before looking back at purple and white. They had a confused look on their face when Elizabeth recommended this option, well white did I couldn't see purple make a confused face. "Oh right you don't know about becoming a tamed beast, let me explain then" I began to explain how monsters/creatures could be tamed by people using stones that are handed by the church, which turns out isn't true as Elizabeth began to tell us that anyone that can use magic can tame creatures and that the whole "only the gods can allow you to tame a creature of the dark gods" was just a way for rhe church to gain some members.

"I won't force you and you two can choose your fates" I say to the two of them. I don't want to force them into a decision that can impact their fates in their second life like I did with yellow and green.

"I rather not be tamed, after all I will most likely have to obey my master every word" white said as he looked at my face.

"Okay I respect your decision, what about you purple?"

Purple looked at me for a bit before saying "I would like to choose to become a tamed beast. I don't know much about this world and seeing how my species is well known for being next to humans or sentient beings, so I will choose being a tamed creature."

Hearing what purple said, I understand what he meant. His species is basically a dimensional spying factory that only spies on other sentient beings and either leaves once they get enough data or stays and continues spying on them.

Of course there were two people that were in the carriage that had no clue what purple species was. "Uh what is that Golem talking about" Byro said as he looked at purple.

"Oh nothing, in fact you didn't hear a thing" purple said and soon a wave of mana passed over Elizabeth and Byro. Their face turned blank for a bit and after a couple seconds later they came back to normal.

"Ugh what happened" Elizabeth said as she shook her head.

"What were we doing" Byro said along side Elizabeth.

"This must be the effect of [Calming voice]" I say as I look at the two of them "you were just about to find someone to be purple taming master."

"Oh right" Elizabeth said as she looked at purple.

"Hmm since you are a Golem, you could make a pact with Byro since he has a blessing of a God of Crystal and Gems. So he is able to create Crystals and Gems if he wants to." Elizabeth said.

"Uh what's a blessing" Purple said confused.

"Oh yeah you don't know about that as well" I say and I began to explain to him how the gods gives blessing to people and that it is one of the few ways that people are able to use magic and turn it into mana.

"Well it sounds alright and since I have a skill that allows me to change the appearance of objects it sounds alright" Purple said as he looked at Byro.

"Uh I guess I can have you as my tamed creature" Byro said as he put his hand on Purple head and made his mana flow through his arm into purple body.

After several seconds have passed Byro lifted his hand from purple head and a golden mark appeared on his hand. The mark was shaped into two claws and in the middle of it was a head with a single eye looking through the claws.

"Congrats on becoming a tamed creature. Now all we have to is find a way for white to not be targeted by the church" I say as I look at white transparent body.

"Oh I already figured out a way. Do you have a long string" White said to all of us.

"I can do this for you" I say as a long root vine comes out of my hand. White grabbed the root vine out of my hand and clamped it between his hands.

Soon a white light began to form in between h¹is hand and when the light faded, what remained was the root vine in his hand but in the middle of it was a little mirror.

"Here" White said as he handed it to Elizabeth. Elizabeth was confused but still grabbed the hand made necklace.

When Elizabeth grabbed the necklace from white, white body turned more transparent and began to become more skinnier and longer. His body became a white transparent string and soon began to head towards the mirror that was on the necklace.

When the string touched the mirror it began to slowly flow into it and the surface of the mirror began to make a wave like movement. It was as if someone threw a rock into a lake.

The string fully melted into the mirror and the wave like movement on the surface of the mirror finally stopped.

"White you still there" I say as I look at the mirror.

"Yes I'm here" White said through the mirror. It seemed as though white was able to enter the mirror dimension and is still able to communicate with us.

"Are you good in there" Purple said.

"Yeah it's nice in here. Although it's like a exact replica of the outside world, including the moving carriage part, it's way to blank" White said.