
Las Vegas. Almost peed in his pants!

In Ling own mind... He just hoped that it was for a better reason that his father is calling him. If not he wouldn't hesitate to embarrass the hell out of him!.

Every of his time is precious to him. And he doesn't spend his time for some useless stuffs! Everything must be beneficiary to him... If not, the one that called for his time will only end up suffering for it!.


Just as Jayden had said... Old Master was sitting on the head chair as expected. Some others were also present at their various sit rounded throughout the large sized table.

Seems like they were waiting for a particular person to arrive... Because no one seems to be saying anything yet. Everything, everyone and even everywhere was just silent. It's as if someone of great importance did passed away... Maybe because of the way the room atmosphere was. So boring!.

They all were waiting for Ling arrival before they could start on with the meeting. They didn't dared to start without him... Because all of them knew what they went through when they once started the meeting without Ling very own present. That was a day never to be forgotten!.

Even it still hunts them down in their sleep. Ling surely dealt the hell out of them that very day!.

Ling didn't say a word on his arrival. He only went to sit beside his father right side. Great silent was inside this large hall. No body said a word. "Infact they dare not say a word unless the old Master was the one to say or even better if it was Ling".

Maybe because they were all scared of the person that just walked inside the hall. To them, having this type of feelings is a normal and regular thing for them to go through. "Almost all the time". Ling is not the kind of person that one could just mess with and go free.

The person that dares this guy only awaits his death!.

"Since old Master haven't yet retired himself completely from the company... He still was the chairman of the company. While Ling was the CEO".

Old Master gestured his hand for the meeting to start since the person absent was already now present... And also sitting amongst them.

"Before the meeting did started... They all had do take a look at each others, waiting patiently for the brave one to start on with the conversation. It took a longer one before one of them unwillingly spoke out of fear because of the way that Ling was staring at them all. They sure all looked like a lowly insect below Ling".

And so the meeting did start there after. Old Master had to take over because of the way the others where stammering when about forming a sentence. "What a disgrace to themselves". 

The meeting went on for about 16 minutes before old Master came into a conclusion.

He turned and focused his eyes gaze on Ling that didn't mind him at all.

Ling... You're in charge of the Lincoln corporation in China. See to it that you travel back in a week time. Old Master Lincoln was firm with his words before he dismissed himself from the meeting. 

He was assisted on his way out by his two trusted bodyguards.

No other person inside the office moved an inch after Mr Lincoln went out from the room. Everywhere remained stiff and silent!. It's was like they were all waiting for an Angel to pass by. Even their breathings were unheard of!.

Ling deeply sighed before he went out from the meeting conference room.

Great sighed of relief by the others left inside of the conference room. In no time they all also made their way out before Ling comes back in. Never in a lifetime do they want this particular moment to happen to them.

Inside Ling office...

Jayden was also inside the conference room a while ago... And he also heard what old Master declared. "Boss must be happy then at this rate". He thought to himself... He was thinking like this because of the girl that Ling ordered him to find about. What if he meets her again and miraculously fall in love with her?. That surely would be nice!. His Boss is about clocking 28 years and yet he still had no girlfriend of his own.

"Geez!. I sound like how a nagging Mom would!". Jayden just realized that he's not Ling parent to actually think like this for him. 

Thank goodness that this his words was only meant for inside his head. "Hell no!. He doesn't want to guess what would happen to him if he was to say it out loud to Ling hearings".

He would just have to go dig in his grave if that was to happen. Him digging his own grave in advance. Hehehe. How hilarious!.

Boss... Should I get the flight ready for takeoff to China tomorrow?. Jayden curiously asked. 

He was scared to death after seeing the way that Ling was staring at him without even averting his eyes gaze from where he was. 

"Oh my!. Did I said something wrong". He couldn't help but to wonder about this. With the way that Ling was staring at him now, he wouldn't lie but... He almost even peed in his pants!.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
