
Cat and mouse!...

Hey!. I can still hear that you know!. Xi Feng yelled out. She doesn't yet know the reason why... But this dude Nan nan pisses her a lot!. She still can't believe that she offered to assist him with his so called shopping. What was she thinking then when she said that?.

"Why did I even make this mistake of assisting this punk!?. He only makes my blood boils! Tsk tsk tsk". She said out in annoyance. She deeply sighed, she was trying hard to keep her blood cool from boiling. Since that dude is not here at the moment, it's best for her to relax her head that was already ringing hard now.

"Yeah!. Even I thought the same thing as well". Nan nan yelled out all of a sudden. [Of course he didn't go yet to the dressing room... He hid himself at a corner and secretly took a peep at her. He was patiently waiting on what she was going to say next.

Nan nan definitely did know that something might actually be going through right her inside her head... He just needed to stay back and listened to him. "Oh well, that should be fun".

Xi Feng got taken aback when she heard Nan nan voice. Didn't he get to the dressing room already?. Why is he spying at her!?.

"Yah!. You're definitely a dead meat!". She said out loud before chasing Nan nan that ran for his dear life. Who knows what would happen if she catches up to him?. Or even what she would do to him if that was to happen for real.

She would just skin him alive. Will he even be alive to see the next morning sunlight?. He doesn't think so of that at all.

"Yes!. And you better run like a coward!. Hmph. You're just so unbelievable!". She was just furious of this Nan nan character type. She sure couldn't wait to get these hands of hers on him. What she would do to him will make him to beg for her mercy.

"Same here with you. You also run like a coward!.". Nan nan said before showing out his tongue to Xi Feng that suddenly got pissed off to the highest degree!. All she thought was to beat him and tie him inside an empty room for over a month time!.

Does he even know of what he's getting himself into?. She was a tigress!. She is not to be messed with!.

Xi Feng face darkened when she heard what Nan nan called her. "Coward?". She muttered before turning up to face him. The Aura that she was emitting now was so intimidating. She indeed was really pissed off because of this dude called Nan nan.

Nan nan shivered in fear of the sight before him. His body suddenly became stiff and couldn't make any move at all. It was like she cast a spell on him to make him be like this. No matter how he tried, his body just couldn't move at all. 

It was as if his whole body got glued!. Never in his life have he ever experienced something like this moment.

He saw the way that Xi Feng charged towards where he was standing afar from her. And that scared the hell out of him. he almost even peed on his pants!. 

"Sh*t!. Why is my body not moving!. Is it trying to betray me now". Nan nan gritted his teeth at the thought of this. He was still trying his best to move his body.

When it felt like it was the last moment, his stiffed body became a functioning one that could move again. 

Seeing the little opportunity that he had, he ran away like a flash before Xi Feng could actually get over to him.

Nan nan ran as if his life actually does depends on it. To be fair here, his life does depends on it because if Xi Feng was to get to him now, it would be damn over!.


"Oh my gosh!. Have never felt this scared of anyone before like this!". Nan nan announced. His heart was beating rapidly. He sighed deeply in relief multiple times. His one hand was placed on his chest. It was like smoothing his chest that is beating rapidly. 

And in no time, it was able to calm down for the moment. 

Nan nan was inside the dressing room. He arrived over here like about 30 seconds. But it felt like it was 30 minutes to him. 

Nan nan was more than glad that Xi Feng didn't catch up to him and made her way inside of the dressing room. But there was a thought inside of Nan nan head. "How am I going to get pass her on my way out". He said. This was the side he was caught up with. More like a problem.

Xi Feng is probably waiting for him to come out any moment from now. Will he be able to avoid her?. That totally is impossible!. "I guess I will have to imply violence". His one hand was placed below his chin as he thought of his only escape plan that is inside of his head. He can't possibly let Xi Feng to get hold of him. She really might beat him to death as the case maybe!. 


Outside of the dressing room...

Xi Feng was pacing back and forth outside the dressing room. She just couldn't wait for that Nan nan to come out already. 

She was sure to deal with the hell out of him until he begs her for mercy. That and only then would she consider it and have pity on him.

"Hey!. Are you going to sleep in there!. Come out I'm waiting over here for you". Xi Feng was just being too impatient. There were even some points that she was about heading inside of the dressing room by herself... But she just tried to get hold of herself. She definitely knows of what was going to happen when she's in her angry state now.

"What are you guys looking at!?. Mind your own business will you!". She yelled out at those jobless people that stood and stared at her furious self.

What they only do was watch. Like don't they have better things to be doing?. Why just stand there staring at her like she was some sort of crazy person?. But Xi Feng wouldn't lie, that indeed was the case here but she hate to admit it herself. 


"Oh my gosh!. What should I do?. She's probably waiting for me out there. No... Infact she already is waiting for me. Hmph!. What a lady. Very brutal and unkind. Is she even a lady?. The most important question, is she even a human being because never in my life have I seen any normal human being behave like this".

Nan nan gasped in disbelief because of his thoughts. "Don't tell me that she's a mad lady?".

"Ah!". He suddenly screamed out in shock because of the loud noise that the door suddenly make. He even jerked up because of that.

That must be her!. Oh sh*t!. Nan nan thought... But before he was able to compose or even say another word out, he suddenly heard Xi Feng loud voice. "You better come out now or I'll break my way in. Your choice!". 

Her threat scared the living hell out of him that Nan nan even had no other choice but to come out immediately. He was already putting on him the clothes offered to him by Xi Feng.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
