
The Defective Ninja

Getting dumped into a familiar yet unfamiliar world wasn't something I thought would ever happen. How will I survive in this brutal dog-eat-dog world with a defective body that could break at any moment? Who knows! --- I do not own any of the characters except the OC's!

KeeperOfBooks · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs

5 *Spoiler*


" " Speaking out loud

< > Authors Note

( ) General information

* * Sound Effect


Hey hey! It's me, Nora!

I'm currently 6 years old, and a few things have happened over the past 2 years.

A year ago, Mikoto oba-san finally allowed me access to my family mansion. When Satsuki found out that we weren't related, she cried a lot and thought that I was leaving them. A few flicks to the forehead corrected her thoughts. After that little incident, she became more clingy and brasher than before. I don't know why though.

To be honest, I thought that my family had lots of resources and information, but I didn't expect my family to be so fat in both of those aspects. I have enough wealth to make myself multiple large villages like Konoha, but that's honestly a waste and I don't plan to make a village anytime soon. Yes, soon.

<A/N: Nora will eventually make his own village in the future, so be prepared.>

When I entered the library, I was left flabbergasted. I mean, the inside was much bigger than the outside, which meant that there was fuinjutsu involved to expand the space. After skimming the library index, I literally jumped in joy while screaming at the top of my lungs. Everything I would ever need to know was in the catalogue. Taijutsu, bukijutsu, ninjutsu, fuinjutsu, genjutsu, economics, geography, history, carpentry, you name it and it's there.

When I asked Mikoto oba-san about it, she said that it's the result of my family buying, receiving and creating all of the books and scrolls. I've never been more happier to be a Kekkan since then.

My ninja training has also been sailing smoothly. Excluding ninjutsu, I've been practicing taijutsu, bukijutsu and shurikenjutsu as if there was no tomorrow. I don't know where I stand with taijutsu and bukijutsu, but I believe that I'm average, if not below average, with shurikenjutsu.

Also, my theory of manipulating my leaking chakra was correct. After extensive research, like going through all the discoveries and notes through my family library, I summarised all there is to know about chakra and how to use it.

<A/N: Everything from now on, until I say so, will be partially true and partially my own bullshit. But it allows me to understand it better, hope you all also understand it.>

Chakra is the combination of of spiritual energy and physical energy, and is a type of immaterial substance that is essential to jutsu's. Running out of chakra means running out of spiritual and physical energy, which means you die. My personal theories are that spiritual energy is akin to imagination, it's versatile, malleable and ever changing. Physical energy is akin to reality, its solid, dangerous and straight forward. By mixing imagination and reality, it allows you to use the aspects of imagination and reality to technically perform localized reality warping. Of course, since both the spiritual and physical energy is your own, it only allows you to manipulate your own chakra and hence your own reality, not reality itself.

The reason people don't control leaking chakra is because it's extremely difficult. When using ninjutsu, the user is aware of their chakra and is controlling it consciously. Leaking chakra is just chakra that the user isn't aware of and is subconsciously releasing.

The body is like a bottle, and in that bottle is water, aka, chakra. Now the spiritual and physical energy is constantly producing chakra. It would be dangerous if no water was leaking out of the bottle, or else the bottle might explode due to being unable to contain so much water. Therefore, the body is constantly regulating the amount of chakra that is allowed to remain inside of it. No chakra equals body go boom.

So technically, excess chakra is no longer connected to the users chakra network and it therefore has a 'will' of its own. Although it's impossible for excess chakra to be completely severed from the body, it is almost impossible to influence.

I'm saying almost because I'm currently controlling my leaking chakra to a gaseous ball floating in front of me. And although the chakra is quickly dissipating, I can't help but cry tears of joy.

"Finally... I finally did it! Ha Ha! AHAHAHAHAHA!!"

I started laughing like a third-rate villain. It was extremely difficult to get to this level of control. The countless hours I spent, all the sleepless nights, they were all worth it.

"A whole year, it took me a whole year to finally reach this level! But it's not enough! I need to go further, I need to go plus ultra and beyond!"

My monologue that would appear sinister if others saw me was interrupted by a joyful squeal coming from the door. Turning to look at the door, I saw Satsuki who had stars in her eyes as she stared at me.

"You did it! You can use chakra Nora-nii!"

She yelled in joy as she jumped at me with her arms wide open... only for me to dodge, resulting in her falling face first on the ground.

"Satsuki, why are you yell...ing..."

Mikoto oba-san came out from behind the doorframe while questioning Satsuki, only to falter with her words. Her eyes widened and her expression was one of pure shock.

"Okaa-san! Nora-nii is using chakra! Look! Look!"

Satsuki quickly stood up, ignoring her red nose, while having a beaming smile on her face. She stuck her chest out with pride and arrogance, and I didn't need to use my empathetic powers to know that, her smug face was a dead give away.

"What are you proud of? It's me who should be proud."

I flicked her forehead with a small grin on my face.

How couldn't I be proud? I achieved something that nobody else has ever done before!

Mikoto oba-san, who was observing my chakra ball, just smiled and pat my head. Her smile made me happy and warm inside, and I craved for more of her affection. One of the side-effects of being a kid, I really want some love from others.

"Congratulations, Nora-chan. I'm proud of you, but how did you do this?"

She looked at me while tilting her head, it looked adorable. So I answered her with my most smug smile that I could possibly make.

"Well you see, oba-san, instead of directly controlling the chakra in my chakra network, I'm controlling my leaking chakra. This way, I can use chakra without damaging my chakra network."

Flashing a surprise face, Mikoto oba-san quickly hid it and smiled proudly, the proud smile a mother would have, but there was a hint of reluctance and grief in her face.

I perfectly understood why. She didn't want me to become a ninja, and me developing this skill practically slapped her in the face with all hopes of me giving up the ninja path. Alas, that's my ninja way. If something pushes you down, push back with double the force. Resistance isn't useless, it just shows how far you are willing to go for your goals.

"That's great, Nora-chan! Satsuki has been very worried about you being unable to use ninjutsu."

Satsuki blushed a deep shade of red as she complained to Mikoto oba-san.

"O-okaa-san! You weren't supposed to tell him!"


Satsuki then got into a little fued with Mikoto oba-san, who just retaliated with words that embarrassed Satsuki. Smiling at their interaction, I glances at the chakra ball in front of me. Said chakra ball was a blood red colour, the colour of the tailed beasts chakra.

So my assumption was correct. Not only did the clan's history in the library help solidify my hypothesis, but the fact that my chakra is red in colour proves that I was right. The Kekkan clan is the only surviving failed experiment to create half-bijuu soldiers. We are a failure because we couldn't even fight properly without dying. With the body of a human, and with the chakra of the tailed beasts, the Kekkan clan managed to survive. That's right, tailed 'beasts'.

All of the tailed beasts chakra was gathered and fused into a single chakra before it was transplanted into my ancestor. This meant that I had the chakra of not just a tailed beast, I had the chakra of the Ten Tails itself.


After excusing myself from the house, I felt that it was only appropriate that I go out and celebrate. I would've taken Satsuki along, but she was dragged somewhere by Mikoto oba-san. So I went to check if any of my friends wanted to go celebrate with me.

What? Didn't expect me to have friends, did ya? Ha! Although I may be a bit introverted, I know just how important connections can be for the future. Besides, my friends are chill and not some snot nosed brats.

"Ne, do you guys wanna go eat some dango?"

The fat boy lying on the grass to my right asked while drooling.

"Choji, we just ate a few minutes ago. What a drag."

A lazy looking boy to my left, who was also laying on the grass, sighed while staring at the clouds.


The quiet boy leaning against a tree behind me simply nodded his head. His black shades reflected sunlight as he nodded.

"Actually, I could grab a snack."

A wild looking boy who was sitting up spoke while rubbing his grumbling stomach.

"Choji, Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, I can't feed you guys all the time."

I grumbled while staring at the passing clouds.

Yep, I was hanging with some of the boys from the future Rookie 9. Neji and Lee weren't originally part of this group, so until we meet, they won't be part of the group.

I met them through Choji. It was easy to befriend the chubby guy, just give him a snack and he'll instantly be your friend.

"But I guess we could go for a snack. After all, the girls are coming."

I said as I glanced to the entrance of the playground. Coming in groups were girls from different clans and even civilians. Even from here, I could already hear their high pitched voices as they all talked simultaneously to each other.

The boys faces scrunched up and they quickly stood up to leave, even the ever so stoic Shino reacted. It's not that we were disgusted with the girls, it's just because the girls can be quite annoying and loud. Me and Kiba especially find it annoying to be around the girls, due to our enhanced senses.

"To the closest dango store!"

I shouted as we all ran to the exit of the playground. With me taking the lead, we left the playground and entered the bustling streets of Konoha. Since it was midday, there were lots of people outside and the roads were very crowded.

After running for a few minutes, I realised that it was oddly quiet. Taking a look around, I discovered that I was near the forest, which meant that I was lost.

"Where the hell am I?"

<A/N: Yeah, prepare for some Zoro moments throughout the novel. Although his condition won't be as extreme as Zoro's, it'll still be there. >

Standing still, I closed my eyes and activated my sensor skill. A geographic map of my surroundings appeared in my head. Starting with a radius of a few meters, it rapidly expanded as more and more information entered my head. From a few meters, the radius grew to about 5 km before it reached its limit. Near the edge of the radius, were a few houses, civilian houses.

"How did I travel so far without noticing?"

Sighing, I turned around to go back, but I stopped when I sensed a chakra signiture. Turning to the direction of the chakra signiture, I slightly focused on it. The blurry figure of a body became clearer until I could make out the features of a girl punching and kicking a large tree stump.

"A girl? Is she practicing taijutsu? Let's take a look."

I quickly ran towards the girl while jumping from tree to tree. Swinging on a tree branch then landing and jumping off another, I used my past life's parkour experience to hasten my speed. I didn't even need to use chakra like other ninjas to accomplish this. My body strength and parkour skills proved very useful in this situation.

<A/N: Now you all know why Nora did parkour in his past life, it was to prepare him for this. Since he can't use chakra to attach himself to surfaces yet, he used his parkour skills to substitute for the lack of chakra. Also, the humans of the Narutoverse are much stronger and smarter than the humans from earth, because of the unique existence of chakra that naturally makes them stronger.

A normal civilian from the Narutoverse will have the strength, stamina and speed of a top ranked athlete from earth. This is all just me making this up, but it's the only reason to explain why Nora can do these inhumane feats at such a young age. Don't forget, Nora is also physically superior to others of his age group, so he will be a force to be reckoned with in the future. >

After jumping around like a monkey for a few minutes, I landed and crouched on another tree branch while observing the girl.

She has medium length silver-white bob cut hair and cobalt blue eyes. Wearing a white tank top and shorts, I could see most of her body. Her petite body was developing muscles, although not entirely visible, the outlines of the muscles were still there. She had a focused and stoic look on her cute face as sweat trickled down her face.

"Where have I seen you before..."

I frowned and rubbed my non-existent beard. She looked so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

As I was too focused on my thoughts, I didn't notice a kunai heading towards me until my natural instincts flared. I caught the kunai at the last moment with my left hand and winced when the blade dug into my skin. Almost instantly, my chakra went towards my hand and healed it, a small amount of steam escaped the gaps between my clenched hand.

Turning to where the kunai came from, I saw the girl staring at me with her usual stoic face, but I could feel the caution she had towards me. With a smile I jumped down front he tree and walked towards her.

"Here, I think you dropped this."

I presented the kunai in my left hand, which was clean and scarless, but the girl didn't take it. She instead got into a stance.

Smiling wryly, I laughed uncomfortably and explained myself.

"Sorry about appearing out of nowhere. I sensed you by accident and I got curious, so here I am. I'm Kekkan Nora by the way, but you can call me Nora. What's your name?"

I was never one for formalities, so I just let people call me what they want.

The girl's caution disappeared, although slightly surprised that I healed instantly, her tensed muscles relaxed and she got out of her stance. She took the kunai out of my hand as she spoke with the same stoic expression.

"Tobiichi Origami."


Title: Tobiichi Origami

That's right ladies and gentlemen, it's a waifu! I already have their relationship planned out, so don't tell me what to do! Also, there is no reason that she is in this novel. I just felt like adding her, so I did. For all those that don't like it; DEAL WITH IT! THIS IS MY F*CKING NOVEL AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE F*CK I WANT WITH IT!!

Sorry for shouting, but I had to make my point. Anyway, please leave your comments and any typos.

I don't know when Naruto and the other Rookie 9 entered the academy, but in my novel, they enter the academy at 8 years old and leave at 12 years old. So they shall spend 4 years in the academy. Year 1 and 2 to brainwash the children into following the Will of Fire, year 3 and 4 to learn actually ninja stuff. For more information, read the future chapters.

This was probably the longest chapter I've ever written!

KeeperOfBookscreators' thoughts