

Far beyond our planet, there exists other life forms far more intelligent than us. These creatures that prefer to call themselves the Alka wanted to be supreme rulers and be able to create life. So they decided to create a weapon that can do that for them, they built a large ball made out of organic Matter that can adapt to anything thrown at it making it indestructible. It was very fast and it could destroy other planets and use their genetic material to create new ones. It could also create life. It did this by collecting genes from other species and then creating it's own species that were it's slaves. After it had created its first set of slaves, it realised it no longer needed it's creators and began to devour them.One of its creators, tried to destroy it but failed because the ball had upgraded itself. So he decided to trap it in a virtual world, unfortunately the ball had already created another version of itself that it could control and use. The second ball devoured the alka and travelled from planet to planet destroying every specie and planet. It later landed on earth in the 21st century. The humans tried everything in their power to destroy it but failed. The ball later decided not to destroy earth on the condition that it becomes their ruler and that they feed it two human beings every end of the month. The humans had no choice but to agree. It use its minions to build it a lair in a volcano found in the center of the earth. it is surrounded by forest. There's a room inside the building that no one is allowed to go in and no one knows what's inside it cause it is heavily guarded by strange creatures created by the ball. The question that remains is why did it spare earth out of all the planets it had destroyed?, Is there something more that it's planning?.

The day is finally here, were the ball gets to eat it's victims. This time the children are coming from our province.

The balls lair is located on the center of the earth in a volcano, so we have to wait for the names to be announced and then the selected ones are taken to the ball by the minions. A parent is allowed to accompany them but they have to provide their own transportation on their way back. The mode of transportation is by plane but everyone's afraid of it cause last selection day one of the planes disappeared and no one knows where it went. That's how I lost my dad and elder sister.

Knock, knock.

"Come in.", I say while looking at my room one last time.

My mom enters the room and I can tell by the look on her face she had been crying the whole night.

"So it's just going to be me all alone in the house now.",she says with tears coming out of her eyes. I go to her and wipe the tears and say " don't worry mom, everything will be alright", that's if we manage to pull this off.

"I'm going to miss you Mike, you always found a way to brighten up the house.

"I'll miss you...", RIIIINNNNG. That's the siren telling us it's time for the names to be announced.

" Well it's time", said my mom and I give her one last hug and she leaves the room. Before I leave my room, I look at one more time then I head outside to hear the announcement. Everyone has to stand outside to insure that no one is hiding. I stood right next to Josh .

"Welcome everybody and thank you for your cooperation," the announcer said, " This month's unlucky pair of snacks is going to be Jason...". The minions who looked like humans but with blue skin and modified parts went and grabbed Jason out of the crowd.

" And... Mike."

When I heard that I looked at my mom her skin looked pale and she had tears coming out of her eyes. Josh held onto Karen who was also right next to him and also began to cry. As the minions were taking me away, everything just seemed to be in slow motion and the thought that I'll never see my family again made me weep softly. Jason and I were put in the car and were driven to the airport.

Aisha's point of view:

As I went and grabbed the guy called mike. I looked at what seemed to be his family and saw them crying bitterly. My heart was filled with sadness and I wanted to help them but I didn't want to blow my cover. I pushed Mike roughly into the car and i apologized in my mind then we drove off.

By the time we had reached our destination the sun had already set. The balls lair was in a dormant volcano in the center of the earth. Jason, the minions and I were dropped in at the top and everything went dark.

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