This is a story about a boy named Ethan Dawson who discovers he's a magic user In a world where magic users are slaughtered and no one knows why. Ethan discovers that there's a relam that can keep him and his fellow magic users safe from this world. They call it the magic relam. Later he comes to know the magic relam has lost its immortality stone without Which the magic relam won't last for more than ten years. Will Ethan be able to retrieve the immortality stone before it's too late ?.
"Me again ?" Ethan groans. "That's not fair ask Bianca to do it insted" .
"Ethan , she's busy. She is emotially disturbed right now you can't ...."
"Looking at that blonde haired guy's picture?, I'm so tired of this , who is he anyway ? And why is Bianca so consumed looking at his picture ?".
"Ethan , it's none of your business" His mother, Mrs.Dawson says quickly with an angry look on her face. Ethan runs to Bianca's room and pulls the well-framed picture from Bianca's hand. It was a picture of a fine man who had dusty blonde hair and scar on his right eyebrow. His features were sharp and anyone could say he was handsome. His hands were muscular and the look on his face was charming. His eyes were crystal blue and he had a crooked smile on his face.
"Gross" Ethan grossed out.
"Give it back" Bianca yelled , pulling Ethan's hand. Ethan pushes her away "you don't do anything except stare at this picture all day , I bet you don't even sleep at nights looking at this picture that's why your eyes are swollen". She looked accused which eased Ethan's anger a bit but when she screamed "it's just none of your business Ethan you wouldn't understand" and launched to grab it , Ethan threw it away in anger.
"None of my business ? You guys keep telling this to me , you never told me anything about dad and I have a feeling you guys are hiding something from me"
Bianca's eyes get filled with tears. She whisperes "that was the only piece of memory I have of him and you did this Ethan , you shattered it" . Tears rolled out of her eyes . Ethan felt deeply hurt seeing his sister cry like this. Bianca has always been a strong twenty-three year old lady. Ethan has never seen her cry in front of him. She was his role model on how to stay strong no matter what.
"Hey... Bianca .. I didn't mean to... " He hesitated trying to console her.
"He's dead Ethan , he's dead" She screamed in agony " I loved him and he's no more".
"Who is he ..?" Ethan asks her.
"Just leave me alone" Bianca screams.
Mrs.Dawson rushes in "Ethan can you please go get the ingredients while I try to console her ?" She tells him with an angry look on her face.
"Fine I'll go" Ethan talks with a soft and guilty voice. He takes his remote and summons his digi-Skateboard ( a digital skateboard that is remort control) and flew it over the skateboard lane. The buildings were tall and always lit up and the sky is always dark and is always in a hew between pink to dark blue doesn't matter if it's morning or night the sky is always dark. The whole world is ruled under a single Monarch since the population became small and could be handled by a single ruler. It's well developed , it has TV screens floating all over the streets and flying cars. Tall buildings and flying ones too . There are no trees. The trees are only found in artificial plants which grow them. Most of the people have to take oxygen pills to get oxygen supply , the others have to wear oxygen masks. Ethan landed in front of the grocery store and was welcomed by a robot. He walked in and picked up ingredients that was needed to make pills and food items. When he walked out the Tv screens in the sky flashed showing policemen hunting down magic users. Ethan looks up and wonders how horrible and scary his life would have been if he were born a magic user. Atleast 2 magic users get killed a day in this small world. It's painful to see innocent lives taken away. Ethan looks down immediately refuces to look at people getting shot down by investigators. As Ethan flies his skateboard home he quickly takes out an extra item he baught. It was a magic fixer. It could fix any item that's broken even though a person can't get full results from it , it restores atleast 80 percent of the broken piece. He smiles, he was looking forward to console Bianca. when he reached his house , his intuition prompted him to enter from the backdoor. He didn't feel right and his heart started palpitating. Ethan slowly opened the door without making noises and sneaked into the kitchen. In front of him were investigators taking notes. He quickly hid himself and peeked from the kitchen wall. He saw blood all over running down. His eyes widened seeing his mother and sister shot dead on the ground. They were innocent. They were just normal people. Why them ? What could have happened. Ethan peeked one more time to see an investigator having his picture in his hand. He slid it inside his pocket quickly. Ethan kenw that he was their next target. His eyes filled with tears not knowing what to do. His heart felt heavy that he couldn't get his legs move. No he wanted revenge. His eyes filled with rage. His sister and his mother were the only two people he had. He saw the magic fixer in his hand and his eyes filled with tears. The investigators and cops detected his presence and one of them came walking towards the kitchen. Ethan managed to run out before that and stuck himself to the wall outside the house. He couldn't bear it . He didn't want to leave the place without revenge. They took the only people he had by his side. Footsteps were nearing Ethan and one of them got hold of his hand.
"There he is .. is he the person you were looking for ?" An Investigator asker the other.
"Yes it's him" The other investigator tells him
"Shoot him down" They order.