
The pivot step

I caught his wrist, stopping the knife two inches from my chest. As I had already broken his other hand, he was desperate to assure the safety of his other facilities. Unfortunately for him, I wasn't merciful. By the time I was done with him, he was left with only a handful of uninjured bones. I left him there, lying alongside the bodies of his fellow henchmen.

I exited the living room and made my way through the house, trying to find the staircase. After I located it, I went back to the kitchen and picked out some snacks. I took my time, and had some juice before returning to the stairs.

Upstairs, the family waited inside a closed room. With the father holding a shotgun aimed at the door. The children cried, afraid of me. Their mother wrapped her arms around the twins, feeling perhaps even more troubled.

After a walk through two flights of stairs and a particularly long hallway, I finally reached that door. Through the pocket of my blood drenched coat, I took out my revolver.

"Saket Prabhat," I called out, leaning on the door. "Come out, I wouldn't like hurting you in front of your children."

Saket replied by firing bullets at the door, which hit me hard. I hadn't expected it of him, or perhaps I hadn't cared. Few minutes later, Saket stepped out of the room. He found my body and prided himself at my wounds. He called for his wife and together they disposed of my body in their garage. I tried to comfort the children, but it was hard doing so without a physical presence.

Since, it would have been extra traumatic for the children to watch their mother murder Saket, I didn't make use of her. I decided to deal out Justice the next day, foe Saket the murderer was going to die, just not tonight.

It was over eleven thirty now, I needed to do my homework.

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