


I ran after Walter. He was literally stomping his feet as he walked away. "Walter, wait!" I yelled as I ran towards him. I grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"Let go of me, Ersa. I am furious to be around you right now. The last thing I want is to hurt you in any way. It's better if I leave right now." Walter growled angrily while staring at the ground. He avoided my gaze for some reason.

I took a step closer towards him. I pinched his chin lightly and guided his face towards mine. Even though he was facing me, his eyes remained away from my gaze. I cupped his face with one hand so he would look into my eyes.

After a few tries, he finally looked into my eyes. I saw guilt and pain in his eyes. Maybe that's what he had been trying to hide from me. That's why he didn't meet my gaze. There were a bunch of things I wanted to say to him to make him feel better. But my words didn't come out of my mouth. It felt like my tongue had died inside my mouth.