
The Cursed One - GL -

Emma stumbles upon a girl named Olive, who was running from a bear in the forest. Emma saves Olive from the bear using her magic, but the villagers find out and accuse Emma of being a witch. Emma is taken to a dungeon and the villagers perform a ritual to test her for witch marks. This is a story about two girls, Emma and Olive, who are connected through a bond of magic and curses. The two must learn to trust and understand each other, and work together to face the dangers in their lives and the challenges they will face.

janeslyre · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


"While you were still locked in the dungeon..."


Olive was walking through the forest when she suddenly heard a noise from behind her. She whirled around, only to see a figure standing in the shadows. The figure was a menacing-looking witch, with dark eyes and a cruel smile.

The witch approached Olive and commanded her to follow her. Olive was frightened, but she knew she had no choice but to obey. The witch led Olive into the woods, and eventually they reached a clearing.

The clearing was dark and sinister, with a cold, eerie feeling that made Olive's blood run cold. The witch stopped in the middle of the clearing and turned to face Olive. She looked at Olive with a cruel smile, her eyes flashing with menace.

"We're here, " the witch said ominously. "Now you will pay for what you have done."

Olive realized that she had made a terrible mistake by following the witch into this clearing, and she tried to turn and run away, but it was too late. The witch cast a spell, and an instant later Olive was transformed into an eagle.

Olive was stunned and horrified by what had happened. She tried to speak, but she could only make a guttural screech. She tried to fly away, but her wings were too heavy and clumsy. As she struggled to take flight, she heard the witch's cruel laughter, echoing through the clearig. Olive was terrified and helpless.

Olive was devastated by what had happened and desperately tried to think of what to do. She thought back to what had happened that day, and she remembered that Emma had been accused of using magic by her. Suddenly, she had a terrible feeling in her stomach - could this somehow be related to Emma? Olive knew that if there was even a slight chance of that being true, she needed to find Emma as quickly as possible and see if she could help. Olive took off, her heart racing and her wings flapping frantically, as she flew over the forest, searching for Emma.

Olive flapped her wings as hard as she could, desperately trying to make her way towards the dungeon. After a long, grueling flight, she finally reached the village. She landed in front of the dungeon gate and looked up at the ominous structure. Olive felt a wave of fear and dread, but she knew that she had to go inside if she had a chance of finding Emma. She took a deep breath and flew towards the door, determined to face whatever lay inside.

Olive flew through the door of the dungeon and landed on the stone pavement. It was darker and colder than she had imagined, and she could feel a sinister presence in the air. She took another deep breath and flew deeper into the dungeon, determined to find Emma no matter what. She flew down long, winding hallways, past sinister-looking cells and ominous doors, until finally she reached a small cell. Olive peered into the cell and saw a person. It was Emma.

Olive's heart skipped a beat as she saw Emma in the dungeon cell. She felt a surge of hope, but it was tempered by fear and anxiety. Olive knew that Emma was in a dangerous situation, and she was determined to help her in any way she could. But she had to be careful - there were dangerous people in the dungeon, and she couldn't risk getting caught.

But suddenly, she saw a man. Olive quickly flew back and hid in a shadowy corner, quietly watching as the man approached Emma. The door to the cell creaked open and a man dressed in a black cloak walked in. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but his voice was stern and commanding. Emma reluctantly got up and followed him. Olive felt a tingle of fear as she saw them walk away, and she knew that she needed to follow them. She had to find a way to help Emma, even if it meant putting herself in danger.

Olive flew silently and quickly, following the man in black through the dungeon. She stayed in the shadows, trying to remain out of sight, but she was cautious and alert. She needed to find out where they were taking Emma, and she needed to do it fast.

Finally she reached a door, and she could hear faint voices coming from behind it. She flew up and peeked through the keyhole, and she saw the man in black leading Emma into a room. Olive was shocked at what she saw - the room was filled with people, all staring at Emma with frightened expressions.

Olive was surprised to see so many people gathered there, and felt a surge of energy knowing she had to act quickly. But she couldn't quite see what was going on inside. After a while, she flew into the room and landed near the people.

"I see... A giant eagle!" Emma said.


"...and that's what happened according to Olive, " Sally told Emma.

- Jane: I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Feel free to leave comments and feedback, and remember to stay tuned for the next chapter. Thanks for reading! <3

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