

The moment Ji Eun strike the knife to her mate's chest, the clouds drastically covered to light (moon) and the peaceful night became a horrendous to the werewolf realm. Rain starts pouring as Ji Eun's tears starts tofall down from her eyes, she is staring at the crimsons eyes of her alpha, Junghyun. "I'm sorry!" She uttered. The horror plastered under her eyes as she saw Junghyun's body became pale and blood staring to gargle out of his mouth, she pushed him making the alpha stumbled back to the rocky floor. Outside the cave, the rain poured hardly, as the storm and thunders repeatedly after one another. Ji Eun's body starts to tremble and she suddenly collapsed next to her mate. A light suddenly came out, and the curse of sinner Lee Ji eun was promptly begins. "As you lay your hatred to love, your body will weakened, the moment you learn of love, the moment he will appear, now; I will curse you, to be a deity of hearts that will help the wolves to learn about love & trusts until Junghyun's body revived and mated to another chosen." The moon goddess left. That's how the cursed of the deity of hearts begins. "I became immortal to help wolves fix their problem will be unavoidable until my mate reincarnated back to life again" Lee Ji Eun The deity of hearts who killed her mate for unreasonable thoughtof love, fear of commitment and loss of her friend. She didn't just lost her mate, but she also lost everyone including the pact she has love to lived with.

Jaehyana · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Second Meet


The next day, Taehyung woke up by the alarm he set on his phone, he look around the room and saw that the younger alpha is still unconscious, Taehyung sighed and remove the blanket he put on himself while he slept on the small couch inside the room of Jungkook.

He stretch his arm and just walk towards the bathroom and quickly washed his face before leaving and going downstairs to see his hyung putting all the lunch boxes Jin prepared.

"Good morning Jin hyung, how did you get in?" Taehyung said after he greeted the older who just smile at him.

"I asked Ji Eun...and she guessed that Jungkook hide his keys on the big plant outside his house so I try to find one so viola I found one, now eat breakfast first before going back on the room and take a bath, also you know that you need to wash Jungkook's too right?" Jin raises an eyebrow towards his younger brother who blush as he lowered down his head after he take a seat.

"i-I know, but I am omega..." He pauses as he looked up to see his hyung teasing gaze on him.

"I'm the same, but the difference is I'm married and I already saw alpha's body well Joonie's--"Taehyung blushing madly as he cut his hyung's word.

"I know that's the big difference. No need to slap it on me." Jin laugh out loud as Taehyung pout plus his strawberry face.

"Okay chill bro; just eat your breakfast so you can attend to your soon to be alpha." Jin laughing silently but continue to pull out the other lunch boxes that full of sliced fruit, kimchi and other side dishes that prepared for the youngest.

"Your clothes and necessities are on the huge black luggage on the living room... I think the clothes I put there will be enough until one week, eh" Jin pointed the huge luggage that placed on the living room alone.

"Thank you hyung" Taehyung sincerely said looking at Jin and Jin just gave him a genuine smile as answer.

"I'll leave now if you can handle all of this, Joonie is waiting for me outside... Take care okay?" Jin back hugs Taehyung and nuzzles his nose on Tae's neck smelling his scent.

Taehyung have the most alluring scent, because of the vanilla strawberry scent Taehyung have.

After Jin left Tae, he quickly finish eating so he can take a bath and wash Jungkook's face and also his body, as he thought of cleaning his mate's body sending a shudder in his spine.


The days went by and Jungkook still unconscious, the young omega just did his best not to cry and just waiting until the forth night came by.

Taehyung was preparing his blanket when he hear someone groans, he stopped what he's doing and look at Jungkook and got shocked when Jungkook's hand move!

He quickly run towards him and hold his hand tightly. "w-water, I need w-water..." Jungkook said with his raspy voice and dry.

"O-okay, wait... I'll get you a water, don't move to much!" Taehyung run downstairs and get a pitcher and an empty glass, carefully running upstairs and once he arrived he quickly pours on the glass and help Jungkook sit on his bed before he give the glass of water.

Jungkook gulped it in one drinking and asked for another one, but he look at the person who's with and realized that it's his mate.

So Jungkook's doe eyes widened, while Taehyung is currently cursing mentally on his head, because he thought Jungkook will wake at least tomorrow morning but he woke up tonight!! Tonight damn it...

Isn't that he's not glad that his mate woke up, it's just he's surprised also overwhelm about the fact that he panicked.

"Taehyung-ssi?" Jungkook stopped Taehyung wrists making him look at Jungkook.

"What? Are you perhaps hurt?" Taehyung's voice traces with worriedly.

"No, nothing... it's just how did you know my place? And why are you instead of the deity, we were talking when I felt something—" Jungkook stopped talking when his felt his head suddenly hurt.

"H-hey" Taehyung panic again as Jungkook put his both hands on his head as he groan.

Ji Eun suddenly appeared at the other side of the bed then she plopped down on the bed removing Jungkook's hands on his head gripping on to his wrists.

"Jungkook!" She shouted making the young alpha look at her.

"Close your eyes." Jungkook followed what she said while Taehyung just stood there silently watching as Jungkook calm down.

"Taehyung if Jungkook was calm enough can you please prepare him a food because he's probably hungry now, I'll check on how he is." Taehyung can't do something but to nodded and leave Jungkook's room to prepare a late dinner for Jungkook.

"What the hell is happening to me?!" Taehyung muttered as he walks downstairs.

"Stupid Taehyung, don't think of being jealous on her she already told you that she's just helping Jungkook because he is connected to her past, stop your feelings, idiot" He shakes his head and ignore his thoughts as he start to prepare for Jungkook.

In Jungkook's room.

"I am... Did you tell my mate about your past?" Jungkook asked then he opened his eyes to look at the deity's.

"No. I'm not the one who shared it to him, but I ask him to take care of you once you fainted last Friday." Jungkook frowned not understanding the whole thing she said.

"What do you mean I fainted, how?" He asked confusingly.

"Junghyun entered your body with his soul. I didn't noticed he did but as soon the different voice came out from your mouth I know that's not you because your voice is much different than him, his, was more deeper than you." She explained.

"That's the reason why you fainted and that you only woke up Thursday night. You supposed to wake up tomorrow, but I didn't know why you woke up earlier than I expected." Jungkook nodded.

"So you mean my mate was here since I was unconscious?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, that's normal, also I helped you... So please take good care of him or else you know what I can do, young alpha." Ji Eun glared at him making Jungkook look away.

"I'll never hurt my mate like you did deity, and I promise you that I'll take good care of him no matter what happen." Ji Eun snort upon hearing the alpha but she let out a smile then patted Jungkook's shoulder before standing up.

"I'll visit your omega then, I'm sure he's cursing me in his head as we speak, your omega jealousy is one of a hell trouble." Ji Eun laugh while Jungkook just smile but shakes his head as the deity left his room.

Taehyung is almost finish when the deity entered the kitchen.

"He's already awake and fine...Jungkook came on my dream asking for help that's why I decided to appeared in front of you both, I know you want me to explain what really happened behind of his fainted." Taehyung glanced up to her after he put the last bowl on the tray.

"Junghyun, my past ex mate entered his body. Jungkook's wolf tried to fight him but Junghyun won so we could finish off the mess between us, for me to pay my sin. Jungkook's face was the same as Junghyun's, the only difference was his body proportion and his hair, his attitude was also the same." Ji Eun sighed remembering how Jungkook fall into her arms as Junghyun left his body.

"I was thankful that I already paid the half, but to be able to complete it, you and Jungkook must get married under my law and blessing with the goddess of Wedding." Taehyung eyes widened as he heard about marriage and weddings.

"B-but we just met, and this is the second time--" Ji Eun smiled and shakes her head.

"No Taehyung... But the story about that we'll be soon to tell, as of now... Take care of him and maybe talk about you and him properly. If you ever had misunderstanding you know the way to call me, okay?" Ji Eun didn't wait for the omega to reply and just vanished.

Taehyung sighed but he turned around to carry the tray with his both hands and walk back upstairs to Jungkook's room.

The door remains open so Taehyung just kick it slightly for him to walk without worrying about the space.

He put down the tray in front of Jungkook on the bed. "How are you feeling now? Better?" He asked not looking at his mate's eyes.

"I'll be fine if you look at me comfortably." Jungkook's voice got deeper as he stares at the beautiful omega that is standing next to him.

"I'm sorry it's just--" Taehyung look at his eyes and he saw the pair of his eyes is staring at him making his face feel warm. He cupped it to cover his blushing face but Jungkook already saw it chuckle lightly.

"No need to cover it baby... You're beautiful, especially with your rosé cheeks." Jungkook said the he look at the food in front of him and then smiles at the omega again.

"How did you know that this is my favorite?" Jungkook asked as he pointed the breakfast Taehyung prepared.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Um... No, I just knew that's your favorite now that you tell me." He said shyly.

"Oh? Then, thank you for the food Taehyung-ssi." Jungkook then started eating the food he prepared.

//you called me 'baby' earlier! // Taehyung screamed at his thoughts.

"Just Taehyung, drop the formalities please" He said watching the alpha eating.

"Then call me Jungkook or whatever you want to now." Jungkook said as he munches on the food.

"This is good! I should thank the moon goddess for giving me a mate who's good at cooking" Jungkook innocently said and not looking at Taehyung who's blushing mad again, as Jungkook compliment him.

Taehyung's heart was beating so fast like his wolf cheering inside him.

//Calm down my wolf, we don't want to scare your alpha do we? // He said, scolding his wolf.

After Jungkook's compliment Taehyung cannot utter a word so he decided to be silent and let the alpha eat his late dinner peacefully, he just sit on the accent chair near on Jungkook's bed and wait until Jungkook finish eating.

Few minutes passed, Jungkook drink his water then look at Taehyung who's already asleep on the accent chair. Jungkook can't help but to stare and smile adoring the beautiful omega. Jungkook leave his bed only to kneel down in front of the young omega and look at him more closely.

//Breathtaking beautiful// He thought.

Jungkook trying to carry the beautiful omega carefully not to wake him up, and places him on the other side of the bed before tucking on his blanket. Jungkook took the tray and leave silently to put the used plates and utensils on the sink before going back on his room and close the door carefully.

He takes a glance again on his mate thinking twice if he's going to kiss his forehead or not. Because he doesn't want the omega think something bad on him, so Jungkook just scratch the back of his head before going on the couch and lay there.

// I can kiss his forehead forever, if he accept me as his mate// Jungkook smile at thought.

Well... Jungkook is a well-known kind alpha, who's kind on the pack also to the wolves who's in need help, but when someone confess their love on him he can't help but to feel bad for rejecting them even if he reject them nicely.

He oath once that he will only love his mate and his mate only, so he never date anyone even his group teases him for being a loyal to one alpha.

"Good night, my love" He utter looking at Taehyung before he closed his eyes and drift to sleep.
