

It all starts in Japan, Gunma outside the control of the Empire, since at that time, they controlled almost the cities near Tokyo like Saitama, Yamanashi, Ibaraki, Chiba, and Shizouka but not the entire country due to unknown circumstances. There were other organizations that controlled their part in Japan but the ones that mattered most were those of "The Order." The organization in control of the Empire and its people, leading to a better future and discipline.

Well, out of the Empire's control. A village is found in Gunma, Fujioka.

There was a 14-year-old girl named Kyoko, who was wearing a blue necklace. Hyperactive with others. Normally she always goes to high school every day with her best friend "Satoko" who is independent in her studies and an assistant for Kyoko because she almost messes up in homework.

At the end of high school, Kyoko and Satoko on the way home.

"Satoko, do you think we can review our homework this weekend? I'm a little confused."

"Of course! I can explain it to you. Did you finish chapter six for history?"

"That's what I was hoping you would help me with."

Unexpectedly, gallons of water fell from the top of a house. Then we're stuck in some branches of a tree but the water came out from inside.

"What?! Satoko, watch out!"


That's when Kyoko showed her unknown power, she stopped the water as if nothing had happened.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay—I was just startled. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. That was a close call. Did you get wet?"


"Good, that was a close call!"

"Amazing—how did you stop it so fast?"

"Instinct? If I saw it a second later—"

"Oh! Look up in the tree!"

"The water looks like it's frozen, mid-air!"

"That's because it is? Hurry, you need to put it down."

Satoko knew that Kyoko had powers but only with water, although she kept wondering where she got that talent from. Until she remembered that Kyoko was not supposed to show her powers in public because she knew it would happen to her.

"Where can I put the water?"

"Guide it down onto the sidewalk then make it flow to the sewer. Be careful, though. No one can see you using your powers."

"Did anyone see me stop the water?"

"I hope not, hurry up and hide it."

"Okay. Do you see anyone coming?"

Satoko looks around and down the street. "No, go ahead."

"Do you think the spilled water was an accident? Did someone spill it out of their window, maybe?"

"I'm not sure."

"Or it came from the roof."

"That's strange."

"But why would there be that much water in the first place?"

"I think we should hurry home, Kyoko."

"Did they dump, like, a whole kiddie-pool? That was a lot of water."

"Let's get out of here before someone sees what happened."

"You're right—maybe we can do homework another time, right?"

"Sure thing—hurry!"

So the two of them leave that place before anyone notices.

"On one road, a hooded person observing..."

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