
The beautiful girl with the most ugly fate

In an small village of Andrea there lived a beautiful girl with her unique white hair. The girl used to live with her grandparents but they passed away and in memory of her late grandparents she started to live in that country by opening an medicine store.one day the king of the country saw the girl and wanted to make her his wife and enjoy her but as she received the notice from royal palace she left the country the same night. She traveled through a huge forest it took her few days to reach at the end of the forest but it was already dark. Without considering the time she continued to travel and while walking she bumped into a hole and suddenly a a witch appeared Infront of her and the white said"you pitiful human felt right into my trap. Now i will make you my experiment subject." By saying that the witch started to chang her spell

The woman kept trembling in fair as the witch chanted

The witch disappeared after she finished her chant and the woman in fair started to crawl out of the hole. The woman thought she was saved and started to continue her journey like nothing happened.

The next morning the woman reached a town and opened a small shop with the little money she had and after a few days passed the women started to notice that she don't used to remember what she use to do in the night after meal.A day an handsome knighy came into the shop and the girl fell in love at first site with the man.The man also continue to visit the shop on a daily basis from that day. The man on the day of the national Festival of the nation purposed the woman by saying"I loved form the first time i say you."

The woman had butterflies in her heart said "I also loved you since the first time i saw you."

They started to hangout and go on date. One night due to the curiosity of why her memory was erased at the midnight she told her lover to keep and eye and at that night the man discovered that the woman could turn into an wolf and go on human hunt and she was the cause of the rapid murder in the kingdom.

The woman trembling in fear.

"Kill me before i kill another person."said the woman. The man responded"let's get married".The man promised that he could stop her and find the cure to the cruse at any cost.

The woman eyes filled with tears.

They got married and for few years the man was able to restrain her but was not able to find the cure.On the night of the full moon as per the strengthen of the wolf woman doubled the man was not able to restrain her and he got killed by her.On the last few seconds of hia life he kissed her and told told that he love her.

Upon finding that she killed her beloved"she cried upto the point that instead of tears blood started to come from her eyes."She later on decided that she can't live without him and she killed herself as well and she both meat in the heaven and thier spirit lived happily