
The corruption within’

Takemichi thought he had left the dangerous world of gangs and his former friend Mikey behind. But when Mikey shows up at his workplace, Takemichi realizes that he can't escape his past. Mikey is now a ruthless and psychotic criminal, and Takemichi is scared for his life. But something in Mikey's eyes makes Takemichi believe that the old Mikey is still in there somewhere. With a heavy heart, Takemichi decides to try and save his friend. But in doing so, he must confront the moral ambiguity of his actions. How far is he willing to go to bring back the old Mikey? And can he do it without getting caught up in the dangerous world of crime and violence once again? As Takemichi tries to navigate these treacherous waters, he finds himself caught between his loyalty to his friend and his own survival.

Alice_Soleil · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Takemichi's Chance Encounter

Takemichi was nearing the end of his shift when he heard a commotion at the entrance of the hospital. When he stepped out to investigate, he froze as he spotted Mikey walking through the doors, looking just as dangerous and unpredictable as ever.

Panic set in as Takemichi realized that he had never expected to see Mikey again, especially not at his workplace. Even with his thoughts drifting towards him last night, he knew he couldn't risk being seen by Mikey under any circumstances, so he quickly ducked out the back and made a run for it.

He had thought he had gotten away, but just as he was starting to feel a sense of relief, he felt a hand grip his wrist and pull him back. He turned around and saw Mikey's fierce gaze boring into him, and his heart rate skyrocketed.

Takemichi breaks the hold on his wrist before backing away a few steps, heart racing as he watches Mikey's approach. He could feel the tension in the air, a palpable sense of danger emanating from his former friend. Mikey's eyes bore into him, and Takemichi could sense the anger and possessiveness simmering just beneath the surface.

"Mikey," Takemichi said, his voice barely above a whisper. "What are you doing here?"

Mikey didn't answer, instead stepping closer until they were face-to-face. Takemichi could feel Mikey's breath on his cheek, and it sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread, knowing that Mikey was capable of anything.

"You left without saying goodbye," Mikey said finally, his voice low and menacing. "I've been looking for you ever since."

Takemichi tried to step back, but Mikey's hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, holding him in place. Takemichi could feel the strength in Mikey's grip, and he knew that he was completely at his mercy.

"I don't want to be involved in your world anymore," Takemichi said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I don't want to be a part of the gang or the violence."

Mikey's eyes narrowed, and Takemichi could see a flicker of anger in them. "You don't get to leave and just pretend like it never happened," Mikey growled. "You're still a part of us, whether you like it or not."

Takemichi's heart sank. He had known that Mikey wouldn't take his departure well, but he had never imagined that it would come to this. He could feel the fear and desperation welling up inside him, wondering what Mikey had in store for him.

Takemichi looked into Mikey's eyes and saw a familiar glint of madness that made his heart ache. He had fallen in love with Mikey's wild and unpredictable nature, but now he realized that it was also the source of his fear. He had hoped that by leaving the gang and getting away from Mikey, he could find some sense of safety and normalcy. But now, faced with Mikey's wrath, he realized that he had made a terrible mistake.

"I'm sorry," Takemichi said, his voice shaking. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just needed to get away."

Mikey's grip on Takemichi's wrist tightened, and he pulled him closer. "You're mine," Mikey said, his voice cold and dangerous. "I won't let you leave again."

Takemichi felt a sense of despair wash over him as he realized that he might never be able to escape Mikey's hold on him. He had fallen in love with a monster, and now he was paying the price for his mistake.

"I love you, Mikey," Takemichi said, tears streaming down his face. "But I can't live like this anymore."

Mikey's eyes flashed with anger, and Takemichi knew that he was in even deeper trouble. He had to find a way to escape Mikey's grasp, but he didn't know how.

With a sudden burst of courage, Takemichi wrenched his wrist free from Mikey's grip and took off running. He could hear Mikey's angry shouts behind him, but he didn't look back. He ran as fast as he could, hoping to put as much distance between himself and Mikey as possible.

As Takemichi ran through the city streets, his mind raced with thoughts of Mikey. He couldn't believe that Mikey had found him at work by accident. How could it be possible that Mikey just happened to stumble upon his new life?

It made Takemichi feel trapped and suffocated. He loved Mikey with all his heart, but he also knew that being with him meant being trapped in a world of violence and danger. And now, with Mikey showing up unexpectedly, Takemichi felt like there was no escape.

As he ran, Takemichi's mind was filled with memories of his time with Mikey. He remembered the rush of excitement and danger that he felt every time they were together, but he also remembered the fear and pain that came with it.

Takemichi loved Mikey, but he was also terrified of him. He was afraid of the violence and the unpredictability that seemed to follow Mikey wherever he went. He had left the gang and Mikey behind in hopes of finding a safer, more peaceful life, but now it seemed like that hope was slipping away.

And so, as Takemichi ran through the city, he couldn't help but feel like he was caught in a never-ending cycle of love and fear. He loved Mikey with all his heart, but he was also afraid of him and the world that he represented.

As Takemichi continued to run, he eventually found himself in a deserted alleyway. He leaned against a brick wall, gasping for breath and trying to collect his thoughts. memories flooded his mind. He thought back to the time when he first met Mikey, and how the young delinquent had offered him a sense of belonging and purpose. Takemichi had fallen deeply in love with Mikey, but over time, he began to see a darkness within his beloved. The once-kind Mikey had become violent and cruel, leading a gang that terrorized the streets.

Takemichi had tried to save Mikey from himself, to bring back the old Mikey that he had fallen in love with, but it seemed like a hopeless task. Eventually, Takemichi had given up and walked away, unable to bear the pain of watching the person he loved slip further and further into darkness.

But now, as he stood in that alleyway, Takemichi knew that he couldn't give up on Mikey again. He couldn't let his love for Mikey blind him to the harm that he was causing, but he also couldn't bear the thought of abandoning him.

With a determined look in his eyes, Takemichi made a decision. He would confront Mikey once again, not to run away from him, but to save him from himself. He would try to bring back the old Mikey that he had loved so deeply, and help him find a better path in life.

Takemichi didn't know if he would succeed or if he would end up losing Mikey forever, but he knew that he had to try. He had given up on Mikey once before, but he didn't have the heart to do it again