
The Cop And The Serial Killer.

Learning about the past is not as easier as it sounds. Because when you learn about the past, then you want to fix it in the present times. However the future and the realism of the situation makes it very difficult. Keep reading with The Cop, The Serial killer And A Connection.

Mahjabeen_Shah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Part 5

Xander's POV

So it was just me and Selena.

Me and the serial killer.

Me and her.

Me and my...

Selena walked closer towards me with a smirk but I couldn't help to notice that there was something behind her back.

Ok, RIP me.

Let's play the guessing game.

Was it a knife?

Was it a gun?

Was it a feather?

I don't know, you always see it in a kids show, like really weird shit to get the person to talk.

She could tickle me to death.

Knowing her, she could actually make that happen.

"Selena w-what's b-behind your back?" I stuttered cursing my lack of strength.

Ugh, shit, now she knows I'm nervous, great.

Rule number 1, never show your enemy any weaknesses.

I've been watching too many dramas.

Now I wish I was at home, watching Netflix.

"Oh just my favourite thing in the world," she said and I let out a breath clenching my jaw.

She walked along the bed before sitting on my lap with her legs on either side of my hips.

I let out a shaky breath as she pressed up against me.

"S-Selena w-what are you d-doing?" I asked, shocked by her actions.

Suddenly she placed her hands in front of me showing a knife.

I sighed. "You need to be taught a lesson. You disobeyed me. I'm gonna hurt you so you don't repeat your mistake and after that, we'll discuss the rules shan't we." She said as she slowly moved the knife down my neck causing me to shudder at the coldness of the knife.

I tilted my neck upwards looking straight into her eyes daring her to continue.

She slit a small part of my part causing me to groan.

She let out a sigh before I felt Selena sucking on my neck where the wound was.

I groaned in pain trying to push her off but I couldn't do anything.

This isn't normal.

Selena keeps on sucking on my neck.

I mean not like a vampire but more sexually.

I accidentally let a moan instead of a cry.

This is gonna be awkward.

I felt her smirk against my neck and I moved my neck away causing her to groan.

"Stop," I said angrily and she laughed looking straight at me.

"Or what?" She asked tilting her head at the fact that I'm tied up.

She leaned into me and I sighed looking away.

I don't know what she was doing.

Torturing me sexually.

She started to grind on my hips and I gulped looking right at her.

We've never thought of anything dirty of each other and I get that Selena's changed but I wouldn't ever do this with her.

We were inches away and I felt myself harden slowly.

She suddenly got up from me causing me to almost let out a whimper but that immediately stops as she grabs a belt.

She's not gonna whip me is she?

This does feel like fifty shades of grey.

Except there's no killing and actually hurting people and...

Never mind.

"If you're thinking that I'm gonna whip you, then yes that is correct but I'll try not to hurt you too much," she said patting my cheek with a smile.

She untied me and pushed me to the floor.

Fuck she's strong.

I was about to get up but she turned me around and sat on top off me.

I couldn't help but become distracted.

I didn't even realise she had tied my hand to a chain that was built in the wall.

She gripped onto her knife and ripped my T-shirt in half leaving me half-naked.

"What are you doing," I asked confused as she got back up on her feet.

"Well, you're not gonna feel pain if you have your shirt on," she said and I gulped, raising my head to try not to show any fear.

I just want to know why she's changed.

I wanted to know why she didn't try to find me.

Or text me back.

We were kids.

She wrapped the top part of the belt around her hand.

I gulped. "Selena doesn't do this," I said staring at her and she looked at me for a second with an unknown expression.

"Why," She asked and I bit my lip nervously.

I was confused when I looked into Selena's eyes.

I could see someone else.

Someone broken.

I couldn't see a serial killer.

Just someone who wanted comfort and love.

But she snapped out of it.

She turned me around so I was looking at her fully.

She pulled her hand back and I felt the belt contact with my skin.

I groaned in pain but it didn't seem to phase her at all as she whipped me again and again.

It didn't hurt as much as I expected it too as her strength wasn't as great as mine.

It did hurt tho.

I bit my lip hard as the belt went across my check but it didn't work for long as I felt the taste of blood.

She stopped after a while and untied me causing me to drop to the floor.

I tried to get up but my body was out.

Selena tried to get me up but I could tell I was too heavy for her causing her to scoff.

She whipped her hair back.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked her sarcastically as I tiled my head back giving up.

She let out a sigh and turned her head.

"Steven, Tommie" She screamed yelling out their name and I tried to get up myself but I could only manage to sit against the wall.

I clenched my fists trying to ignore the pain rushing through my torso back and forth.

I looked to see Steven and Tommie walk in and they gasped when they looked at my state.

I was surprised at their reaction, I thought they would have seen multiple people in pain but I guess not.

Selena gave them a look and they dragged me carefully to the bathroom.

They sat me on top of the toilet seat and left.

Okay, were they expecting me to pee after being whipped?



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