4 Chapter 4-The Early Bird gets the Worm

I finally gave up on waiting cuz it was devastatingly boring. I thought I'd just go to sleep and catch up on my sleep schedule but guess what somebody just decided to yell at me to wake up and I was like🙂 I'm kill you in your sleep.Well I would if they hadn't splashed water on my face literally blinding me for what felt like an entire day, I don't know why I always feel like a fish out of water when I get splashed with water like bruh.Anyway as the saying says "The early bird get the worm" but just in my case " The early wizard gets no food" So I decided that I'll just check some spells on my spellbook for my first hogwarts year.Here's a few of them

Alohomora: The spell for unlocking nearly every door

Expelliarmus: The disarming spell

Lumos:The spell for some light to emerge from your wand

Nox: Counter spell for lumos

Hey Drake, where ya at, happy birthday!

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