


THERE'S A woman who's now walking silently on the middle of the forest and she is carrying a little princess, and while walking silently and carefully she is looking at her surroundings from time to time to see if someone is following them or not.

She didn't know where to go because she doesn't know where she is right now, but one thing is running on her mind, that's is to bring the little princess on her arms to a very safe place!.

And while she continued walking on the forest she saw a huge mansion near the forest.

At first she is hesitant to come near the mansion or not.

But in the end she decided to approach the mansion that she saw.

When she finally got near the gate of the huge mansion she immediately pressed the bell button while looking at her surroundings.

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

After awhile the door of the gate opened and and the two person come out, a woman and a guy, they got surprised when they saw her because the owner of that mansion know the woman infront of they're gate's mansion.

And the woman infront of the gate got surprised too as well when she saw who opened the gate's door for here.

"What are you doing here?" the woman inside the gate asked the woman outside their gate.

"Dear princess, I need your help!" Said by woman outside their gate.

"Why?, What happened?, Come on get inside" the woman said.

"No Need dear princess Because I will not last here, because I also need to go back to our world as soon as possible to help, I am just here to bring the little to a safe place because her life is in danger, because the king of the damian's is planning to take her away" she longly said making the woman inside the gate got surprised to what she heard then her eyes landed on the little princess on the woman's arm.

"Then she is the one and she is my niece." She statemented.

"Yes she is, here the legendary necklace that her mother give to her, always wear it to her." She said and give the little princess on her, she immediately carry her niece and she scrutinize the beautiful little princess.

"What is the name of our niece?" Her husband asked while gently caressing the chubby little fingers of the little princess.

"Firenalline helliana Sapphire demon smith that her name, love her like shes your own daughter and take good care of her and teach her how to fight and in the right time train her, that's all I'll gonna go now because I need to help her highnesses to defeat the damian's who attacked the palace, Good bye for now take good care, till once more your highnesses." The woman said longly and after she said those words she disappear like a buble.

The couple didn't waste any second, they immediately ged inside they're mansion, and when they finally inside they decided to surround thier mansion with an invisible barrier To protect the little princess at any danger's that might came.