
How it all began.....

Peter Wilson entered the busy lobby of his school in the morning. Everyone around was discussing about the upcoming High School freshers party. He waved at a few friends as he reached out his locker to grab his books. That's when Natalie Walker, his first ever intense crush surprisingly approached him.


It all began in a music class. Peter was a gifted Guitarist. He was practicing in the class as usual when he spotted this new student Natalie Davis join the music classes. The first sight of her got him overwhelmed. He couldn't get his eyes off her and ended up messing up the music notes. It was somewhat like love at the first sight. Peter for the first time felt such an attraction towards someone.

In school, Natalie got acquainted to a lot of fellow students. Her beauty and cute behaviour attracted a lot of boys. Within a week she grew quite familiar with everyone and made a lots of friends. She was adored by almost everyone.

Once, Peter was researching on a few interesting topics exploring the encyclopedias that's when Natalie approached him for the first time. Peter of course felt nervous in the beginning, but he was comfortable as the conversation went on...

Natalie: Hi! You're Peter, Peter Wilson. Right?

Peter: Yeah, right. That's me. Hello.

Natalie: Myself Natalie Walker. I guess I saw you in the music class. Right?

Peter: Oh yeah! Well, nice to meet you Natalie!

Natalie: Same here. Well you've really got some awesome Guitar skills, mate. Could you teach me too?

Peter: Haha. Not so good. But Thanks. Sure, I can help you out with the basics.

Natalie:Cool. I'll catch you back later! Bye!

Peter: See ya! Buh byeee!

And this is how they got acquainted. They talked quite often with each other and became quite good friends. And helped each other with stuff like homework and music notations, etc. They gossiped about the school together. Got acquainted with each other's families.

As the friendship grew, so did the love Peter had for Natalie. Peter was a tall, handsome, nerdy and nice fellow. But Peter didn't really have a social life. He was a studious guy. While Natalie was really seductive, cute, well figured, friendly and blonde girl. Her figure attracted a lot of guys in school. A lots of guys developed a crush on her.

As Peter and Natalie's acquaintanceship grew, a lot of guys were jealous of him. John Miller, a well-shaped member of the school basketball team began creating problems as he was too jealous. He tried getting closer to Natalie.


Coming up: Fresher's Party!

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