
Chapter five: The man and the Sage

"Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark" four men stood in front of Headmaster Ozpin on a stage. "The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL" The faces of the men lined up on a screen and spelled their team name, "led by...Cardin Winchester!" The crowd applauded the newly formed Team CRDL.

The team left the stage and four new people went up, "Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR" Nora jumped into Ren's arms and hugged him.

"You'll do great as team leader, Pyrrha" their faces appeared on the screen, "led by Jaune Arc" the crowd was shocked, "huh? L-Led by...?" Pyrrha parroted Jaune, "I'm sure you'll do great as leader" a whistle on behalf of Alex caused the auditorium to erupt in applaud and cheer, "congratulations, young man"

JNPR led their stunned leader off of the stage, "next up: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long" the four walked in front of the grey-haired man, "the four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!"

"What?!" Ruby and Weiss shouted at the same time, "I'm so proud of you!" Yang hugged Ruby. A shaken Weiss, bored Blake, happy Yang, and a confused Ruby walked off the stage.

"And finally: Alexander Crest and Nikolas Tangelo. Please come forward" Alex and Nikolas walked toward the stage, "aren't there supposed to be four of us?" Alex whispered to Nikolas who shrugged.

"The two of you were the only pair that collected the white king piece," Ozpin told them, "but, I am making an exception for you both. From today onward you will be team-"

"Wait just a moment" the leader of CRDL spoke up, "why should they get to stay as a team of two? What about the others that didn't have another group grab the corresponding piece?" Ozpin placed a hand on his chin, "you do have a point..." Cardin looked Alex in the eyes and smiled. 'Racist bastard' Alex grit his teeth.

"But I have a reason for my decision. I'll let their actions speak for themselves" Ozpin pulled out his Scroll and pressed a button on it. The screen changed from darkness to above the Emerald forest.

The crowd saw Alex landing on the Nevermore and shooting one of its eyes out then eventual departure. The scene changed to Nikolas sitting in a clearing and a Beowolf charging at him. The crowd saw Nikolas dispatching the Grimm without seeing them.

The video went on for a few minutes showing Alex and Nikolas dealing with Grimm, jumping on then off the Nevermore, them attacking the Deathstalker to help Ruby, then finally Alex and Nikolas jumping on Nevermore and the Deathstalker respectively.

"That Mr. Winchester" Ozpin changed the screen back to normal, "is why they will be a team of two and others won't. They have shown skills and instincts that we cannot afford to miss out on" Cardin had a look of awe and angrily gave up.

Ozpin smiled to himself, "as I was saying, you two will now be known as team ACNT. Welcome to Beacon" Alex and Nikolas shared a look then high-fived, "hell yeah!" "We did it!"

ACNT went to their sister teams, "wow, Nikolas! You were so cool when you took out those Beowolves without looking!" Ruby gushed over his fighting style. "Holy crap, I knew you were on that bird twice but a third time?! You're insane" Jaune told his friend.

"It was quite the landing strategy" added in. "Thanks, I hope riding winged Grimm won't become a trend" they laughed at Alex's joke and their Scrolls blipped. "Looks like we know our dorms," Blake said staring at her Scroll.

"Room 237. What room are you guys in?" Jaune asked Ruby. "Room 227. You two?" Alex looked at his Scroll and laughed, "228"

The three teams got situated in their rooms. RWBY next to ACNT and JNPR across from them. "Nice, this room is huge with only two beds," Alex said as he jumped on the bed. "indeed, I don't envy JNPR. Nora must be a handful" Alex laughed and grabbed the Deathstalker venom. "It's a shame I don't have a microscope. I'll have to buy one"

Alex walked to one of the four desks in the room, grabbed it, and placed it as far away from his and Nikolas' bed as physically possible. "I'm glad they left the desks" Alex looked at the pink liquid in the canteen. "Hey, Nik, want to see what the venom does to a human?" Before Nikolas could deny the offer a ring was heard from the window sill.

"Is that yours?" Nikolas asked Alex who didn't answer him. Alex walked over and looked out the window and saw no one which made sense as they were multiple floors up.

Alex grabbed the black and red Scroll and looked at the caller ID. Roman Torchwick. Alex smiled, "it is mine. I need to take this" Alex left the room and answered the call.

"Took you long enough" an annoyed voice spoke. "Is this line secure?" Torchwick laughed, "the whole Scroll is secure, Kitty" Alex nodded, "I guess I shouldn't doubt you, you've done this for what? 40 years?" Torchwick sneered, "I'm not that old, child" it was Alex's turn to laugh, "sorry, what was it you needed?"

"I'm just informing you that I'm starting to work with the White Fang a bit more heavily and that there will be a bit more robberies" Torchwick explained. "Your point?" Alex probed. "Fine. I want your help on a few. I don't trust those animals to do the job right. No offence" Alex pinched his brow, "Torchwick, I just got accepted into Beacon. I can't jeopardize this opportunity"

"Tch, fine. Come help me deal with Dust now and again. There is a lot and I don't trust the White Fang not to steal some" Alex raised his voice a little too high, "what did I just say?!" Torchwick and Alex continued to go back and forth.

"Where are you going, Blake?" Ruby asked the girl. "I thought I heard someone yell and in going to check it out," Blake told her. "Oh, ok. Anyway, Weiss, as leader-" Blake shut the door and walked down the hall.

When Blake was nearing the corner she heard Alex's voice. "Alex-"

"Fine! I don't get why you don't get the White Fang to help you, it would be faster and easier. Yes as you've said 20 other times, you damn ginger" Blake froze. The White Fang? That White Fang? What ties does Alex have with them? Is he a part of the White Fang?

"Whatever, stop yelling. What time do you need me? Friday? Fine. I want to be paid in Lien, Dust, and a microscope. I don't care what brand! Just get me a good one! Legally. Stop whining. I'm ending the call now. Sure, see you then" Alex hung the phone up and walked to his room, and entered.

"So what was the yelling about?" Ruby asked Blake. "I-uh, someone stubbed their toe," Blake told her absently.

"How was your call?" Nikolas asked while reading a book. "Annoying" Alex responded, "at least I'll be getting a microscope" Nikolas flipped the page, "speaking of which, you've never told me what atoms are" Alex rubbed his face, "get comfy, this will take a while" for the next few hours, Alex explained what atoms are and what they do to the best of his abilities. He even made a basic periodic table of elements.

"Hey, wake up" Nikolas slapped Alex's face lightly. "Five more minutes..." Alex lulled out. "We don't have five minutes" Nikolas pulled Alex's ears. "HEY! That's gotta be a little racist" Alex, who was now fully awake, looked at the time. 8:52. "I see what you mean. I can shower" Alex ran into the shower and had the fastest shower of his life, "time," he asked Nikolas. "8:54" Alex nodded and threw his uniform on, "goddamn ties" Alex gave up on his ties and left the room with Nikolas.

They saw team RWBY rushing down the hallway and JNPR watching through their door. "Move, JNPR! We'll be late!" ACNT and JNPR ran alongside each other as they chased RWBY. "I hope they know where to go because I don't," Alex told the group. "I think we have Professor. Port right now" Jaune said.

The teams ran through the courtyard and Alex noticed the Headmaster and Professor. Goodwitch. Alex gave a wave and Ozpin gave one back as he sipped his cocoa.

"I think it's up here!" Ren shouted to the group as they came upon a class. "Get in! It's 8:59!" The three teams smashed through the door. "Safe!" Nora mimicked an umpire.

"Ah, welcome. I was about to start class. Please, take your seats" the two and a half teams went and sat down at the Professor's request. "Please, wake up earlier next time" Nikolas begged Alex. "next time don't ask me for a science lesson" Alex shot back.

The bell rang and Professor. Port wasted no time. "Monsters!  Deeeemons...Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!" His joke was met with cricket-filled silence, a cough, and Ruby sleeping. "Uhhhh...And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses..." The portly man gave a wink to Yang and she groaned uncomfortably.

"Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!" A student jumped up in cheer before slumping back down in embarrassment. "That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man...Me! When I was a boy..." The man with eyebrows Rock Lee would envy went on and on about a story from his golden days and included far too many useless details. "...Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me..."

Alex tuned the teacher out and turned to Nikolas, "I thought I was going to enjoy this class. My parents didn't focus on Grimm so I didn't learn about them very much. But if this keeps up" Alex moved his uniform to show Sweet Solace, "I'm about to shoot him or myself" Nikolas rubbed his short, grey hair, "at least you and look away. I have to watch. Ever. Single. Moment"

"Ah-heh-hem!" Professor. Port got the class' attention, "In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!" The class thanked the Gods the story was over.

"The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honourable!" Ruby was balancing an apple on her book with a pencil held only by her finger.

"A true Huntsman must be dependable!" Ruby had fallen asleep again.

"A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!" Ruby had woken up and started picking her nose much to Weiss' visibly building anger.

"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Before anyone could raise their hand Weiss shot up and slammed her hands on the table. "I do, Sir!"

Port brushes his moustache as her walks toward a cage, "Well, then, let's find out!" He pulls the tarp off the cage and the class sees two glowing red eyes. "Step forward and face your opponent!"

"Hmph, allow me to fetch my equipment and I will deal with it" Port nodded and Weiss left to get her gear on. "What kind of Grimm do you think it is?" Jaime asked Alex. "Ask the dude who can see through walls" Alex jabbed his thumb toward Nikolas and Jaune gasped. "You can see through walls?! Does that mean you can see when I-" Nikolas cut him off, "yes, that's why my bed is closer to the window. Less likely to see that stuff" Jaune paled at the thought of someone seeing his nightly duties.

Weiss entered the class with her battle gear on and Myrtenaster ready in her left hand. "Goooo, Weiss!" Yang pumped her fist in the air. "Fight well" Blake waved a flag that said RWBY. "Yeah, represent teeeeam RWBY!" Ruby shouted. "Ruby! I'm trying to focus" Weiss yelled at her team leader. "Oh, um...Sorry..." Ruby said sheepishly.

"Allllright" Professor. Port had his uncomfortable-looking blunderbuss axe. "let the match..." He broke the lock on the cage. "Begin!"

A Boarbatusk charged at Weiss immediately and she used her rapier to deflect the attack and dodge to the side. The Grimm stood a distance away from her as it studied her.

"Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?" Port chuckled. "Hang in there, Weiss!" Ruby shouted to her teammate.

Weiss, paying no mind to Ruby, charged at the boar and stabbed her blade at its skull. Myrtenaster got stuck in the Boarbatusk's bone plating and Weiss held on to her weapon as the beast swung her around. "Bold, new approach. I like it!" Professor. Port commented.

"Come on, Weiss! Show it who's boss!" Ruby gave more words of encouragement only for Weiss to shoot her a glare. The Boarbatusk took advantage of the moment and swung its head violently causing both Weiss and her weapon to get knocked away. "Oh-ho! Now, what will you do without your weapon?" Port questioned her.

Weiss looked up in time to see the Boarbatusk charging at her again. She rolled out of the way and caused the Grimm to crash into the Professor's desk. Weiss made it to her weapon and grabbed it. "Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armour underneath-" Weiss cut Ruby off and turned to her. "Stop telling me what to do!"

Ruby looked hurt at what Weiss said. "What's up her royal ass?" Nikolas asked Alex. "ha, other than being a spoiled brat who isn't used to not getting what she wants?" Alex told Nikolas. Weiss plunged her weapon into the Boarbatusk as ACNT finished talking.

"Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training!" Weiss stood at attention despite her ragged breathing. "I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and...Stay vigilant! Class dismissed!" Everyone got up and went to the door and left.

Weiss glared and walked past her team to leave. "sheesh, what's up with her?" Jaune asked and the rest of team JNPR just shrugged.

"Head to our room first, I've got some questions for Port," Alex told Nikolas. "Don't pick a fight" Alex laughed and followed down the hall Ruby and Weiss went down.

"...Did you make a mistake?" A tearful voice asked. "That remains to be seen" the laughing voice of Ozpin responded.

Alex didn't turn the corner and opted to eavesdrop on them. "What do you mean?" Ruby asked him. "I mean, it's only been one day. Ruby... I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment, I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. Do you, Mr. Crest?"

Alex turned the corner with an annoyed look. "You could've pretended I wasn't there" Ruby was shocked and rubbed her eyes clear of tears. "What are you doing here?" Alex chuckled and rested a hand on Ruby's head. "Ozpin is right, Ruby. Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you? Or something"

Ozpin chuckled. "Took the words right out of my mouth. You've both been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Ruby, Alex. I advise you take some time, to think about how you will uphold it" Ruby thought for a moment before embracing Alex in a hug. "thank you, Alex" she let go and ran off. "Why the surprised face?" Ozpin inquired. "I'm just not used to positive physical contact," Alex told him honestly.

Ozpin looked out of the window. "Let me tell you about a story. It begins with a man out of place in the world. He wanders and wanders, lost without purpose. One day the man meets a Sage who teaches him the laws of the world. The Sage teaches him to make fire with no fuel, water with no hydration, soil in a wasteland, lightning in the absence of charge, and wind when there is no butterfly. So on and so forth. The Sage gives him his final lesson: Not everyone can be saved and not everyone deserves to be saved"

"I think the Sage to be correct. What about you?" Ozpin stared into Alex's eyes. "I think the Sage after living for so long has grown cynical and pessimistic and is wrong" Ozpin raised an eyebrow. "And if the Sage vows to take the powers away when you decide to go against them?" Alex clenched his fists. "If the powers that were taught can be so easily taken away, good. I wouldn't want to have them as a crutch. If he can take them what if someone else can too?"

"If the Sage threatens more than just the powers for your ideals?" Ozpin probed. "Then I'll fight him if need be. Everyone deserves a second chance, even the villain at the end of the quest" Ozpin was shaken. "Thank you for humouring me, Alexander" Alex nodded and walked away. "If only my story ended so nicely" Ozpin sipped his cocoa and walked to his office. "if only"

Alex walked through the halls with a lot on his mind. 'Why did he bring up that story? Does he know who I am or was it about him?' Alex ran into someone. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking"

"Ha-ha, no problem young man" the plump man laughed. "Professor. Port? Perfect, you're the one I was looking for" Port stroked his perfectly groomed moustache. "And what could you need at this hour? Oh, perhaps you wanted to hear more stories from when I was younger and couldn't wait for tomorrow?"

Alex shook his head. "I had a few questions about Deathstalkers. Their venom specifically" Port nodded. "Ah yes, I do remember you collecting a sizable amount during initiation. Follow me" Port brought Alex to his classroom/office.

"What questions do you have about Deathstalker venom?" Port asked Alex. "I wanted to know what it does to the human and Faunus body, what it does to Grimm and if it could be turned into a more potent poison" Alex explained to him. "And why do you want this information?" Port questioned him. "I want to see if I can help people. I don't know if it can somehow be turned into a helpful medicine or something toxic to Grimm"

Port smiled behind his moustache. "Well, the effects on people are generally unknown as if you're hit by the stinger you will probably die anyway but it has been documented that it paralyzes the person. For Grimm it is almost completely unknown, I once saw a Deathstalker accidentally sting an Ursa in a bout of friendly fire and the Ursa became enraged and stronger it seemed. It started attacking anything around, even other Grimm"

"In the case of paralysis, what happened to the individual?" Alex asked Port. "According to the document they put him in a hospital but the venom was too strong and they died shortly after," Port told him somberly. "Why didn't he recover? Emergency aura boosters should've helped" Alex inquired. "That's the thing, his aura was hardly rising"

Alex thought for a minute before grabbing the canteen and opening it. "What are you doing?" Port asked Alex with a raised eyebrow. "An experiment" Alex lifted the canteen and took a small swig. "Mr. Crest!"

"Cough cough" Alex put up his hand as he fell to his knees. Port reluctantly stayed in place.

Alex attempted to activate his aura and while it did turn on it was spotty and fluctuated. "I knew it" Alex grabbed the canteen and ran out of the class, "thank you, Professor!"

Alex entered his dorm. "Hey" Nikolas greeted him. "Drink this" Alex gave Nikolas a shot of the venom. "Are you insane!? I thought you were joking when you said you wanted to try it on me!" Nikolas couldn't believe how crazy his teammate was. "Nikolas, trust me. This could be revolutionary" Nikolas looked at Alex's serious face and gave in. "I'm gonna haunt you if I die" Nikolas grabbed the shot of venom and hammered it down. "By Oum, that was disgusting-" Nikolas frantically looked around.

"Did it just..." Alex finished his sentence. "Deactivate your Semblance?"

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