
The Chalice of Chance

Blood, death and another chance. Three simple words, yet you already know where I'm going with this. Join me and together we will explore this great omniverse while gaining wondrous, new abilities and taking what we wish. We will encounter setbacks, achieve stunning victories and wage great wars. We will grow strong enough to laugh in the face of chaos and spit on the shoes of gods. You know you want to, just join me. ~~~~~~ This is slow paced, so if that bothers anyone, this is your cue to leave. Warning: Graphic descriptions of gore and violence. Mature language will be used throughout. If I decide to add anything else, I'll add it to here later.

YoungMasterLemon16 · Videojogos
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11 Chs

Visions of the Future

With my mind in a haze, I opened my eyes and gazed out at a lake of inky blackness. I looked around the lake, but there was nothing except fog enclosing the area.

With careful steps, I slowly walked out into the lake, or should I say pond because the water was only a few feet deep. When I reached the center of the lake, I felt a call from somewhere deep inside of me to submerge myself within the black fluid.

Holding my breath, I plunged my head under the surface and carefully opened my eyes expecting to feel the burn of water against my eyes, but finding no resistance. What I laid my eyes upon was so unexpected that I reflexively gasped. Water entered my lungs, but for some reason I didn't choke and continued to breathe as normal.

Putting aside the breathable water, the view was incredibly stunning. There were hundreds of millions of miniature galaxies floating around me, glimmering like a sea of the brightest jewels. If this dream couldn't get any weirder, the same voice sonorous voice that transmigrated me into this world echoed once again.

"Become strong, Star Born, strong enough to be useful. Don't make me regret this."

With those words said, I felt myself being ejected from this dream world and I woke. Although the sun was out now, it was still cold enough that I was glad I slept with my hoodie on. The passerby's all gave me strange looks, let's face it though, who wouldn't. I was an unknown kid who just spent the night on one of their public benches.

Enough lamenting my situation, it's time to get to work. I walked up to the now open bus station and booked a bus to London. The guy at the counter was hesitant at first, but when I showed him that I had the cash for it, he quickly came around.

The bus arrived a few hours later and luckily there were only a few other people on the bus, so I had plenty of space to myself. Before the bus left, I had my skinks stow away in the baggage compartment.

I'm going to be on this bus for awhile, I might as well formulate some kind of plan. After thinking for a while, I came upon the crux of my problems. I need to find some way to sense magic. It's been so long since I've read the books and watched the movies that I don't remember where anything is, therefore I'll need to sense magic to be able track down places of interest. It'll also help me distinguish witches and wizards from muggles which is invaluable.


{Quest Complete}

[Trial by Fire - Mandatory]

It's time for you to leave the relative safety of the planet's orbit and get down there to complete some quests! Aren't you excited? No? Too bad! Now get down there and do something with your life.

Mission: don't die, that's it.

Reward: 20 SP


I felt a grin spread across my face, I was wondering when that would be marked as complete. I wonder what I can buy now?

Checking the skill shop, I felt my grin shift into a grimace. Are you shitting me right now? I'm still five points short of anything in the shop. C'mon system, I thought we were bros. You could at least assign a new mission for me.

{New Quest}

[Woe is Me - Quest]

Oh boo-hoo, cry me a river. Stop being a little bitch and grow up. I'm not going to be giving you easy point like this all the time, so just shut the fuck up. If you promise not to complain about me ever again, I'll give you 5 SP.

Mission: grow the fuck up.

Reward: 5 SP.


Damn, my system is brutal. It has a point though, nothing good ever comes easy. Sorry system, I won't bitch about you anymore. In fact, I'd probably dead without you.


{Quest Complete}

[Woe is Me - Quest]

Oh boo-hoo, cry me a river. Stop being a little bitch and grow up. I'm not going to be giving you easy point like this all the time, so just shut the fuck up. If you promise not to complain about me ever again, I'll give you 5 SP.

Mission: grow the fuck up.

Reward: 5 SP.


It's still as brutal reading this as it was the first time. At least I can buy a new skill now.

System, buy Foresight.


Skill Acquired: Foresight


So, let's try 'er out.

"Foresight," I whispered.

As the words left my lips, my eyes clouded over and I was somewhere else. I was on a suspiciously familiar street looking at a suspiciously familiar house and teenager. It was Harry Potter, which means I'm looking at the Dursley's house right now.

I watched Harry stand still and watch as his adopted family got in a car and left their house with a solemn finality. I didn't know how much time I had in the vision, so I looked around wildly for a street sign and house number. "Four, Privet Dr., Four, Privet Dr.," I repeated the address like a mantra, hoping that it would help me remember it more easily.

I gazed around the scene more, hoping for any glimpse of the date. Then I spotted it, there was a newspaper on the curb of the Dursleys' house. It was one of those filler papers that you never sign up for, yet somehow find their way onto your driveway.

The date on the paper was two days after today. That leaves me a little over a day, counting my drive time to London, to make my way to Harry's house.

"Umm, who are you?"

Ignoring the voice I heard behind me, I continued searching the area for anything that might be useful.


Turning back to see who kept talking, I saw a girl with dirty blonde hair and silvery eyes fixed on me. I turned around to find who she could be addressing, but froze in shock when she spoke once more.

"How did you get here?"

"Are you talking to me?"

She snorted and a smirk graced her lips, "Well, who do you think I'm talking to?"

"I don't know, I didn't know people in visions could interact with me."

"They can't, I'm like you, a seer."

I felt ice run down my back, "Who did you say you were again?"

"I didn't, but oh well. I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood."

How're y'all doing today? I want to let you guys know my publishing schedule for the future in case you guys get confused. I'm almost always busy Saturday - Monday, so I usually upload Tuesday - Friday. The upload times are usually going to be 11:00 A.M. -1:00 P.M. EST.

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