
Warm and Safe

The alarm kept ringing in her ears. Without even noticing it, she continued her deep slumber...

After 15 minutes or so, Ann slowly started opening her eyes...

"Ohh yes! that was a gooood sleep..." she thought.

Then it dawned on her -

'What's the time now?'

She took her alarm and looked..

Her eyes popped out of their sockets...


She jumped out of bed... freshened herself up, put some makeup on and bang...she's ready to go to work...she looked at the clock again ..."No time for breakfast"...and ran towards the door..

Ann usually took a cab. But at this time not a single one was available. So she decided to take a bus for which she needed to cross the road.

"How can I cross the stupid road at this hour!"...This was always her concern..."Oh god! Please have mercy on me... Let there be less vehicles today."

It was already 10 minutes now, standing at the road side,wanting to cross the road.

"Ann! Be more confident.It's just a road. Just look both sides and walk. Your boss will rip you apart if you are going to be late again. Moreover, the new chairman will be visiting us today. If you don't want to be jobless just cross the road, you idiot!" she thought.

Ok ...here goes nothing...she looked both sides...took the 1st step 2nd 3rd ...

"Oh f..k! What the hell! What should i do? It's coming towards me!"

"Ann!!! Move! Dive! Walk... Don't just stand there!" she thought.

A car was coming her way...not slowing any bit...

She was ready to get hit when suddenly a hand pulled her and held her tightly in a warm embrace.

Ann was shocked... 'What happened just now?..And am I hugging someone?...But wait!

It's so warm, so safe...I can be like this forever...and it smells good too...Ohhh I'm getting addicted....'

Ann was lost in her thoughts when she heard a deep but rich voice

'Are you alright?'

She was startled at first...Then the reality hit her..The man was still holding her tightly. He saved her life. If not for him she must have reached heaven by now.

She slowly tilted her head and looked upwards.

A really handsome man draped in a tight-fitted dark blue retro suit. She could feel the masculine body underneath.

His face was perfectly chiseled and his lips were sexy enough to drive any woman crazy.

Above all, what made her fall for him was his eyes... They were the perfect hazel brown shade and were looking at her with concern.

'Are you alright?'he asked again, his voice full of concern. He looked carefully over her body.

Snapped into reality again,she looked around.Everyone was staring at her.

No vehicle was moving...'I caused this? 'she thought.

She looked at the time again...

'SHIT...I'm already late!'..

She ran towards the other side without saying anything to him - Even a 'Thank you for Saving My LIFE'. "How ungrateful am I!" she thought.

Ann jumped into an already moving bus.

"Today's adventure is over. Please , No more action for today God!."She prayed.

But little did she know that the once-concerned set of eyes had now turned cold...

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