
The Night before Halloween

She could almost feel her eyes roll in contempt at the sight before her. There we no pumpkins, fake cob-webs, glowing eyes staring down in the darkest shadows. The only thing that she could see that resembled anything Halloween was the candles that were left forgotten on the table.

The annual Halloween gala.

What it should really be called is another excuse for those with money to show off amongst each other without being frowned upon to be lacking in class. To call it a Halloween gala. It was ridiculous.

All her life, ever since she had been taught about this particular holiday, she was a fanatic. Creatures that were unlike humans, scary things that went bump in the night, a night where witches celebrated, and a week of horror movies. That was her time. Forget the winter balls, the snowy Christmas, and the red velvet nauseating Valentines. Give her the dark, the spooky, the scary Halloween. Scare her with stories until she cannot sleep in the dark.

This would have been a prime spot to host a horror mansion. With the servants wrapped in bandages, teeth sharpened and covered in hair. Jumping out and scaring the guest that wandered through the halls. What a fantastic way to celebrate the night before Halloween.

But like every gala and ball that was ever hosted. The waiters and waitress walked around in their impeccable outfits, carrying trays of food and drinks. A live band of jazz that melded into classical urged those to dance gracefully and slowly. Exhibiting every piece of jewellery on their body.

Her eyes flickered above. There it was. A chandelier.

Predictable, boring, and so not what she wanted to do tonight. Life of a socialite was far from exciting compared to her overseas college days. Now those were her kind of people. They knew how to party and celebrate Halloween. Not that she wasn't grateful that the fates had been gracious enough to give her a life like this. But the higher your status is the more trouble it was.

The arm that she held onto led her further into the ballroom, nudged her softly, a smile curving his lips as laughter danced in his eyes. The chilling cold aura she was unintentionally releasing immediately dissipated. Unaware that those close by had begun to pat their frightened hearts and dabbing at the sweat that peppered on their foreheads. She frowned at her date and her best friend.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were bored with my company."

Luca Wang. Eldest son of the Wang Family. He and his family have a long history in Endran. His Great Great Grandfather and Great Grandfather had built the Wang Corporation from nothing. Later they passed the company down to his Grandfather who handed it down to his Uncle after his father had declined the CEO position. Rather than following the family line. They had decided to find a career for themselves. Each of them building their own companies. Earning respect within the community.

When she had met Luca overseas. She hadn't known him as the Wang's Eldest son. She had known him as nothing more than a classmate that knew what he was talking about. Aside from the fact he was a genius in his own right. There was something about him that kept nagging at the back of her mind to make friends with him and no matter how hard she ignored the feeling. Somehow she would always turn up when he needed her the most. Accepting fate. She had decided to become his friend and thus the two became inseparable throughout college and afterwards.

"Lucky you know better."

He shrugged. Handing her a drink. While he greeted the first two people who rushed to give their greetings.

"Luca Wang," an elderly man greeted with his youngest granddaughter beside him. "It is an honour to have you accept our invitation. Likewise Miss Selena Devereaux."

Selena merely gave the man a glance before taking a sip of her champagne and leaving him to flaunt his granddaughter before one of the most eligible bachelors of Endran. She could feel Lucas lingering stare on her back. Urging her to not leave him. Her lips curled upwards around the rim of her champagne flute. She will let him endure for a few more minutes before she will rescue him from the doe-eyed young misses of the influential families here. After all, that was part of the reason she always attended these events on his arm. She was a great ice wall that not many could climb over to get to him.

Another reason why she never went to these alone was because of what was about to happen. Her eyes crinkled at the corner and her mood soured. The glee she felt in leaving her friend in the lurch had morphed into annoyance.

"Miss Selena," his voice was cool and smooth. Honeyed lip and sweet tongue. That at any moment could turn to poison. It was men like these that had impressed her and she had grown attracted to. She was a woman that many called ruthless, cold, and emotionless. Of course, she always sought the company of those similar to herself. Luca being the exception.

The unfinished drink no longer interested her. Placing the glass on the table. She turned away from the voice to only have his hand clamp down onto her forearm. Heat surged through her body as her eyes flittered to his familiar face.

The youthful look she knew by heart was gone. What stood before her was a hardened jawline, prominent cheekbones, and skewered eyes. Selena's face betrayed no emotion but her body reacted to the unexpected and unwanted touch. Her arm tingled for a moment and he whipped his hand back almost as if she stung him. He flicked his fingers, flexing them out, as the remaining shot of electricity waned. Wondering if it was merely static or his imagination.

"Who are you?" She asked with a cock of her head.

His eyes narrowed as the lazy smile dropped. She knew exactly who he was. Mikael Rafari. The son of the Chief of Police and grandson of the Duke's General. Speaking of the General. A woman with grey hair and bright piercing eyes glared their way. Her quickened steps lost her entourage. When she noticed who her grandson was talking to, the ever-present snarl, turned to a smile. Yet the scar on her lips still made what would have been a beautiful smile into a lopsided one.

Selena still thought it was beautiful. Even though others eyes turned to pity upon seeing the look on the fierce general who was once praised for being a beauty.

"General Rafari," Selena greeted. There were very few people she respected. General Riza Rafari had earned it in the short time she knew her and had only cemented that admiration when she had come to learn of her feats as a general and a woman of society.

She came from a highly affluent family that valued marriage as a business tool. Using their son's and daughters to expand and seize companies that were a threat. Riza Rafari believed differently. Success should be achieved by hard work not by being born in the right family or being married to one. She left her family when they threatened to disown her after she claimed she wanted to marry a young man of no standing. A simple farmer. The family have since regretted it with each of the families achievements.

Her hand cupped her pale cheek. Running a course thumb across her skin. Brushing back Selena's red hair. Affection clear in her eyes.

"If my grandson had been wiser in his college days. I would be calling you granddaughter by now."

Selena cracked a smile. Straightforward as ever.

"It was against fates cards."

Riza rolled her eyes.

"Always so cryptic. Just out with it. He was a disappointment."

To the side of the two women was the man in speaking. Standing with a dangerous glint in his gaze and a slight tinge of red to the ears. How can these two stand there and talk about him as if wasn't standing right beside them?

Selena laughed. A carefree one.

"Enough of that," Riza discarded the topic. "I heard you had opened your own company."

Selena sobered. Humour vanished in favour of a more serious look.

"I have."

"Your sister and family's company must feel regret."

This woman never ceased to amaze her. Selena flourished her hand. Dismissing what she said. Aware that so many are listening in to their conversation. Gossipers. It was almost as if all these people had nothing better to do with their lives.

"My parents and grandmother are very supportive of my choice."

"As am I," she beamed as if she was looking at her own granddaughter. "A woman must carve her own way in life and not seek a lazy life spending money others make."

Selena merely smiled.

"You have my number. Use it when you need it."

"I am hurt, General Rafari, to hear you have so little faith in me."

"Good," she turned to her son who had appeared with her drink. "Good. That is how it should be."

"Miss Devereaux," he greeted. Handing his mother her drink. Nodding to his son.

"Chief Rafari," she nodded in turn. Before facing the elders with a smile. "I have missed our chats, General Rafari, but it would seem that I'm needed elsewhere."

She glanced to Luca who was nodding politely to the women flocked around him and shooting daggers her way at every chance he could. Riza laughed.

"Go. Shoo. A woman should never allow her date to be taken from her grasp."

Selena shook her head. Nodded to the elders and left. Ignoring the man who had first approached her.

When Selena had turned away, Riza Rafari smacked her grandson on his backside, shaking her head. "Do you see what you had let escape through your fingers? If you weren't so accomplished and doting to me, I would dare to no longer call you my grandson."

Mikael's lazy smile appeared as he laid his baby blues on his grandmother. Knowing that very look made many women swoon, mothers praise him and wish their daughter married him, and melt the iron lady called his grandmothers heart.

Riza tsked before patting him on the arm. Leading him away. Her son following behind.

Ignoring the eyes that followed her. The men and women who stood to their feet ready to approach her. Selena strolled straight towards the little rooster and his flock of chickens or should she really call it the wolf and his herd of sheep?

She cleared her throat behind the group of girls to only be ignored and a woman's hair being flicked off her shoulder and smacked right into her face. The stench of perfume hitting her and itching her nose. Immediately the atmosphere turned cold. Her gaze became heated. Glaring at the women who glanced behind them to find it was none other than Selena.

Swallowing thickly. They immediately parted way. Their gaze's lowering. Trembled voices chorused in apologise. She merely ignored them and turned her gaze to Luca.

"Are you done playing around?"

The girls choked on their spit and spluttered. Shooting inconspicuous glares her way. How dare she say that we are nothing more than playthings? We are women of high class. Who cares if she was a Devereaux and Luca's best friend? We are from respectable families too.

Luca internally rolled his eyes.

"Ladies," he called their attention his way. "It has been a pleasure chatting with you all. Now I must attend to my date."

"Of course," one piped up.

"Always such a gentleman."

All the angst turned to smitten doe-eyed gazes as they fawned over him once again. Not waiting for Luca to appease his fans. Selena walked towards the dance floor. Where Luca, in his large strides, quickly met up. She grabbed his hand. Twirled herself around and began dancing with her best friend.

"Aren't you supposed to protect me from the women of this city?"

"You are too nice." She dismissed.

"I am not too nice. I was raised to be a gentleman."

"In the world of business and more importantly in this society. Nice guys get eaten up first."

Luca rolled his eyes. Long used to her character.

"To think if I hadn't agreed to be your friend. You would probably be married right now by some woman who controls your wallet and your pants. Chasing after spoiled little kids that plead daddy every time they want something."


She merely shrugged and allowed her body to be dipped by him.

"Am I wrong?" She raised an eyebrow. "To think I have already incurred the wrath of your future wife already. She is probably here. Watching us dance as her poor little teeth are becoming pointed with how hard she is grinding on them."

He sighed heavily.

"I will forever be single. A bachelor in death. No woman will be able to please you enough to get to me."

"Good thing I'll be rich enough to care for you. If you are a good boy. I might even give you your own card so you don't have to rely on pocket money."

Luca barked a dry laugh as he spun her out.

Hi all - welcome to my original little story. It was an idea that was floating around in my head for a while and then saw the Halloween Trick or Treat prompt and honestly how could i not??

Story is written and edited by me. Don't copy or post elsewhere yada yada. You guys know the deal.

Thanks for giving it a shot & don't forget to vote and review (:

leennacreators' thoughts
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