
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · Urbano
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45 Chs

Chapter 44: The Smart Woman

Night Fengwu was surprised by the woman's composure and, despite the pain in his leg, smiled and said, "Are you negotiating with me?"

Luo Yihuan slightly turned her head, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful face with perfectly sculpted features and almond-shaped eyes. Even Fengwu was momentarily captivated.

"You didn't kill me immediately. Doesn't that mean you want to negotiate?" Luo Yihuan's voice remained calm.

Fengwu chuckled, "You're a smart woman, but buying your life from the buyer won't be cheap."

Luo Yihuan replied, "If you wanted to kill me, you'd know I can afford it. How about ten times the buyer's price?"

Fengwu smiled, "In my line of work, breaking trust is the ultimate taboo."

Luo Yihuan's expression stayed composed as she continued, "So, how much is your reputation worth?"

Fengwu was intrigued by her calmness and replied, "It seems your confidence always comes from money."

Luo Yihuan countered, "My confidence isn't just about money."

Fengwu's lips curled into a smirk as he glanced down, "And that bullet in your lipstick? Believe me, it won't harm me but will only make me angrier."

Hearing the threat in his voice, Luo Yihuan frowned and put away the lipstick hidden in her hand. Indeed, she had a bullet concealed in her lipstick, but this assassin's vigilance was extraordinary. Though he hadn't been watching her closely, he still sensed her every move.

After stowing the lipstick, Luo Yihuan glanced at Lin Yu, who was still biting Fengwu's leg. She noticed a trace of blood on Fengwu's camouflage pants.

"Let Lin Yu go, and we can continue our conversation," Luo Yihuan demanded.

Fengwu snorted, "This little mad dog is quite a nuisance. She needs to take a nap."

Just as Fengwu was about to knock Lin Yu unconscious, a piercing scream erupted from the ninth carriage, followed by a pale-faced Yang Shuxi running into the tenth carriage.

"Uncle... everyone in the ninth carriage is... is dead," Yang Shuxi stammered, her lips trembling. But when she saw a woman half-kneeling on Fengwu's lap, her expression froze, then turned to one of intense embarrassment.

Fengwu turned to her and said, "I know. I killed them. Didn't I tell you there were no survivors?"

Yang Shuxi's eyes widened in shock, her body trembling uncontrollably. This handsome man was... a killer?

Now fully aware of the danger, she was too scared to run.

Feeling the trouble brewing, Fengwu quickly pressed Lin Yu's neck, causing her to slump back into her seat.

"What did you do to me?" Lin Yu asked weakly, feeling completely powerless.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine in fifteen minutes," Fengwu replied calmly. Then he turned to Yang Shuxi and sternly said, "Do you want to live?"

Yang Shuxi, tears streaming down her face, nodded frantically.

"Sit here and do exactly as I say, and I'll let you live," Fengwu pointed to the seat next to Lin Yu, his tone menacing.

Terrified, Yang Shuxi quickly complied and sat beside Lin Yu.

Luo Yihuan's expression remained serene, but she had resigned herself to her fate. She had faced many assassins over the years, but none as formidable as this man. He had effortlessly seized control of her life.

Curious, Luo Yihuan asked, "There's one thing I don't understand."

Fengwu's lips curled into a wicked smile, "Are you worried about how I'll get you off this 300 km/h train?"

Luo Yihuan didn't deny it but said, "I'm curious about your next move."

Fengwu smirked and turned to Yang Shuxi, "Call the police."

Yang Shuxi and Lin Yu were both stunned, not understanding why he would do that. But Luo Yihuan seemed to have an inkling.

"Why are you hesitating? Do you want to live or not?" Fengwu snapped when Yang Shuxi hesitated.

With a trembling hand, Yang Shuxi took out her phone and dialed the train's emergency number. When the call connected, she relayed Fengwu's message about a bomb in the ninth carriage's restroom.

Moments later, the train's PA system announced, "This is the train's chief conductor. We have an emergency situation. All passengers, please return to your seats immediately."

Fengwu cursed under his breath, realizing the announcement would alert other potential assassins on the train.

Yang Shuxi timidly asked, "If they don't find a bomb, am I guilty of making a false report?"

Fengwu, his face calm, reassured her, "They'll find it."

Luo Yihuan's eyebrows furrowed. If there really was a bomb, she was sure to die today. It seemed this was a kidnapping.

Fengwu got up and helped the three fallen bodyguards back into their seats, securing their seatbelts.

Minutes later, five train police officers entered the ninth carriage's restroom. One of them exclaimed, "There's a bomb!"

They emerged with the liquid explosive in hand.

Seeing the bomb, Luo Yihuan, Yang Shuxi, and Lin Yu realized Fengwu hadn't lied.

"So, you planted the bomb to create a diversion and make the train stop?" Luo Yihuan finally understood Fengwu's plan.

Fengwu shook his head and smiled, "You're a clever woman, but I didn't plant the bomb."

Luo Yihuan's frown deepened.

One officer examined the bomb and said, "Strange, this timer seems to have been disabled."

Luo Yihuan's thoughts grew more complex. If Fengwu didn't plant the bomb but disabled it, what was his true intention? Could there be more assassins on the train?

Fengwu turned to Yang Shuxi, "Turn off your phone."

She hesitated but complied.

Just then, an officer made a call and frowned, "The caller turned off their phone. Who defused the bomb?"

Another officer, looking cautious, suggested, "We should stop the train and have bomb experts check it thoroughly."

The officers nodded in agreement.

"That was your plan all along, wasn't it?" Luo Yihuan observed.

Fengwu's lips curled as he looked at the three women, warning, "Don't try anything foolish, or I'll have to get rough."

It was clear he was threatening them, as one of the train officers was approaching.