
03 Snapped for The First Time

October wheezed as she looked so dazed after being torridly kissed by this stranger who looked like an enchanted devil.

Never in her whole life did she see herself to be in this kind of passionate moment with someone, even more with Lexus. She was frigid in all aspects that she herself have to wonder if she's numb and broken.

She is used to analyze data, make business proposals, develop new kinds of marketing strategies, and do some forecasting for future references but have not expected to be in this kind of situation. She had everything in control with her life if you just have to turn a blind eye on her family but just one simple slip, she fell into the arms of a cunning devil.

She stared at him with flushed cheeks and hazy teary eyes. She has yet to come out from her stupor but it seems like she's still in a daze.

The Ice director is nowhere to be seen. Right now is a woman exuding with sexy hormones which stirred the inner desires of Lexus making him almost go crazy of wanting to devour her completely.

He looked at her with eyes burning with passion and mischief while holding her chin and brushing his thumb finger over her red swollen wet lips.

"You're making me go crazy." He muttered under his breath but because of how close his face was to her own, she heard it clearly enough to make her go back to reality and pushed him away.

"You..you despicable man." For the first time in her life, she snapped. Her anger rose a notch as she furiously wipe her lips making it more red and swollen from her rough action and openly glared daggers at him.

Her composure before was nowhere to be seen. He completely shattered it all. He felt satisfied with it, proud even. He shamelessly thought that only he can make this woman show this kind of emotion. That fact made him crack a smile full of arrogance yet a gaze of warmth.

Being the one receiving that warmth, October was completely taken aback and didn't know what it meant but her heart made a huge leap in her chest making her frown confusion.

"Where is my bag?" She asked, glaring at him while taking deep breaths to calm her nerves.

This is the first time that she's been harassed and humiliated to this degree. Also, her first time to make her facade shatter into tiny pieces.

"Xi." Lexus called and, immediately, her bag was presented in front of her with two hands by Assistant Yu.

"Your things, young madam." Assistant Yu respectfully bowed to her.

Lexus glanced at him but didn't feel like there was something wrong with it; he seemed satisfied. He thought that it doesn't sound so bad.

October took a step back while grabbing her bag. She looked at them warily.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself for the nth time. After a couple of deep breaths, she opened her clear calm eyes, staring at him with a dead-pan look.

"Well then, Mister Song. Now that the misunderstanding has now been cleared, I hope that we'll go back to the way it was and act like strangers. Also, please forget what happened last night and today." She slightly bowed and then tucked her hair behind her ear and turned to leave the room.

When October is on the door, she stopped to say, "I hope we won't meet again."

And just like that, she left him coldly. She has this weird foreign feeling bubbling inside her which made her so scared to know what it was. She wanted to escape and never see him again.

Assistant Yu looked at his young master still staring at the closed door and couldn't help but bitterly sighed. 'Why did I even sign into this?' He thought.

"Young master, do you want me to go after her?" Assistant Yu offered.

"No need." Lexus turned to walk into the room nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets.

Right now, he reverted back to his original cold self, as if the passionate man before was an illusion.

In there, he stopped to look around and saw that the towel was neatly folded on the bed.

His brow then rose, slowly walking toward the folded towel when something glaring caught his attention in the corner of his eye. He immediately turned to look at it and there he saw a red stain on the bed.

"Lan'er, Lan'er." October's name rolled out from his mouth with his velvet voice while his eyes glinted dangerously.

Right about now, October felt all the hair on her body to rise and wondered why she got a chill when it was not that cold in the elevator and so just dismissed it immediately.

Since the room she was in was at the top floor, she had to wait for awhile to get to the ground floor.

She stared dazedly while leaning on the wall and just unconsciously touched her lips.

"What am I thinking?" October slapped her face to wake herself up. She took a mental note to erase him from her memory. She keeps repeating this in her mind.

October looked expressionless on the outside, but there's a full-drawn chaos in her mind.

She was still in this state when there's already people entering and leaving the elevator but she didn't pay them any attention. Not even a side-way glance.

But, of course, the people who saw her in the elevator would either steal glances at her or just dumbly look at her. Especially how amorous-looking she still is right now which only made her more beautiful.

Because of this, she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when she exited the hotel and hailed a cab to go home.

October reminded herself again and again that she would avoid getting into contact with that man. She doesn't want to get involve with him for she seems to act out of the ordinary which really scared her the most. If he'll ever see him even if it's just a shadow of him, she'll definitely go the other way around and avoid him at all cost.

Well, that's what she thought because little did she know, the lion already locked it's prey and is already preparing to leisurely catch her.

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