
The Talk


out of the light comes out yup you guessed it

Morgan freeman.

Devon: Huh Morgan isn't even... never mind that's what I was looking for

Morgan began to shape shift and out came a tall old man with white hair and a long beard

God: Kid your no fun

Devon: What?

God: I was expecting some kind of reaction shock, excitement, laughter yet all you gave me was nothing

Devon: ... I'm Sorry?

God: Yes you should be... haaa any ways lets get on with this shall we

Devon: Alright talk to me

God: Well first I have to check your karmic balance before we can proceed

Devon: OK

God waves his hand and a scale magically appears in front of him as he watches the scales tip back and forth until it stops with ones side higher than the other but not by a large margin

God: Hm you've done just enough for me to grant you 5 wishes

Devon: Ohh bet! perfect

God: Do you need any time to...

Devon: Deeply sorry to cut you off god but no I have all my wishes ready

God: !!! really now (damn why can't more people be like him) tell me?

Devon: For my first wish is to have my family be prosperous in their future endeavors and businesses.

God: (To give up a wish for a family he won't see again I should have seen it coming)Done

Devon: My second wish is to be born in one piece as a Wotan {part giant, part fish-man}

God: (That's one I haven't seen in a while)Done

Devon: My third wish is to be able to eat two devil fruits

God: Why?

Devon: Because I have two specific devil fruits that I want to eat but and can't make up my mind

God: hmm... how about I fuse the fruits together and don't worry it will still be like you ate both fruits separately

Devon: Then what's the difference?

God: There is none I'm just trying to help

Devon: ...They taste that bad huh?

God: From what I have heard yes, yes they do

Devon: Then That's what I'll do thank you

God: Mmhmm

Devon: My fourth wish is to have a system with a gacha instead of the regular store

God: (Goes wide eyed ) You are asking for a gacha system?

Devon: Yea, what's the problem?

God: Nothing it's just usually people have to be forced to take something like that

Devon: Well I feel pretty lucky, my luck has to have turned around cause as soon as I got here I get to reincarnate

God: (Starts to sweat a little bit) OK next

Devon: My last wish is to be dropped in the south blue 4 years before Gol D. Rogers death

God: That can be done. Now that all is taken care of you must be on your way

Devon: OK and thanks for this opportunity

God: No Problem now go enjoy your new life. By the way you where here for 10,000 years before I remem... found you anyways good luck have fun

Devon: you wha...

and just like that Devon is on his way to another world

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