
The burnt roses

Life isn't a bed of roses,it's like a rose bush. You go through thorns to get to roses.The roses are the happy moments whereas the thorns are the painful moments. You might wanna stop, tired and scared of getting pricked but you must not. _________________ "whoisthebrowndoeeyedweirdgirl?" "what....? are you high man?" "Is there something i need to know?" _________________

rs_ · Urbano
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9 Chs

Welcome to the cold world

'Congratulations Mr.and Mrs. Robinson, a beautiful girl is born.'

Leah Robinson held the baby like a delicate flower and kissed her forehead with teary eyes.

'Ruby, Ruby Robinson... You are precious and beautiful like a ruby to me. I swear I won't let anyone touch my baby. '

At the very same moment Mathew Robinson signed the document promising something he wasn't sure he would fulfill.

____________8 years later_____________

'Why can't I go outside like other children!!' ,Ruby whined like a puppy.

'BECAUSE I SAID SO!' ,her father answered loudly making her back off with teary eyes.

'Ruby, sweetheart dad is not letting you go out only to protect you. The world isn't the pretty place you read in your fairy-tales but a dangerous place, so listen to your dad.' Her mom tried to convince her but that urge to go outside didn't fade.


Dear diary,

Dad yelled at me again. I just want to go out like Mark does. Uncle Andrew always allows him to go.

I don't understand when dad's brother allows his son to go out why doesn't dad allow me.

I want to run and jump but my mom says a beautiful princess like me should behave properly and not like a wild animal.

I just want to have fun like other kids.


Ruby <3


____________8 years later____________


Dear diary,

Everything is dull. 16 years staying here in this huge house, people would do anything to live in this mansion but I would do anything to get out.

I am allowed to go out but i can't talk to anyone or make friends. I am home schooled and attend online college.

No one except my so-called family are aware of my existence. I am born in one of the most richest family in Switzerland.

Mom was the only reason I am living for. Dad is never home. Grandpa and grandma hate me.

They only love Mark, my cousin brother because he is handsome,polite and has everything I lack. But the main is reason he is the son of a Catholic Christian woman and I am a Hindu woman's daughter.

I hate ,no I loath religious things. I do believe in God but I have lost my faith in religion.

Anyways maybe one day I would be able to live on my own terms



What do you think Ruby's father signed when she was born?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Vote if you like guys! it motivates me to write more!

rs_creators' thoughts