
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantasia
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27 Chs

Chapter 1

QuiverWing felt a strong wave of cold shivers and pain run through her body, she held her head in her claw and wrapped her tail in close to her stomach trying to get free from the pain. "Who are you?" Demaned a sharp, hostile, but yet familiar voice. She shot her head up in an instant and saw a small undead dragon, right in front of her and a large snarling dragon on the other end of the ice cave. Her amber eyes glared at her with curiosity. "What do you remember?" Her voice was a lot more friendly now.

"I'm QuiverWing but" she stopped and started thinking, she can't remember anything. "I can't..." QuiverWing tried and tried to remember but nothing.

"You can't remember anything as well" you could taste the frustration in her tone as she said that one sentence. "We, I can't remember anything but" she glanced down at the small skeleton "he can but not much".

"Where are we?" QuiverWing asked as she glanced around the cave. It looks like only one way out and is a hole in the ceiling.

" Who knows, we've were rather deep in this cave but that hole, looks like it leads into the sky" the skeleton said "by the way I'm Scorch"

"And I'm Qunidile" she added, clearly wanting to get out of the ice cave. Without question Qunidile jumped up and clawed her way up and signalled with her tail for the them to do the same. "Ummm" Scorch stared "can you lift me up as my wings don't work the way they used to" he gestured to his wings that were just bones and clearly don't fly.

"Sure thing" she agreed, lowering her head and lifting him with her horn that rest on the end of her snout. Once he was safely on her snout she leaped up to the hole and she had to squint her eyes as the sun beamed down at her. She then lowered her head to let Scorch down and then she looked at her surroundings. She was in a snowy landscape with Ice dragons that she recognised as snow leaps (softscales) and ice thangs (hardsacales). She could now see that all the dragons were staring at her, with shocked and concerned looks.

One dragon stepped forward. He was on the older side and was a snow leap " you should run before Queen Petle gets here young chameleon," his voice was soft but startled. "Why?" QuiverWing asked wondering who is Queen Petle.

"You really don't know?" He asked and studied her expression and then answered "you do know she has been executing your kind? She wants chameleon dragons to be extinc and will kill you". QuiverWing had to catch herself when she heard that, was she truly the last of her king given the expression of all the dragons faces.

Just a second later she felt the same dragon ponce on her side smaking her back into the cave. And then the sound of wings flaping towards the spot she was at.

"What was that you just smashed into the cave? You don't mind if I have a look, don't you?" That voice was very calm but demanding, a tone of blood leaked from it.

"Just a buffalo your highness" the snow leap said rather quickly.

"Really" a slow, and low pitch hiss came out of her throat. QuiverWing felt her heart pound in her chest when she heard the hiss, it sounded so mocking and screamed "I will kill you for no reason at all".

"Why would you care what he just flung into the cave?" Demaned Qunidile, and QuiverWing froze from the tone of disrespect and hospitality that came from her.

"You dare challenge me egg shell!" Shouted Queen Petle and QuiverWing could smell the smoke that rose from her nose. Qunidile just hissed "No one disrespects me like that and I don't care that your the Queen, I think you nose blind as I clearly carry the sent of an outlander"

"Them go back to your little ISLAND OF DISAPPOINTMENT!" Screeched Queen Petle. Just like that several wing beats flew in to the sky. All QuiverWing could hear is Qunidile hissing with rage and trembling claws making there way down to her.

The snow leaps snout appeared and called her to come out as it is now safe. As QuiverWing surface she could see streams of fire escaping Qunidiles nostrils. "You... alright?" QuiverWing asked in a concerned voice wondering why Queen Petle called the outlanders home an island of disappointment. "Never been better" replied Qunidile sycasticly as she then spun around and marched of with her head up high.

"You should leave her" Scorch advised. QuiverWing was just about to follow her, as she had no were else to go. "What should I do then?" QuiverWing asked as she has no idea were anything is.

"You could come with me and help me out, I do know a good place to hide if you're interested" he offered. QuiverWing saw Qunidile fly north west. Then she released what Scorch said and she felt a fended, did he really think that she was gona hide form Queen Petle?

"Well..?" Scorch was genuinely looking for an answer.

" I will help you but I'm not hiding forever" QuiverWings words sounded brave, honorable and proud.

"Of course not no one is gona hide for the rest of there lives but you should have a good hiding spot for when things get, well heated, you know" when Scorch said that QuiverWing felt a weird wisdom, as if she is reserving a prophesy from an ancient dragon that has lived for centuries and been through war and know more that she does. QuiverWing just nodded and let Scorch ride her back and flew east as he instructed.

As they were flying (well she was flying) QuiverWing noticed a sunken island: it was like a giant ring with a mountain in the middle, with the peak just out of the sea. "This place... gives me headaches" QuiverWing gasped.

"Same here, I wonder why though"

"Who knows maby a spell or something to keep dragons away" QuiverWing jokes. She kept flying east and saw a large mountain like island. "There, in that cave" Scorch pointed.

QuiverWing spun into a dive as she aimed for the cave. She released too late that she did not know how to land safely at that speed and crashed landed in it and then heard a high pitch scream of a hatchling. She shot up thinking that she landed on it but to her relief she saw that she didn't. "Mommy, mommy!" It cried and dashed to the back part of the cave. QuiverWing can see now that it was a sky slasher. "Who dare hurt my kin" growed a large female sky slasher. "My mistake QuiverWing wrong island, they do look the same" whispered Scorch and then she dashed back into the sky.

Once they were safely out of sight of the sky slasher they both laughed. "You really nose dived, didn't you?" Scorch barely hold back his laughter to speak. "Yep and I have no regrets" QuiverWing started to think, think about what exactly happened through out the day. First she wakes up from an ice burg and meets the first two dragons that she can remember, over hears a convention from the Queen and Qunidile and then splits from what she thins is a friend and then is told 'yeah the Queen wants you dead mate'.