
The Broken Sword

The worthless swordsman or the broken sword. that was what people called me. my name long since forgotten by everyone but me. despite the fact that I was one of the best swordsman that could be bought. no these unusual nicknames came from the fact that I never had so much as a copper on me. my equipment was all old and worn. some of it being repair. the most valuable thing I owned was my horse. the reason behind my poverty was simple. I never took coin as payment. only rations, repair, room and board. there was a reason I never took coin as payment, but that was my secret. a secret I never intended to let anyone find.

Angelina_Bennett · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


I knew that anyone who had stayed would be transfixed my this part of the transformation. After all this was all before the part where my body got larger. It felt like I was on fire as I raised my head slowly, but the pain stopped me from raising my head high enough to see all their faces. Just that there were still two sets of feet. I could see clearly as if it were daylight.

One had been smart enough to leave. I cried out as my spine started cracking slowly as spikes started to shoot their way through the skin of my back one by one. The sound had been halfway between human pain, and the sound of a beast. This was when my body started to grow. My arms cracked painfully as the bones rearranged themselves, and my fingers started to lengthen.

I knew that my tail was starting get quite large by now since I could now feel the weight of it. My shoes were now completely shredded by my rapidly changing feet as I tried to get them back underneath me. I would need to be on my feet soon because these two could not be allowed to leave here alive. My face changed quickly now. My mouth, and nose extending out as my face changed more into that of a beast than a man.

Scales rippled into existence across my whole body now, and I started to be able to move more freely now that the transformation was almost complete. I raised my head up, and looked down at the men before me. I now towered over both of them. I raised my left arm which was now more wing than arm, and slammed in down on the one to the men. My thumb which was now more of a claw dug deep into the flesh of his shoulder, and continued down through his ribs.