
The Broken Sword

The worthless swordsman or the broken sword. that was what people called me. my name long since forgotten by everyone but me. despite the fact that I was one of the best swordsman that could be bought. no these unusual nicknames came from the fact that I never had so much as a copper on me. my equipment was all old and worn. some of it being repair. the most valuable thing I owned was my horse. the reason behind my poverty was simple. I never took coin as payment. only rations, repair, room and board. there was a reason I never took coin as payment, but that was my secret. a secret I never intended to let anyone find.

Angelina_Bennett · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


My body hated me right now. My muscles felt as if I'd been running without stopping for days. I could feel the dirt on my skin, and that I was laying in the dirt as I slowly came back to awareness. I also felt the scratchy material of a wool blanket against my skin. I didn't put a blanket on myself. My mind started racing as my eyes cracked open.

The sun was already high in the sky, and I wasn't alone in the clearing anymore. I got moving slowly leaning myself up as the woman in front of me stared at me intently. It hurt to move so it was a painfully slow process to get me up, and leaned into the bolder behind me. I made sure the blanket was over my family jewels, and their faithful guard before focusing on the woman in front of me.

"Who are you?" It came out sounding out of breath since it was hard to bring in enough air for my far overtaxed muscles.

"First," she stood quickly, "Food."

She moved over to me, and tried to feed me bread. I stopped her, and took the bread out of her hand. My hand dropped back down into my lap with the bread, and I looked down at it. I could easily see, and count my last three ribs so I decided it was a bad idea to look down. I didn't like seeing my body in this state.

I started eating the bread slowly.

"I saw you," she sat back down on the other side of where the dire used to be.

"Naked?" I looked at her cautiously as my heartbeat picked up, "It's my fault for not wearing any clothes."

"No," she looked at me with that intense stare, "I saw you. All of it."

Time to deny, "Yeah," I raised my eyebrow at her, "I was sleeping. Naked. In a common camp area."

"No," she breathed in deep before breathing out slowly, "I saw everything. I saw you kill those men. In fact I believe there is still a small amount of blood on your face from when you bit that man nearly in half."