
Rule Nº 1

All the rules are bad but I really think that this one is foolish.

I remember when I was five years old before father remarried we were a happy family. Joy, happiness where our pass time. But it seems as if as time was going on rumor said father was unfaithful and I so mum crying everyday but she always refuse to explain why. So one day she felt sick and the doctor told us to let her rest as much as possible.

Father decided we should have a helper in plus to help us .

At the same moment there was one of Mum friends looking for a job,so mom told her about it when she agreed, Mum recommended her to Dad. And without thinking Father took her in. We instantly Liked her. She had a great smile, was respectful, and kind. that's what we thought in fact. She's called Lolly Fang.

We were pleased with her and enjoying her way of pampering us. Everything was fine until that day, the worst day of my life, the day everything fell. The day we lost our mother, the day everything was dark .

What's worst is I knew and saw mummy killed. I try to tell Dad and he's answer was just unbelievable. He said .: ‹‹ She's gone no matter what happened we can't do anything. She wasn't killed but she murdered herself. So never you talk such robish in front of me, she left and that's all ››

Aunt Lolly was around and she heard that. She pretend being touched but bro Alexander and I knew the demon she was. As Dad had nothing to do with the Truth we zipped our mouths and left the True behind us but still in our head.

Years later Father gathered all he's 6( six) children: Alexander Djan's Kevin our elder brother, the first; Junior Djan's John; Shelly Bella Rose Djan's the only girl of the family; Abraham Djan's Nicolas and the last us the twins : Nikrein Djan's Emms and I Nikrein Djan's ( the shortest name 🤭). All of us were present because we too much Loved dad. Seated conformably we saw three women entering and we recognized one '' Aunty Lolly '' what the heck was she doing here, smiling at dad, she never gave him that smile. Father went before them and said: << my loves welcome home>>

All of us were surprised especially Alex and I.

we looked at our selfs and told him in chorus with the others << What? Home? their home? How ? When? Why>> . He smiled at us and said<<We're married and meet your new siblings>>

I told that<< already replacing Mum and not just with another woman but her friend and the worst the woman who k...>> I was shut up by a slap from her. And then she said << as from today we are going to have rules and rule number one . I don't want to hear about your late mother anymore, she's banished from all your mouth and this house>> . Bro Alex and bro Junior said the are leaving for good and Dad added<< you leave the house you're no more a Djan and never you come back here no matter what>> . Then Alex turn back and looked at us while Junior went back to his room and told us<< I love you all but I can not afford leaving in the same house with the devil. Good bye all . >>

And he left. We lost him as we lost mother. Another sad day never to be forgotten.