
The Broken Autumn Promise

The Love of One , Reciprocated By Another ,And by loving one Another they can Grow and help eachothers grow ,but the Emotional Damage taken from the Verbal Abuse of many Breaks one Of them Apart and Opens a Whole of Despair.

emro · Realista
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7 Chs


The sky opens to reveal the sun, a Sun of Pure blessing and no Unholiness and when the sun Vanishes The moon rises to take its place, The Moon shines bright in the Dark Night sky, The Sky now Hiding All the Blessings of the sun and The Moon now illuminates all The Unholiness of The People of the World.

Now as I stand in front of the girl I gave my heart to, a heart of scars, a heart that's been beaten to a pulp and meshed to powdery dust, she accepts me with open arms no judgment and no Discrimination to my heart.

And from this day She was mine and I belonged to her and only her.

Raven is the girl That my heart has been Given to, My time Invested in her happiness, and Our time Invested in Each other, The colourful clothes she wears and her Purple lipstick send my heart racing and my head blank.

On the day Of our First month Anniversary, We decide to ditch school and spend the day at her house, as her parents went to work and wouldn't be home till 9:30 pm that night, we spend the day playing video games, taking long walks around the park, Running from the Dogs across the street from the convenient store where we bought Ice Cream, Under the Hot Sun and in the Blistering Heat, she would kiss my neck and ask if I was okay, always worrying about me and never looking after herself. We head back to her house and as we enter and head up the stairs leading to the second floor and her room my eyes land upon her thighs as she was wearing a skirt with only her underwear, on her Thighs were the Struggles of The person I love, all Caved into her flesh in the form of self-inflicted wounds.