

I can't breathe I start to panic when a hand covers my mouth. My life flashes before my eyes. "Calm down please"says a familiar voice. Right as I look up a car passes by illuminating the guy's face. Adam? I look at him with angry eyes and slap him, "You dumbass, I nearly had a heart attack"! He smiles apologetically and say " I'm sorry I just saw you walking and I needed to talk to you". I cross my arms trying to act all sassy, " Fine what do you want to talk about"? Adam looks at the ground and says in a firm voice, "I don't think we should see each other anymore". I stare at him for a minute then turn around and walk away. He grabs my shoulder and asks. "Aren't you going to ask why"? I shake my head and continue to walk away. Adam just stands there watching me. I would have answered with "I don't care" but I couldn't speak because my eyes were filled with tears.


I start to run home I can barely see because of my tears and it's just my luck that I bump in to someone and knock them over. "Are you okay? I'm sorry." I ask quickly. The person gets up and holds me by the collar of my shirt. "Yeah I'm fine but you aren't going to be"! He says. Great. The guy I bumped in to is a huge jock who used to go to my school but got kicked out because of me. He used to beat me up after school everyday so I just started skipping classes, eventually my dad went to the school and he got expelled. I haven't seen him since, but I know there is no point talking to him so I just give him the finger. As expected he punches me in the eye. I kick him in the gut and run away. Luckily he is to fat to get up. My tears have finally stopped so I continue heading home.


I reach my drive way but when I look over I see Adam. I get daja Vu. I duck under the bushes and crawl to my back door. I quickly unlock it and head inside. I walk in quietly just in case my dad is still home, Wich he isn't. I look at the couch and see Rachel sitting on it. She spots me but she won't tell dad I'm skipping school because she also is. I run upstairs really fast and slam my door. I sit on my bed with a blank expression and just stair at the picture. My sadness turns to anger and I tear it down making sure not to rip it. I throw the picture in my junk drawer and lock it away. What did I do? Honestly I don't know. I lo...like him a lot.