
The Bored Immortal Became a Teacher

1,000 Years Ago... The Earth was shaken and evolved into a much more dangerous Place. The Earth got larger by twice its size, but the Portals suddenly appeared in front of the Human Being that reduced their Population to 40% left, but hope was almost lost. They have been granted one more time to survive, a System was brought to everyone that they can use to evolve and get stronger. A Hero suddenly came upon them that slaughtered all of the Monsters that came out of the Portal. She was then given the title, "The Primordial Goddess of Death". She was given that title as no one knew her face or name, the only thing that they remember about her is her Dazzling Black hair that was dancing through the wind as she kills all the monsters, while her Scythe was dripping with Blood. 1,000 years have passed since, and new Heroes were born because of the Prestigious School that helps students to become Aspiring Hero just like "The Primordial Goddess of Death". "Ahhh... I'm bored as hell, should I go into one of my Academies and be a teacher?" A.N Sorry for the inconvenience, I might actually add Romance to the story, but that would probably in the middle part of the Story. Cover Art is not mine, if the artist want me to remove it he/she can message me.

TOYAPUS · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
154 Chs

Finishing two Test within an Hour


[Pick out a test from below before starting.] Her system once brought a new System tab in front of her.

Physical Test:

Magic Test:

"I chose the Physical Test. Swords of course." Mio said confidently, she has already planned to only use 50% of her real capabilities as she didn't want to attract any attention. Another reason is that she already saw how eager Alice is to see her abilities in Swords, maybe seeing her 1st Tier Swordswoman caught her attention.


[The challenger must complete all of the given tasks below. The challenger must at least have an 80% score to pass. Good Luck!]

D - Master all of the Given Weapons. 0/50.

C - Study, and perform the Given Sword Skill. 0%/100% Completion.

B - Cut a whole mountain in half in one move. (Must be purely physical, and no magic.)

A - Use the Sword Intent to defeat all of the Enemy.

S - Activate a Sword Domain. (Must have at least 100 miles of range.)

SS - Do the legendary Move, One Finger Slash.

SSS - Use the Sword Domain to kill all Enemies 0/1,000,000.

The automated System's voice rang into Mio's head. Hearing this Mio then smirked before saying arrogantly.

"I don't need your Good Luck. This test is very simple anyways." Mio then cracks her head and starts with the first test, which was mastering all 50 types of Swords that were laid out in front of Mio.

Mio starts with the Halberd, once Mio lifts the Halberd. The weapon seemed to glow for a second before it disappeared. Mio then turned around to only see a bunch of Training Dummies that were placed for her to practice in.

The Training Dummies that were placed had some targets in them that Mio assumed she would need to hit at a distance she assumed since a line also appeared in front of her. Not only that, there was one Training Dummy that was holding the same Halberd as Mio, she already knew that once she destroyed the targets by only using Halberd Techniques, she would have to fight the Dummy.

And since this Test would take a long time, the room was specially made with Magic so that one day here is only equivalent to one hour in the outside world.


[The first weapon completed, Congratulations! 1/50 Progress.]

Alice had already assumed that this test would last for a few days, but she was already ready for it. But what she didn't expect to happen is that Mio only took 1 hour to finish every Weapon, approximately 1 minute for each Weapon.

"What the fuck?" Alice curses in shock as she witnessed Mio perfecting the D Test. Even the best 1st Tier Swordsman takes a day to finish the first test, but for her, she only took one hour to finish all of it, and now she is attempting the C Test which was Mastering the Given Sword Skill.

When Mio finished the D Test, she saw the Sword Skill appear in her System Inventory.

"Asura's Nightmare: Divine Judgement Slash." Mio read the Skill out loud. But as she was reading the skill, she also swung the Halberd, and soon after a ray of light appeared and destroyed everything in its path.

"How in the fuck did she use that Sword Skill? It was meant for Swords but she easily used it with a Halberd. She is not normal." Alice said in shock as she looked at Mio in another light, at first she had only thought that Mio would be smart but bad at Fighting, but it looks like she is wrong.

"What? Haven't you seen a person use a Certain Skill for another Weapon?" Mio looked at the dumbfounded Alice and asked her nonchalantly.